Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White on the US debt ceiling debate

CNNMoney logo
Excerpt from CNNMoney -- "It's already exacerbating the situation," said New York University Professor of Economics Lawrence White, who testified before Congress last week about the debt crisis.
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Amity Shlaes discusses Newt Gingrich's approach to budget negotiations

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Those who criticize Gingrich's tactics in budget negotiations are forgetting the big story. President Clinton didn't come into office as an austerity champion. He came to Washington to rearrange health care and promulgate Labor Party-style workplace reforms..." Additional coverage appeared on Newt.org, Sarasota Herald-Tribune and Delawareonline.com
Faculty News

Prof. Russell Winer's research on product pricing is referenced

Excerpt from Rapid News Network -- “I think this is all consistent with the idea that odd prices act as an information-processing reduction,” he explained, “indicating a product is a deal. Just because the price ends with 99 cents, it doesn’t mean it’s a really good deal.”
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Robert Engle's volatility research is referenced

MarketWatch logo
Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "The strategy works because, at least historically, the market’s most volatile days tend to be clustered together rather than occurring randomly. (This crucial finding traces to research conducted by New York University finance professor Robert Engle, for which he won the Nobel Prize in 2003)."
Faculty News

Prof. Adam Alter on the effect of a company's name on its stock price

Excerpt from Viewpoint Magazine -- "‘Research shows that companies entering the American stock market tend to perform better when they have a name that’s easier to pronounce,’ says Adam Alter, assistant professor of marketing and a psychologist at New York’s Stern School of Business."
School News

Chief IT and Facilities Officer Anand Padmanabhan and Maya Georgieva on the iPad at Stern

Excerpt from Campus Technology -- "In the fall 2010 semester, Padmanabhan and project co-lead Maya Georgieva, assistant director of educational technology, began an extensive pilot of the XanEdu iPad app in more than 50 of Stern's MBA courses, and provided feedback to XanEdu through surveys, one-on-one interviews, and focus groups."  Additional coverage appeared on the XanEdu blog.
School News

In an op-ed, Henry Kaufman (PhD ’58) discusses solving economic problems

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "We urgently need new ways of thinking about market behavior from our economic thinkers and political leaders. Regrettably, it remains very difficult for those who have dominated economic thought and political life in recent decades to think in fundamentally new ways."
School News

Undergraduate student Jason Bieber is highlighted for co-creating the Ofek Israel Consulting Group

Excerpt from New York Daily News -- "NYU student Jason Bieber gathered his friends and formed OFEK, a school club and business that does business development and consulting for Isreali start-ups. For one group of NYU students, this summer break is no vacation."
Faculty News

Prof. Stephen Brown’s research, showing that diversification of funds of hedge funds increases risk

Excerpt from Investment Weekly News -- "It is widely believed that a diversified hedge fund portfolio strategy is an effective hedge against adverse market movements. New research by NYU Stern Finance Professor Stephen Brown, with co-authors Greg Gregoriou and Razvan Pascalau of SUNY College at Plattsburgh School of Business and Economics, shows this is not the case..."
Faculty News

Stern in the News: July 2011

In July, NYU Stern generated more than 700 media hits. Stern faculty were featured for their research and perspectives on a variety of subjects including the credit rating downgrade, the News Corporation scandal and the risk of a double-dip recession in prominent outlets such as Associated Press, Bloomberg, CNN and The Wall Street Journal. Additionally, in more than 50 op-eds, Stern faculty discussed the debt ceiling debate, the Eurozone crisis and the one-year anniversary of Dodd-Frank.
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence on the US debt ceiling debate

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "The best hope would be we'll get the debt ceiling raised and then we'll have a complex, difficult debate about restoring fiscal stability, and hopefully it will keep the pieces that help us rebuild the growth and employment momentum."
Faculty News

Prof. Al Lieberman on Hollywood studios' foreign production

Excerpt from Variety -- "NYU Stern's Entertainment, Media and Technology Program head Al Lieberman says News Corp. is clearly the most global among studio parent companies, citing its expansive ownership stakes in the U.K.'s BSkyB, Star India, Star China, Fox Italia and elsewhere."
Faculty News

Prof. Larry White discusses a potential US credit rating downgrade

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "Remember, all a downgrade means is at AAA, the rating agencies were saying, extremely unlikely that the US would default, fail to make a payment. A downgrade to AA means still pretty unlikely but we can't use the word "extremely" anymore. It could well happen over this weekend. But it's not a certainty."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway and the L2 new digital IQ ranking of 87 magazines is featured

