Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway on the relationship between online and in-store shopping

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "'Consumers are basically browsing and decision-making has moved online,' said Scott Galloway, a professor who teaches marketing and branding at New York University’s Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides shares his thoughts on a resolution to the Greek crisis

Al Jazeera logo
Excerpt from Al Jazeera -- "The way out is for Greeks, who are overwhelmingly pro-Euro, to vote 'yes' and then have a renegotiation, hopefully with a different government in charge in Greece, with the creditors, and have a reasonable solution. Greece is not a crazy place. It's not a very poor place... Greece is not a third world country. Greece is in the center of Europe and can easily remain in the center of Europe with a 'yes' vote."
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides on the economic contagion that may result from a Greek "no" vote

CNN logo
Excerpt from CNN -- "The problems of Greece is that if it goes to Grexit, it's going to be a total disaster mode... It's the most irresponsible government I've seen in Greece in decades. There is no concern about contagion in other countries; the problem is that Greece cannot even deal with its own problems... The full drama, the disaster is going to be in Greece and not the rest of the European Union."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, NYU Global Research Professor Ian Bremmer discusses the potential financial consequences of failed debt talks in Greece

Linkedin logo
Excerpt from LinkedIn -- "Since January 2015, 59 Greek businesses have closed down each day on average. Banks have hemorrhaged cash; since mid-December 2014, when elections were announced, more than €40 billion has been withdrawn by depositors. That includes more than €5 billion last week alone, and that was before Tsipras’ surprise announcement of a referendum announcement and subsequent capital controls. The true cost of shutting down Greek banks for a week are still too difficult to calculate, but it’s safe to assume it will cost Greece at least hundreds of millions of euros in lost economic activity."
School News

MBA student Victoria Michelotti shares lessons learned from General Joseph McNeil's talk at Stern

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "For those of us who attended the talk, this was a rare opportunity to hear from a leader outside the realm of corporate America. The principles of leadership espoused by General McNeil were unique from those typically learned in business schools. At Stern, our course covered the requisite topics of teamwork, power and politics, and conflict management, but it ended with McNeil encouraging us to spark revolutions and change lives."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Nouriel Roubini explains why many emerging markets can withstand US interest rate hikes

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "Above all, most emerging markets are financially more sound today than they were a decade or two ago, when financial fragilities led to currency, banking, and sovereign-debt crises. Most now have flexible exchange rates, which leave them less vulnerable to a disruptive collapse of currency pegs, as well as ample reserves to shield them against a run on their currencies, government debt, and bank deposits. Most also have a relatively smaller share of dollar debt relative to local-currency debt than they did a decade ago, which will limit the increase in their debt burden when the currency depreciates. Their financial systems are typically more sound as well, with more capital and liquidity than when they experienced banking crises. And, with a few exceptions, most do not suffer from solvency problems; although private and public debts have been rising rapidly in recent years, they have done so from relatively low levels."
Faculty News

In a co-authored op-ed, Professor Nicholas Economides urges Greece to sign a debt agreement

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "The multi-month negotiation between Greece and the Europeans has not yet reached an agreement. The long negotiation has created unprecedented and unnecessary uncertainty that has brought the Greek economy to a standstill. Without an agreement, Greece will default in July within the euro or outside of the euro ('Grexit')."
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides outlines the steps that Greece must take to spur economic growth

CNN logo
Excerpt from CNN -- "No country ever pays back its debt - the United States doesn't, Britain doesn't, nobody does. What they do is service it - they pay the interest on it. And Greece is extremely likely to have most of its debt held by the European partners and by the stability mechanism; that debt right now has an interest rate of about 1.8%. So though it [the debt] is huge, it has a very small servicing cost and Greece can in fact service it. The crucial question for Greece is to get out of this cycle of asking for money, to reform its economy, to do well, to grow, and be able to pay the debt. I don't think there will be any problem whatsoever paying the money forever for this debt if Greece grows. So the crucial thing we should aim for in any agreement is how do we get the Greek economy to perform better, to be more competitive, to be in better shape compared to the rest of the world and be able to grow. Once we do that, once we get there, Greece will do great."
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides reacts to Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras's referendum on Greece's negotiations

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'The probability of Greece leaving the euro, sadly, has only increased with this decision,' said Nicholas Economides, Professor at the Stern School of Business at New York University, in a phone interview."
School News

Associate Dean Roxanne Hori on the strong recruiting efforts among financial sector companies

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "'Banks have come back,' says Roxanne Hori, associate dean for corporate relations and career services at NYU Stern. 'The M&A marketplace is healthy and the start-up community is healthy, so there are lots of IPOs.' "
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professors Charles Murphy and Roy Smith share advice for young financial analysts

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "We have some advice that might help young analysts get through the initial two years: first, relax a little. Remember that the training is all about establishing a reputation for being professionally reliable, which means getting the work done accurately and on time ... Second, learn to handle chaos and disorder. ... Third, a tough training environment is going to have to be endured before you can really judge whether or not the work (and the career) is what you want." 
School News

Assistant Dean Isser Gallogly shares insights on Stern's MBA programs and the admissions process

mbaMission logo
Excerpt from mbaMission -- "'First and foremost, I think people regard us as one of the elite business schools with our reputation as an exceptional academic institution. I think the second point, and it’s in our name, of course, is New York—and not just that we’re in New York, a capital of world business, but how we leverage the city as an extension of our classroom. I think the fact that people gain incredible access to experts in industry coming into our classrooms, in addition to real-world learning taking place outside of the classroom, in the business community directly—these benefits are huge advantages.And the third is our diversity of offerings. No matter what industry or function, we occupy that space, and just like the diversity of the city itself, the way we approach business and management is very diverse.'"
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides discusses the looming referendum in Greece

