Faculty News

Prof. Edward Altman on the distressed debt sector

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- “These funds don’t pick at the carcasses of companies that have died, but try to bring them back to life."  Additional coverage appeared on VCCircle.com.
Faculty News

Prof. Lasse Pedersen's paper, showing value & momentum create positive asset returns, is highlighted

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "In a recent paper, Clifford Asness, Lasse Pedersen and I showed that applying value (using long-term five-year return performance of the asset class) and momentum (using performance over the past year) to assets as diverse as government bonds, equity index futures, commodities and currencies produces strikingly similar results to those for individual stocks."
School News

Vice Chair of NYU Trustees & Vice Chair of the Board of Overseers Kenneth Langone on Simpson-Bowles

MSNBC logo
Excerpt from MSNBC -- "What happened with Simpson-Bowles? There was a perfect one; that was a home run! And they could all say, ‘look, here’s two bipartisan guys knowledgeable on the situation, no ax to grind, no re-election, none of that.’ And guess what? Nothing happened."
Faculty News

Prof. Vicki Morwitz's research on comparison-driven self-evaluation and restoration is cited

Scientific American logo
Excerpt from Scientific American blog -- "A study recently published online in 'The Journal of Consumer Research' found marketing from the bottom up works in some but not all cases. Vicki Morwitz of New York University, and Edith Shalev of the Technicon Israel Institute of Technology acknowledged in their article the existence of a new form of social influence process called Comparison-Driven Self Evaluation and Restoration."
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt's research on libertarians is cited

BigThink logo
Excerpt from BigThink -- "According to Jonathan Haidt and his colleagues, their patterns of moral sentiment and judgment make libertarians look a lot like liberals who care a great deal about liberty and not very much for suffering."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Amity Shlaes on targeting nominal gross-domestic-product growth

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "In short, the big vulnerability of NGDP targeting is that it’s a license to inflate. It will inevitably undermine the Fed’s mandate to maintain price stability." Additional coverage in Bloomberg Newsweek, National Post, The New York Times Economix Blog, National Review
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran's book, "Investment Fables," is cited

Excerpt from Motley Fool -- "For a company to be truly undervalued, Damodaran says in his book 'Investment Fables': 'You need to get a mismatch: a low price-to-earnings ratio without the stigma of high risk or poor growth.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini is cited for his views on the European economic crisis

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- " ... many prominent voices have argued for more than a year that it is impossible for Greece to regain competitiveness while clinging to the euro currency. They include prominent economists like Nouriel Roubini ..." Additional coverage appeared in CNBC, The Huffington Post, Wall Street Journal Blog, Estadao, AFP, Financial Times Blog, Economist Blog, Forbes
Faculty News

Executive Board Member and Prof. Richard Bernstein on investment strategy

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Whether the U.S. economy falls into a recession or expands more slowly matters little when it comes to stock-market strategy, according to Richard Bernstein, chief executive officer of Richard Bernstein Advisors LLC." Additional coverage appeared on Bloomberg, The New York Times, NewsMax.com and Bloomberg Businessweek.
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Thomas Sargent joins the multistrategy hedge fund Hutchin Hill

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times Dealbook blog -- “We believe working with Professor Sargent will be of significant value in developing a deeper understanding of the macroeconomic background that has had such a large impact on risk sentiment and asset prices, especially during the past three years."
Faculty News

Profs Kelly See and Elizabeth Morrison's research on power and advice taking is featured

Human Resources Executive logo
Excerpt from Human Resources Executive -- "Power can lead people to be less open to factual advice, even when that advice can help achieve accuracy objectives and improve performance."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Baruch Lev on how to win investors over

Harvard Business Review logo
Excerpt from Harvard Business Review -- "... research by me and other academics indicates that guidance increases analyst following and cuts down on unwelcome surprises, which in turn reduces stock price volatility and lessens the threat and consequences of shareholder lawsuits."
Faculty News

Prof. Nicholas Economides on Greece's decision to hold a referendum

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "The European Union has missed the opportunity to get rid of the Greek problem once and for all by putting some money there in making Greece an isolated case. Right now the EU has to face the consequences in all the other weak countries."
Faculty News

Prof. Roy Smith on the MF Global failure

TIME logo
Excerpt from a TIME Magazine blog -- "We are going to have significant players in the shadow banking business have liquidity problems and we have to be willing to allow firms to sour when that occurs. ... MF Global was correct to be identified as small enough to fail."
School News

Members of the Board of Overseers Kenneth Langone and Leonard Stern are featured in the Haute 100

Excerpt from Haute Living -- "The legendary Kenneth Langone was the former director of the New York Stock Exchange and a financial backer of Home Depot. Today, his focus is on philanthropic efforts. ... As Chairman and CEO of Hartz Mountain Industry and Hartz Group, Leonard Stern began the Hartz Mountain’s real estate operations in 1966 when he started to purchase land in New Jersey’s Meadowlands."
School News

CITL Assistant Director Maya Georgieva on developing digital apps

Excerpt from Campus Technology -- "The development of the app should not simply seek to duplicate what already exists in terms of web resources. ... Rather, it should make services/data easier to access and interact with."
School News

NYU Stern hosted the Dream it Do it High School Challenge on 11/13

Excerpt from New York Daily News -- "First series of “Dream It Do It” workshops with high school students hosted at NYU Stern."
School News

PhD student Solon Barocas on data mining

O'Reilly Data Show logo
Excerpt from O'Reilly Radar -- "It's really difficult to explain what data mining actually is. I think of it, in a sense, to be a particular form of machine learning. And these are complicated things — very, very complicated." Additional coverage appeared in Forbes.
School News

An interview with MBA student Rak-Joon Choi on Korean food

MBA student Rak-Joon Choi (MBA '12) was interviewed by Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) for a documentary on how Korea is perceived by other cultures. Choi's segment focused on Korean food.
Faculty News

Prof. Robert Frank on supply and demand in the marriage market

The Atlantic logo
Excerpt from The Atlantic -- "... no matter how unbalanced the overall sex ratio may become (in either direction), 'there will always be specific men and women who are in high demand as romantic partners—think Penélope Cruz and George Clooney.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt on moral judgement

Excerpt from Metapsychology-- "Haidt argues that immediate, unreflective moral intuitions are the basis for our moral judgment, and that moral reasoning is used in order to influence the moral judgments of others."
Faculty News

Prof. Gary Katzenstein spoke at the World Affairs Forum on 11/16

Excerpt from ConnecticutPlus -- "Visiting Associate Professor of Management at the NYU Stern School of Business, Gary Katzenstein will speak at the World Affairs Forum on November 16 at UCONN/Stamford."
Faculty News

Prof. Joseph Foudy on a new tax plan proposed by President Obama

Excerpt from Korean Broadcasting System -- "Now he's using this class warfare rhetoric which is basically designed to play on the emotions of fear and resentment, pitting people against each other, class against class, speaking to people as if they're stuck in some class."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway's Digital IQ ranking of "niche" fashion brands is featured

Excerpt from Warc -- "Digital could be the differentiator for brands that become iconic, and those that become irrelevant."
Faculty News

Prof. Baruch Lev discusses his new book, "Winning Investors Over," in a webcast

Excerpt from The Conference Board -- "In this webcast Professor Baruch Lev will critically examine managers’ beliefs and chart a coherent, practicable set of policies and actions to regain and maintain investors' support."
