Faculty News

Prof. Joseph Porac on the shrinking tenure of CEOs

The Daily Beast logo
Excerpt from The Daily Beast -- "According to Joseph Porac, George Daly Professor in business leadership at New York University’s Stern School of Business, superstar CEOs—executives who have amassed reputations, awards, and piles of press clippings—are on the shortest leashes. Over the course of their careers, about 15 percent of CEOs will be fired or pushed out."
Faculty News

Jared Cohen, Eric Schmidt and Prof. Nouriel Roubini discussed internet privacy at Stern

Fast Company logo
Excerpt from Fast Company -- "'This lack of a delete button on the Internet is in fact a significant issue,' Schmidt said. 'There are times when erasure [of data] is the right thing...and there are times when it is inappropriate. How do we decide? We have to have that debate now.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran's research on equity risk premiums is cited

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "In Equity Risk Premiums (ERP): Determinants, Estimation and Implications–The 2013 Edition, Aswath Damodaran, professor of finance at New York University, found that ERPs varied widely in short periods. In fact, implied ERPs ranged from 4.2% to a high value of 8% between September and late November 2008."
School News

Jared Cohen, Eric Schmidt and Prof. Nouriel Roubini discussed "The New Digital Age" at Stern

Excerpt from CNET -- "Cohen said that in the future, an ecosystem will evolve around protecting and monitoring people's online images. Meanwhile, Schmidt said that even with the proliferation of wearable devices, people will still have privacy. Each country will make a decision about how to address the issue, he said, and each nation's policy will be different. "
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan on digital content and copyright protections

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "As content has gone digital, Sundararajan said, content creators and publishers have changed the rules, which used to be guided by copyright law. Now they're determined by the endless contracts consumers never read but must assent to before buying a 99-cent tune. 'These contracts are more restrictive—they're really circumventing copyright law, and consumers don't seem to notice.'"
Business and Policy Leader Events

Third Annual Faculty Excellence Dinner

As part of an annual tradition, NYU Stern faculty and guests gathered to celebrate the School’s community of scholars and to recognize excellence in research and scholarship, innovation, teaching and mentorship, and influence in business and policy.
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Adam Alter explains how labels can impact a person's identity

The Week logo
Excerpt from The Week -- "Social labels aren't born dangerous. There's nothing inherently problematic about labeling a person 'right-handed' or 'black' or 'working class,' but those labels are harmful to the extent that they become associated with meaningful character traits."
Faculty News

Prof. Michael Posner on worker safety in Bangladesh

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Mr. Posner said Disney’s move — apparel represents less than a fifth of the nearly $40 billion in annual sales of its licensed products — might encourage other Western brands to leave Bangladesh. 'Now other companies feel they have a green light.'”
Research Center Events

NYU Teams Win $200K in Stern's 2012-2013 Entrepreneurs Challenge

Finalists from the New Venture, Social Venture and Technology Venture Competitions will participate in the 2013 Final Pitch-off for up to $200,000 in seed money and in-kind support as part of the NYU Stern Entrepreneurs Challenge, hosted by the Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation.
Faculty News

Prof. David Yermack's research on the behavior of colluding firms is highlighted

Strategy and Business logo
Excerpt from Strategy + Business -- "How do firms that are breaking the rules try to cover up their tracks? According to a recent study, companies that are systematically involved in price fixing employ a variety of accounting and governance practices designed to throw off regulators and avoid liability."
School News

Chobani CEO Hamdi Ulukaya spoke at a Berkley Center event at Stern

Business Insider logo
Excerpt from Business Insider -- "Ulukaya gave a presentation earlier this week to a packed audience at New York University's Stern School of Business, sponsored by the Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation. In it, he outlined the story of the company's rapid growth."
School News

Andrew Kassoy's appearance at a Social Entrepreneurship Series event at Stern is featured

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "In the hypercompetitive 21st century, where every Apple is only one algorithm away from becoming a BlackBerry, paying the lowest possible taxes is not the exceptional policy of one particularly greedy chief executive — it is what every executive seeks to do to keep his job. That was what Andrew Kassoy, a former private equity investor, explained at a recent panel discussion at the Stern School of Business at New York University (disclosure alert: I was the moderator)."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Michael Posner explains how global brands can help improve working conditions

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Ask the workers in those factories, mostly young women, what they want. They will tell you two things. First, they want to keep their jobs, desperately. Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world, and the rapid expansion of the garment sector in recent years has put food on the table for many, lifting families out of extreme poverty. Second, they want to be treated with dignity, which begins with going to work in a safe and secure environment."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran on corporate taxation

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- “'Income is increasingly difficult to nail down,' said Aswath Damodaran, a finance professor at New York University. 'It is like nailing jelly to the wall. And the problem is only going to get worse rather than better.'”
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt's book, "The Righteous Mind," is reviewed

Yahoo logo
Excerpt from Yahoo! Voices -- "The book The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt moves into the psychology of political parties and political persuasion. People naturally accuse the other parties of not thinking clearly and following logic. Each views the other as duped! Yet in his work, he points out that since there are strong logical arguments that follow most parties, these rational choices are based on their intuition."
Faculty News

Prof. David Yermack's research and course on business ethics are highlighted

Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "New York University business professor David Yermack routinely teaches students how executives and major corporations have managed to skirt the law. By exposing students to questionable legal and ethical behavior, he says, the goal is to help them 'formulate their own response when they encounter similar situations.'”
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini's views on the impact of the Federal Reserve's monetary policy are highlighted

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "The exit from the Fed's QE and zero-interest-rate policies will be treacherous: Exiting too fast will crash the real economy, while exiting too slowly will first create a huge bubble and then crash the financial system. If the exit cannot be navigated successfully, a dovish Fed is more likely to blow bubbles."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Sinan Aral explains the power of social influence marketing

Harvard Business Review logo
Excerpt from the Harvard Business Review -- "The future of social influence marketing will depend on robust analytics to increase our understanding of what drives behavioral change. Mistaking any of the myriad confounding factors for influence can lead to costly mistakes—in marketing strategy and in public policy."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini's views on the price of gold were cited

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "But it’s probably Nouriel Roubini who has provided one of the best and most logical explanations. In his opinion every bit of the gold move can be explained by shifting inflation expectations."
Faculty News

Prof. Luke Williams on pitching a new business

MSNBC logo
Excerpt from MSNBC -- "You have to build their belief in the value that your solution offers because nobody embraces an idea or a new business just because it's new and innovative. Disruption for disruption's sake is just annoying for everyone involved. They have to believe in the value it offers so that is the last part of it."
Faculty News

Prof. William Silber on the Federal Reserve's monetary policy

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "I expected the Fed to maintain the status quo, but I did not expect them to say that they could increase or decrease their purchases of bonds."
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry's book, "Turnaround," is featured

Excerpt from The Washington Monthly -- "In his new book Turnaround: Third World Lessons for First World Growth, Peter Blair Henry, dean of the Stern School of Business at New York University, wants to persuade you of three big ideas about economic success in countries rich and poor."
Faculty News

Prof. Hal Hershfield explains the correlation between income and happiness

Excerpt from Minnesota Public Radio -- "Does money matter? Yes, but it depends on what you mean by 'matter.' You may be more satisfied with your life if you have more money, but this doesn't necessarily mean you'll be happier. Happiness and satisfaction are simply different things."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway explains how consumers benefit from the digital media shift

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "At the end of the day, consumers win. Consumers don't want advertising so they found technology to skip through that, they want great content, they want to watch it when they want to watch it. I think Netflix's release of House of Cards was kind of the latest real big innovation."
