Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran's research on stocks is featured

Excerpt from Motley Fool - "Study after study has shown that stocks with low price-to-earnings multiples significantly outperform high P/E stocks. Research from my favorite investing guru, NYU professor Aswath Damodaran, pegged the outperformance at anywhere from 9% to 12% per year, depending on the study period."
Faculty News

NYU Stern Faculty Authors of "Guaranteed to Fail" on Mortgage Finance Reform

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "Economist Lawrence J White, who teaches at New York University's Stern School of Business, and three Stern colleagues – Viral Acharya, Matthew Richardson and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh – said in a recently published book, Guaranteed to fail: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the debacle of mortgage finance, that a new approach is needed to revitalize housing finance."
Faculty News

Prof. Baruch Lev on the benefits of corporate contributions to nonprofits

TheStreet logo
Excerpt from TheStreet.com -- "The evidence shows that, done the right way, corporate contributions can indeed be good for both the company performance and society," says Baruch Lev, director of the Vincent C. Ross Institute of Accounting Research and the Philip Bardes Professor of Accounting and Finance at the NYU Stern School of Business.  Additional coverage appeared on DigitalJournal.com, KCTV5.com, The Sacramento Bee and ABC12.com.
Faculty News

Prof. Kenneth Froewiss on Obama considering former governor Jon Corzine for a federal position

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "I doubt that it's likely to happen," said Kenneth C. Froewiss, a finance professor at New York University's Stern School of Business. "Probably more a case of investor wariness."  Additional coverage appeared on Opalesque.
Faculty News

Member of the Executive Board and Prof. Richard Bernstein on the stock market

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "CNBC Contributor and former Merrill Lynch chief investment strategist Richard Bernstein of Richard Bernstein Advisors tells us a buying opportunity may be just around the corner."  Additional coverage appeared on TheStreet.com and optionMONSTER.
Faculty News

Prof. Paul Wachtel on China's economic outlook

MarketWatch logo
Excerpt from MarketWatch -- “Even with substantial appreciation of the Chinese currency, the power of Chinese manufacturing is not going to go away. China’s ability to export to the rest of the world has been built up to an enormous position of strength, which is not disappearing,”
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini's views on the euro's chances of survival are highlighted

Newsday logo
Excerpt from Newsday -- "The zone, he wrote, is an artificial construct that simply doesn't work, given the incompatibilities between slow-growth members like Greece and dynamic economies like Germany."  Additional coverage appeared in Global Post.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini's Crisis Economics, is a book the "US Government Needs To Read"

Excerpt from Benzinga.com -- "This recent book written by Nouriel Roubini, the "Dr. Doom" of the financial world, and Stephen Mihm, a journalist and professor of economic history, does well in shedding some light on the history of financial crises and their causes."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini shares his outlook on China's economy

Citywire logo
Excerpt from Citywire -- "Nouriel Roubini, who is particularly bearish on the Chinese economy in part for this reason, says ‘the path of least resistance is the status quo’ and contrary to the government’s rhetoric China will remain so reliant on investment that it will suffer a ‘hard landing’."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on the US debt ceiling debate and economic outlook

Excerpt from Rediff Business -- "Roubini, who is famous as one of the few people who foretold the financial meltdown of 2008, said in a tweet posted last week that tax cuts of the past were ill-advised. 'Federal taxes were 20% of GDP at time of a balanced budget. Now down to 14% the lowest in 60 years. So any deficit reduction requires tax hikes,' he tweeted." Additional coverage appeared on Sky News.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on the global economic outlook

Excerpt from Evening Standard -- New York economics professor Nouriel Roubini, dubbed Doctor Doom after he predicted the financial crisis, said that the bond market "is a beauty contest about the least ugly"... Additional coverage appeared on a FT.com blog.
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence's economic concept of "signaling" is referenced

