Faculty News

Professor Robert Seamans discusses the Trump administration's plans to fund AI research and development

Associated Press logo
Excerpt from the Associated Press -- "'It’s been a huge missed opportunity up until this point,' said Robert Seamans, a White House economist during the Obama administration who now teaches at the NYU Stern School of Business."
Research Center Events

Creative Destruction Lab-New York City at TechDay

Creative Destruction Lab-New York City logo
On Thursday, May 10, join representatives from NYU Stern’s Creative Destruction Lab-New York City at TechDay, the largest startup event in the US. 
School News

NYU Stern’s Eighth Annual Faculty Excellence Dinner

NYU Stern faculty and guests gathered on to celebrate the School’s community of scholars and to recognize excellence in research and scholarship, excellence in teaching, excellence in mentorship, excellence in influence and excellence in innovation on May 9.
Faculty News

Professor Jeffrey Wurgler's joint research on the impact of investor sentiment is featured

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Excerpt from ETF.com -- "Over roughly the last decade, researchers have explored investor sentiment’s impact on markets. Malcolm Baker and Jeffrey Wurgler have even constructed an investor sentiment index based on six metrics: trading volume as measured by NYSE turnover; the dividend premium (the difference between the average market-to-book ratio of dividend-payers and non-payers); the closed-end fund discount; number of IPOs; first-day returns on IPOs; and the equity share in new issues."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan is interviewed for a feature story on whether Airbnb has impacted New York City rents

Fast Company logo
Excerpt from Fast Company -- "'You’ll find that only a very small fraction of current Airbnb listings could potentially be units that have been taken off the market,' says Arun Sundararajan, professor at NYU’s Stern Business School and one of the researchers on the study. 'They’re not going to take over large swaths of long-term housing because there’s just not enough demand for that.'"
Faculty News

Professor Pankaj Ghemawat's new book, "The New Global Roadmap," is reviewed

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Excerpt from Eurasia Review -- "Tackling these timely 'nonmarket issues' and more, this book is structured in two parts. Part One maps globalization to explain what is — and what isn’t — changing, with some numbers and maps to illustrate. Part Two offers strategies for managing globalization — including how to compete, where to compete, how to connect and the aforementioned nonmarket issues — i.e., 'anger and its management.'"
Faculty News

Professor David Yermack's research on the financial impact of Michelle Obama's fashion choices is referenced in a feature story on Meghan Markle

BBC News logo
Excerpt from BBC -- "'Obama mixes couture with items anyone can buy at a mall - she famously wore J Crew gloves while holding the Lincoln Bible at the Inauguration. Consumers flock to the stores, and even if they don't buy what she wears, they often leave with something else,' [Yermack] wrote."
Press Releases

Sallie Krawcheck, CEO and Co-Founder of Ellevest and Chair of Ellevate Network, to Keynote NYU Stern School of Business 2018 Graduate Convocation

Sallie Krawcheck
Sallie Krawcheck, CEO and Co-Founder of Ellevest and Chair of Ellevate Network, to Keynote NYU Stern School of Business 2018 Graduate Convocation.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: FinTech For Executives: Understanding and Managing Innovation in Financial Technology

 Taught by industry and academic leaders David Yermack and Kathleen DeRose, this course equips participants with an understanding of key FinTech concepts, strategies and implications.
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides explains why a merger of T-Mobile and Sprint would not benefit consumers

Los Angeles Times logo
Excerpt from the Los Angeles Times -- "Nicholas Economides, an economist at New York University, said that for a market to be considered truly competitive, it should have at least 10 players. 'In the case of the wireless market," he said, "we're already talking about an oligopoly. So a merger would just make an even more concentrated oligopoly.' Going from four to three players, Economides said, 'makes it extremely likely prices will be higher.'"
Faculty News

Professor Amy Webb's remarks at The Wall Street Journal's Future of Everything Festival are highlighted

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Nine tech companies, including Alphabet Inc. and Tencent Holdings Ltd. , are largely deciding the direction of artificial-intelligence research and implementation, said Amy Webb, founder of the Future Today Institute. 'There’s no switch, and nobody is in charge,' Ms. Webb said."
Faculty News

Professor Robert Salomon is interviewed about Nestle's partnership with Starbucks

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "The first thing that they get out of this is a cool 7 billion dollars...The ability to reach markets that they otherwise would not be able to distribute to and market in."
School News

In a co-authored op-ed, PhD candidate Steven Dallas shares insights from his research on calorie labeling and consumer food choices

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Excerpt from STAT -- "Our research, which is forthcoming in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, suggests that we should not dismiss calorie labeling just yet, and that a trivially simple intervention can considerably increase the impact of calorie labels on consumers’ food orders."
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Business Analytics for Executives: Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset

This program is designed to help executives leverage analytics to improve their decision-making skills across their organization. Through a combination of discussion, simulation and experiential exercises, participants will develop a clear understanding of what decisions analytics can help them make, and the best way to transform analytics insights into strategies.
School News

