Faculty News

Professor Tensie Whelan's nomination as an independent director to Aston Martin's board as part of the company's preparation for its IPO is highlighted

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "As well as Mrs Hughes, Aston also named former InterContinental Hotels chief executive Richard Solomons, and former Sainsbury’s executive Imelda Walsh to its board, along with former Deutsche Bank and Deloitte director Peter Espenhahn, director of the Arab British Chambers of Commerce Lord Matthew Carrington, and Professor Tensie Whelan from the New York University Stern Center for Sustainable Business."
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor Jonathan Haidt shares his views on how the perception of freedom of expression has shifted in the US, from his new book, "The Coddling of the American Mind"

CNN logo
Excerpt from CNN -- (1:21) "What began happening in 2014, 2015, is that professors and students who would say something, somebody would react to one word and there would be protests and there would be demands that the person be punished or fired and it took everyone by surprise. It seemed very strange. That's what we are seeing now, the new generation of students -- these are not millennials, these are the kids born after 1995. They have been raised in a very protected way, they are very sensitive to the power of words but there is this huge clash on campus now that is making it very difficult for example, to teach a class. You speak for an hour and if one person is offended by one word, they can report you."
Faculty News

In a Q&A profile, Professor Melissa Schilling discusses the behavior of Elon Musk and other serial breakthrough innovators, from her book, "Quirky"

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "When you study these serial breakthrough innovators, you'll discover that a lot of them are what in management we would call 'low self-monitors,' meaning they don't monitor their persona or the way they present themselves very carefully. This is actually relevant to their ability to generate unusual ideas and to persist in the face of criticism. A person who cares a lot what people think of them is a person that’s going to make concessions when people disagree with their ideas."
Faculty News

Professor Sabrina Howell explains the impact private equity investment in for-profit colleges has on student outcomes, from her recent joint research

MarketWatch logo
Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "'Private equity-owned schools are better at capturing government aid and that is coming at the expense of student outcomes, said Sabrina Howell, a finance professor at NYU Stern and one of the authors of the study."
Faculty News

Professor Kim Schoenholtz explains how US policymakers are still incentivizing home ownership to a dangerous degree, in a story about the 10th anniversary of the financial crisis

Los Angeles Times logo
Excerpt from the Los Angeles Times -- "'We’re encouraging people to adopt very risky financial behavior — to acquire an illiquid, undiversified asset and to borrow heavily against it,' [Schoenholtz] said."
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter explains the impact that a person's name can have on his or her success in life, drawing from his research

CBS News logo
Excerpt from CBS -- "We know that we pay a lot of attention to our names. There's an effect known as the cocktail party effect. And it's this idea that if you're at a cocktail party, there could be 100 people in a room. You could be at one corner of the room. There's a lot of noise. But if someone at the other corner of the room says your first name, you will hear it."
Faculty News

Professor Baruch Lev's views on the decreasing relevance of traditional financial reporting are featured, from his co-authored book, "The End of Accounting"

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "'Every aspect of the financial report is adversely affected by this dated, industrial-age treatment of intangible capital,' Prof. Lev argued in his 2016 book, 'The End of Accounting and the Path Forward for Investors and Managers,' co-written with Feng Gu, a professor of accounting and law at the University at Buffalo"
Faculty News

Professor Vasant Dhar is quoted in a feature story on AI-powered hedge funds

Bloomberg Quint logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg Quint -- "'Just because you have special tech and AI doesn’t mean you’re off to the races,' said Vasant Dhar, a professor at New York University who has run an AI-powered hedge fund for about a decade. 'This tech is interesting but fraught with all kinds of risks.'"
Faculty News

Professor Nouriel Roubini is interviewed about the rise of populism in Italy at the “Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy” forum

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'This new government promised the moon, but when the spread rose to about 300 they panicked,' Nouriel Roubini, chief economist at Roubini Global Economics, said at the conference in Cernobbio. 'On the one side they promised a lot and have to deliver, on the other there is the deficit constraint.'"
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White shares insights on the labor market, unemployment and wages

Knowledge at Wharton logo
Excerpt from Knowledge@Wharton -- "...The issue of the puzzle that wages weren't increasing even though the economy was strong, unemployment rate was low, we weren't seeing wages increasing was a continuing puzzle. [It's] still not clear why that was so six months ago, a year ago, two years ago, but it is clear now that the ... labor market is having some consequence for wages. However, it's important to remember that inflation is kicking up a little bit as well..."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway's views on the impact of Nike's "Just Do It" campaign are referenced

Fast Company logo
Excerpt from Fast Company -- "After an initial drop, Nike’s stock is on working its way back up. The emotional, knee-jerk reactions of many will subside, and overall the brand will be stronger for being on the right side of history. Besides, as NYU marketing professor Scott Galloway tweeted yesterday, the American market is less than half of the company’s overall revenues."
Faculty News