CNN logo
Excerpt from CNN -- "Unfortunately, the Greek government made such a crazy decision yesterday...it gambled with the whole future of Greece and let the decision be at the hands of the ECB and the Eurogroup. This, in my opinion was a totally irresponsible move. There was an opportunity to make a deal... Instead we're going through this crazy adventure of a referendum and the last referendum that happened in Greece was 40 years ago... it's very strange for the Greek system."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan on the ridesharing service HopSkipDrive

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "'It’s absolutely critical that they don’t sacrifice safety over speed of growth,' [Sundararajan] said, adding that a major car accident involving a HopSkipDrive vehicle, or an untrustworthy driver in the company’s ranks, could be catastrophic for the business. Creating a plan for such an event, the way some companies set up product-recall plans, would be wise, he said."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan explains the appeal of the sharing economy to millennials who seek a car-free lifestyle

Los Angeles Times logo
Excerpt from the Los Angeles Times -- "'People below the age of 30 are much more likely to identify with their mobile and computing devices than the cars,' said Arun Sundararajan, a professor of information, operations and management sciences at New York University. 'Autos just aren't the identity-making purchase that they once were.'"
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter discusses the placebo effect

Refinery 29 logo
Excerpt from Refinery29 -- "'Placebos work precisely because you expect them to have a particular effect,' Dr. Alter explains. 'There can’t be a placebo effect unless someone — or the text on a product label — suggests that it should have a certain effect on you.'"
Research Center Events

NYU Stern Hosts 1st Annual Business Analytics Symposium

JP Eggers
More than 100 faculty and alumni from NYU Stern’s Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) program, as well as practitioners, gathered for the School’s First Annual Business Analytics Symposium to share insights into current issues in the field.
School News

Assistant Dean Isser Gallogly highlights features of Stern's new Advanced Professional Certificate (APC) program

Clear Admit logo
Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "'One common theme we continue to hear with growing intensity from our prospective students, particularly millennials, is the importance of time—how can I learn what I need to know as quickly as possible to excel in my current position or to be competitive for new functions?' says NYU Stern Assistant Dean of MBA Admissions Isser Gallogly. 'The [Advanced Professional Certificate] APCs provide students with specific area knowledge fast—and they are offered on weeknights and Saturdays, making them accessible to working professionals,' he adds."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran's measurement of the stock market is highlighted

The Gobe and Mail logo
Excerpt from The Globe and Mail -- "Aswath Damodaran, a professor of finance at New York University, likes to gauge the market by keeping tabs on the so-called equity risk premium, which he says is 'the one number that best sums up investors’ hopes, fears and expectations.' In more precise terms, the equity-risk premium is the expected extra return that investors demand over and above what they could get on safe government bonds before they will agree to buy stocks. Prof. Damodaran’s estimate of the premium at the start of June was 5.74 per cent, far higher than the norm of 4.07 per cent during the past half century."
School News

Shanise Anderson (MBA '15) is named to the Poets & Quants "Best Executive MBAs" list

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "...in January, 2014, after my first semester at NYU Stern, I was promoted from Associate Director to Director, U.S. Marketing Region, for Revlon, which significantly increased my account responsibilities. While I had already been on a high performance track, it was furthering my education at Stern, with a double specialization in Marketing and Leadership, which provided even more evidence to management that I would continue to go the extra mile to achieve any goal and that I was hungry to learn and do more."
Faculty News

Professor Thomaï Serdari on Louis Vuitton's new behind-the-scenes videos

Luxury Daily logo
Excerpt from Luxury Daily -- "'Having shifted away from mere marketing of products, most luxury brands have redirected their focus on marketing experiences,' said Thomaï Serdari, Ph.D., founder of PIQLuxury and adjunct professor of luxury marketing at New York University, New York. 'The best way to do that digitally is to create a 360-degree overview of the brand that highlights the processes of production, the people involved, the various stages outlined in bringing a concept to life and to the hands of the consumer and finally, the context within which it all takes place,' she said."
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt's research on leadership is cited

The Atlantic logo
Excerpt from The Atlantic -- "And an interesting study shows that when leaders are fair to the members of their team, the team members display more citizenship behavior and are more productive, both individually and as a team. Jonathan Haidt at New York University Stern School of Business shows in his research that when leaders are self-sacrificing, their employees experience being moved and inspired."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, NYU Global Research Professor Ian Bremmer examines the responses from presidential candidates to questions about the display of the confederate flag in South Carolina

TIME logo
Excerpt from TIME -- "[The presidential candidates] should have long ago ignored what the polls were saying and told us directly whether they believed the flag should continue to fly and why. Now they’ll never have to, claiming they were vindicated in allowing the state of South Carolina to make the “right” decision for themselves. These candidates should have acknowledged outright that the Confederate flag is a clear symbol of racism and hatred, the same type of racism that claimed the lives of those 9 people in the church."
Faculty News

Professor Karen Brenner on the social responsibilities of businesses

Nightly Business Report logo
Excerpt from NBR -- "Society gives [corporations] a license to operate by making certain concessions and accommodations to businesses. And they employ large numbers of people, affect large numbers of communities all across the globe. So, they are a part of civil society, and how they go about doing their business, how they create goods and services and how they market those services have a huge impact on society. So, it's not at all surprising that in the wake of this tragedy, the politicians have rallied very swiftly and the retailers have rallied to make changes that probably should have been made quite a long time ago."