Excerpt from Entertainment Close-up -- "New research demonstrates a relationship between a magazine brand's digital aptitude and its advertising revenue per-page, according to the most recent Digital IQ Index published by L2 in conjunction with NYU Stern."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini asserts that the Eurozone debt crisis is worsening

Shanghai Daily logo
Excerpt from Shanghai Daily -- "The eurozone crisis is reaching its climax. Greece is insolvent. Portugal and Ireland have seen their bonds downgraded to junk status. Spain could lose market access as political uncertainty adds to its fiscal and financial woes. Financial pressure on Italy is now mounting."
School News

MBA Student Neerav Shah discusses his internship at the SEC

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times Dealbook Blog -- "I was at Lehman, and my hours weren’t great. But here, from what I can tell, they’re working pretty hard. It’s not as cushy a government job as we all thought going in. But I think the folks here are just as bright as the folks at Lehman, maybe brighter."
Faculty News

Prof. Dick Sylla on the effects of a potential US debt default

Xinhua logo
Excerpt from Xinhua News Agency -- "The U.S. government has never defaulted or missed a payment on its debt since 1791 when the national debt started. That's how you build a reputation. I think, we already lost a little bit, but if we actually do get in a temporary default, we'll lose a lot of reputation and something that we built up over 200 years by never missing a payment on our debt that goes out the window. "
Faculty News

Profs Leon Metzger and Jim Liew on George Soros

The Times of London logo
Excerpt from The Times -- "Jim Liew, of the NYU Stern School of Business, said Mr Soros's decision raised the question of whether the regulatory pendulum had swung too far."
Press Releases

TIME Tops L2 Digital IQ Index® for Magazine Industry

New research demonstrates a clear relationship between a magazine brand’s digital aptitude and its advertising revenue per-page, according to the most recent Digital IQ Index® published today by L2 in conjunction with NYU Stern.
School News

Prof. Glenn Okun and Chief IT Officer Anand Padmanabhan on using the XanEdu iPad app at NYU Stern

Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "Okun unsheathes the alternative: an iPad (AAPL) edition of the same course materials—a feature NYU introduced last year. In each digital case study, students can highlight material in fluorescent colors and take notes. A tap on the screen allows them to skip to an exhibit at the end of a document, and then follow the menu back to where they left off reading—with no virtual or actual page-leafing required. All the features work offline." Additional coverage appeared in US News.
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White on the US debt crisis

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "I can sympathize with S&P deciding 'Gee, you guys are screwing up, and it's no longer a sure thing' " that the government won't default on its debt, said Lawrence White, an economics professor at New York University."  Additional coverage appeared on Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
Faculty News

Prof. Matthew Richardson on the success of Dodd-Frank

Reuters logo
One year after the signing of the Dodd-Frank financial regulation reform legislation, regulators and market watchers say there are still a lot of hurdles to overcome to avoid another financial meltdown.
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence and Sandile Hlatshwayo’s research on US job growth

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times Economix blog -- "Recent reports of the bleak jobs outlook for the United States brought to mind an eye-opening report for the Council on Foreign Relations by Michael Spence, a Nobel laureate, and Sandile Hlatshwayo. I highly recommend that report, at the very least its summary, “Globalization and Unemployment,” in the current issue of Foreign Affairs. It clearly explains our current dilemma in the labor market."
Press Releases

NYU Stern Systemic Risk Ranking Shows 18% Reduction in Systemic Risk Since July 2010

At the one-year anniversary of the Dodd-Frank Act, the NYU Stern Systemic Risk Rankings, launched in April 2010 by New York University Stern School of Business, shows that systemic risk has been reduced by 18% since July 2010. The ranking, a weekly rating and ordering by level of risk that the largest U.S. financial institutions bring to the financial system, measures the potential severity (but not the probability) of a systemic financial crisis, were one to occur. The measure shows that systemic risk has been reduced from $750 billion a year ago to $615.6 billion today.
Faculty News

Prof. Christina Fang’s research on market forecasting is featured

U.S. News and World Report logo
Excerpt from US News & World Report -- "Christina Fang, a professor of management at NYU's Stern business school, tracked the Wall Street Journal's Survey of Economic Forecasts to find out how accurate these highly paid analysts' forecasts were when billions of dollars were at stake. Surely this would lead to more accurate predictions. Her paper, "Predicting the Next Big Thing: Success as a Signal of Poor Judgement," draws some stunning conclusions."