Excerpt from the Jakarta Globe -- "Perhaps all this amped-up degree-getting just represents job market “signaling” — the economist A. Michael Spence’s Nobel-worthy notion that degrees are less valuable for what you learn than for broadcasting your go-get-’em qualities."
Faculty News

Prof. Joel Rubinson on Walmart's decision to share point-of-sale data

Forbes logo
Excerpt from a Forbes.com blog -- Joel Rubinson of Rubinson Partners predicts that “ultimately the consumer will be the winner as Walmart and its vendors make better marketing decisions that add more value to daily life.”
Faculty News

Professors Priya Raghubir, Vicki Morwitz and Amitav Chakravarti’s research

The Irish Times logo
Excerpt from Irish Times -- "But a study in the Journal of Consumer Psychology earlier this year looked more rigorously at this bias in time perception. The experiments suggest that the phenomenon happens not only on long trips to and from from home, but on shorter excursions too, and also on journeys to a familiar destination that isn’t home."
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence discusses the US economy and Italy's debt problems

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "To restore fiscal balance on a reasonable time horizon, without doing it too quickly and killing off growth, is a problem nobody actually knows how to solve, and we're going to have to work through it together. In this political climate I don't know how that's going to go, but the challenge is to maintain in the government's budget the things that tend to supoprt medium- and long-term growth..."
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White's policy proposal for improving ICANN's governance

Excerpt from Information Technology Newsweekly -- "According to the authors of a study from New York City, New York, 'The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has control over extremely important aspects of the Internet. Yet, its non-profit corporation status, combined with the way that it is funded and governed, make accountability a serious problem.'"
School News

A speech by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on financial reform at NYU Stern is featured

Excerpt from Minyanville.com -- "Last August, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner used a speech at New York University’s Stern School of Business to outline a few financial reform principles necessary to quickly and properly execute the newly passed Dodd-Frank Act."
School News

Professors from NYU Stern are teaching in the STAR Executive MBA program

The Hill logo
Excerpt from TheHill.com -- "Professors from the Wharton School of Business, NYU Stern School of Business, Columbia University and Harvard University will be teaching the courses. But students say it is manageable. 'You can do the work. You just have to apply yourself,' said Danisha Rolle, founder and editor in chief of SET magazine and the spouse of Samari, who is an executive consultant for SET."
School News

Undergraduate student Jason Bieber on co-creating the Ofek Israel Consulting Group

Excerpt from NYConvergence.com -- "A recent article by the New York Daily News talked students from the NYU Stern School who have created a club called Ofek, which aims at connecting Israeli tech startups with businesses in the United States. Jason Bieber and Daniel Pessar created the club called Ofek, or “horizon” in Hebrew, which has already set themselves up as the sales force for Israeli based eDealya."
Faculty News

Prof. Frederick Choi on the role of accounting standards

Accounting Today logo
Excerpt from Accounting Today -- "'What's the role of standards? It's to assure comparability and improve operational and allocational efficiency of the markets,' said Choi, who developed the IFRS template for the NYU accounting curriculum."
Faculty News

Member of the Executive Board and Prof. Richard Bernstein is one of "The Ten to Watch in 2012"

Excerpt from Registered Rep -- "Richard Bernstein is shunning emerging markets and focusing on U.S. stocks. It is the kind of contrarian call that advisors have come to expect from Bernstein, a former Merrill Lynch chief investment strategist. Most of the forecasts have proved on target."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Profs Viral Acharya and Sabri Öncü discuss the European debt crisis

Livemint logo
Excerpt from Livemint.com -- "The financial crisis that started in the US in 2007 offers valuable policy lessons in how to avoid the build-up to a Lehman event."
Faculty News

Prof. William Greene on replacing human labor with machines

Excerpt from New York Daily News -- "Every economy on the planet is headed in this direction," said Prof. William Greene of NYU's Stern School of Business. "The replacement of human labor with machines has been going on ... in every economy since long before the Industrial Revolution."
