School News
In a contributed article, Fashion & Luxury MBA student Denise Zhu shares highlights from her international immersion course in Milan
Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "Prior to the trip, I didn’t necessarily think how similar the luxury car and clothing industries were to each other. We spent the morning at the Lamborghini Museum, where we saw how each car is produced. Watching the whole supply chain was truly an eye-opening experience; from seeing the seamstress hand stitch pieces of leather for the seats to watching the engineers assemble the engine, each Lamborghini station was filled with superb craftsmanship and precision."
School News
Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "Prior to the trip, I didn’t necessarily think how similar the luxury car and clothing industries were to each other. We spent the morning at the Lamborghini Museum, where we saw how each car is produced. Watching the whole supply chain was truly an eye-opening experience; from seeing the seamstress hand stitch pieces of leather for the seats to watching the engineers assemble the engine, each Lamborghini station was filled with superb craftsmanship and precision."