Senior Research Scholar Shlomo Angel's work on urban expansion is referenced

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "The Atlas of Urban Expansion, a project run by Shlomo Angel of New York University, has good data on Cairo, Dhaka, Lagos, Manila and São Paulo. All are at least twice as densely populated as Paris. Dhaka, with an overall density of 552 people per hectare in its built-up area, is ten times as crowded as Paris."
School News

Center for Business and Human Rights deputy director Paul Barrett discusses how some tech workers have taken a stand against their companies' leadership

NBC News online logo
Excerpt from NBC News -- "'To a much greater degree than outside Silicon Valley, the employees of these companies have a sense of purpose and idealism,' said Paul Barrett, deputy director of the Center for Business and Human Rights at New York University."
Faculty News

Professor Harry Chernoff highlights key factors prospective homebuyers should consider

WalletHub logo
Excerpt from WalletHub -- "I advise potential homeowners (including private houses, condos, and coops) to follow three rules. Buying now is a good idea if: 1. You will love living there, 2. You can afford it, 3.You have no short-term (<5 years) constraints that would force you to move and sell."
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose explains the power Amazon’s brand provides for entrepreneurs accepted into the Delivery Service Partners program

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'Associating yourself with the Amazon brand, even if you are one of several hundred delivery companies, is extremely powerful,' Ghose explains. If you start your own low-cost small business on your own, 'then, it's just your brand. And it's going to take forever for anybody to establish their own brand. I think that, for me, is the biggest difference.'"
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides comments on competition and service in the telecommunications industry

AZCentral logo
Excerpt from AZCentral -- "'In most parts of the country, there are only one or two providers,' Economides, the NYU economist, said. 'That's very little competition actually, and that's one of the reasons why prices are high. If you only have two companies, and you're dissatisfied with one, you have to go to the other. You might be dissatisfied with both.'"
Research Center Events

Economic Outlook Forum

NYU flags outside of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
The NYU Stern Center for Global Economy and Business will host the Economic Outlook Forum on September 6, 2018.
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter explains why data from fitness trackers is valuable to marketers

Excerpt from Popular Science -- "In his own research, for example, Alter has shown we’re more likely to run a marathon when our age ends in a nine—29, 39, 49—because the dawn of a new decade prompts people to seek meaning. 'With that knowledge you might advise running shoe companies to advertise to people who are approaching a new decade, or people, more broadly, who might be experiencing life transitions,' Alter writes."
School News

Research from the Securities Enforcement Empirical Database (SEED) on SEC settlements with public companies, jointly created by the NYU Pollack Center for Law & Business, is featured

Law360 Logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from Law360 -- "A study released in May detailing findings by Cornerstone Research and the New York University Pollack Center for Law & Business showed..."
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor Scott Galloway discusses regulation and the future of tech companies

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "...From a shareholder perspective I think they continue to do well, from a citizenry or welding of the commonwealth, I think they continue to do substantial damage..."
Faculty News

Professor Allen Adamson comments on Nike's decision to feature Colin Kaepernick in its new "Just Do It" campaign

Digiday logo
Excerpt from Digiday -- "Allen Adamson, assistant professor of brand strategy at New York University and co-founder of consultancy Metaforce.co, said Nike knows it cannot appeal to everybody. Otherwise, it would come off as inauthentic or unclear of its direction, a common problem with companies when they try to pursue purpose-driven marketing. 'The marketplace is so fractured and polarized today that if you try to keep everyone happy all the time, you will become invisible,' he said."
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White weighs in on the impact new interest rate legislation will have on fintech firms

InsideSources logo
Excerpt from InsideSources -- "'This is a larger issue in at least two dimensions: first, the fintech companies have been trying now for at least two or three years to get charters from the controller of the currency,' Lawrence White, professor of economics at New York University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business, told InsideSources. 'The fintech companies have wanted a similar kind of national charter because they are obviously going to be headquartered someplace, but especially for fintech companies nowadays, scale is everything.'"
Faculty News

Professor Dolly Chugh's new book, "The Person You Mean to Be," is featured as one of six books to help you succeed at work

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "Finally: a lively, evidence-based book about how to battle biases, champion diversity and inclusion, and advocate for those who lack power and privilege. An unusually thoughtful psychologist makes a convincing case that being an ally isn’t about being a good person—it’s about constantly striving to be a better person."
School News

David Segall, Policy Associate at Stern's Center for Business and Human Rights, is quoted in a story about Qatar's efforts to improve safety for workers ahead of the 2022 World Cup

Asia times logo
Excerpt from Asia Times -- "'The agreement between the ILO and government of Qatar will be judged by whether concrete steps are adopted that tackle core issues like recruitment fees,' said David Segall, a research scholar at the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights. 'It, however, demonstrates the government’s willingness to address some of the challenges workers face in Qatar,' he said."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran discusses the implications of Amazon's brand equity in light of the company's recent $1 trillion valuation

USA Today logo
Excerpt from USA Today -- "Nobody’s ever complained that Amazon’s giving them too good a deal, said Aswath Damodaran, a professor of finance at New York University's Stern School of Business. 'If you were a candidate and you said you were going to force Amazon to stop offering Prime below cost, you’d lose the election,' he said."