Stern's location, robust alumni network and strengths in finance as well as technology are highlighted in an MBA career trend story; Assistant Dean of Career Services Beth Briggs is quoted

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "A thorough understanding of the digital world is essential for those going into finance, she adds. Banks are interested in building new strategies based around machine learning and other technological breakthroughs. 'The skills they want are digital, such as data analytics and AI,' Ms Briggs says. One of the reasons the banking sector continues to accept a large proportion of Stern graduates is that the school can provide connections with alumni working in the sector. 'We have very deep relationships,' Ms Briggs says."
School News

Stern's location, robust alumni network and strengths in finance as well as technology are highlighted in an MBA career trend story; Assistant Dean of Career Services Beth Briggs is quoted

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "A thorough understanding of the digital world is essential for those going into finance, she adds. Banks are interested in building new strategies based around machine learning and other technological breakthroughs. 'The skills they want are digital, such as data analytics and AI,' Ms Briggs says. One of the reasons the banking sector continues to accept a large proportion of Stern graduates is that the school can provide connections with alumni working in the sector. 'We have very deep relationships,' Ms Briggs says."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran comments on early-stage companies using nontraditional metrics to determine their prospective profitability

Barron's logo
Excerpt from Barron's -- "...in the case of companies like WeWork, which is privately held, he thinks the problem isn’t the metrics but the fact that the company is issuing bonds in the first place. 'You should never be buying bonds in a start-up,' Damodaran says."
Faculty News

Professor Robert Engle discusses how increased tariffs would impact global trade

CBC logo
Excerpt from CBC -- "Engle said much of the world economy is dependent on open access to world markets. 'If we start putting on tariffs, all these business arrangements are going to be disrupted,' he said. 'I think there is a big concern by the financial sector and the real economy that this would be very costly for everybody.'"
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White shares his views on the recent jobs report

Knowledge at Wharton logo
Excerpt from Knowledge @ Wharton on Sirius XM -- "I see it as a very favorable strong report. Adding 164,000 jobs, that ain't chopped liver as my grandmother might have said, and the unemployment rate down to 3.9 percent...[the] lowest in almost 20 years, since the year 2000. The one puzzling thing is that the labor force participation rate went down. We would have expected with tighter labor markets for that participation rate to go up as employers reach deeper into the pool of the not-in-the-labor-force and try to train or accommodate or find employees in that labor group."
School News

NYU Stern Students Win First Place in The Aspen Institute’s 2018 Business & Society International MBA Case Competition

A team of MBA students from the NYU Stern School of Business took top place in The Aspen Institute’s 2018 Business & Society International MBA Case Competition. The Stern team, including Christopher Blackett (MBA/MPA ’19), Yen Chiang (MBA ’19), Rebecca Haverson (MBA ’19) and Sophia Valner (MBA/MPA ’20), placed first out of a total of five finalist teams.
Research Center Events

NYU Teams Win a Combined $400K in the Stern School’s Entrepreneurs Challenge and Mission: Appossible Mobile App Contest

300K Entrepreneurs Challenge 2018 winner
At the conclusion of an eight-month competition, NYU’s most promising innovators received a combined $300,000 in startup cash and valued services at the annual $300K Entrepreneurs Challenge, held by NYU Stern’s W. R. Berkley Innovation Labs. The four winning teams were chosen after pitching their ideas and enduring Q&A by judges from venture capital, technology and design, and social enterprise sectors.
Faculty News

Professor Alixandra Barasch is interviewed about her joint research on how taking photos impacts experiences

Excerpt from PsychCentral -- "'I don’t say photo taking is bad or good because it depends on your goal,' says Barasch. 'If your goal is to focus on the visual, photography does a lot to draw you in. But if you are taking photos for other goals, you may be missing out on cues in your environment.'"
Faculty News

Professor Russell Winer is interviewed about how the NRA uses its TV network to garner support

Dallas News logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from Dallas News -- "There are two persistent themes repeated on NRA TV that are classic marketing tactics — fear and patriotism, Winer said. Those are powerful signals to people who are already disposed to watching NRA TV. 'Obviously, not everybody feels, even among gun owners, that if you take away, say, AR-15s, there's going to be a slippery slope to killing the Second Amendment,' Winer said. 'But if you hammer it home relentlessly, you might have an impact on that group.'"
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan is interviewed about how a new California court ruling may impact workers and platforms in the sharing economy

WIRED logo
Excerpt from WIRED -- "New York University Stern School of Business professor Arun Sundararajan says the gig economy will survive, but prices will be higher, at least in California, and push companies to adopt more automation. 'It doesn't threaten the long-term viability of businesses as a whole, but I think it will shrink their market in the short term because it will decrease sales,' Sundararajan says."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway discusses Apple's earnings and strengths as a brand

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "This is an incredible brand. It's a luxury brand that pulled the ultimate gangster move that created more shareholder value than any other business move. And that was the crazy irrational decision to reallocate money out of advertising and open stores."
