Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Joel Rubinson on the marketing concept "recency planning"

Excerpt from RetailWire -- "If you could find advertising vehicles that were "recency-tilted" by their nature, that is, more likely to deliver impressions closer to the purchase, you will get greater ad response — practically guaranteed." Additional coverage appeared in RetailWire.
Faculty News

Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence Lenihan's course on entrepreneurship is highlighted

Excerpt from Columbia Spectator -- "One of the most popular classes at the school is called Ready, FIRE! Aim, taught by Lawrence Lenihan, a successful entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and founder of Pequot Ventures and FirstMark Capital."
Faculty News

An interview with Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence on globalization & unemployment

Foreign Affairs logo
Excerpt from Foreign Affairs -- "Foreign Affairs Managing Editor Jonathan Tepperman interviews Nobel Prize-winning economist Michael Spence on current trends in unemployment, government spending and policy, the speed of globalization, and Obama's options for a troubled economy." Additional coverage appeared in ipolitics360.com.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini's book, "Crisis Economics," is reviewed

Seeking Alpha logo
Excerpt from Seeking Alpha -- "In "Crisis Economics," Roubini teams with professor Stephen Mihm to discuss the ongoing financial crisis, providing context and assessing the risks and opportunities that policymakers now face." Additional coverage appeared in FirstPost.
Faculty News

Research by Prof. Panos Ipeirotis shows humans help computers work smarter, and vice versa

Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- “Computers couldn’t ID humans in the photo ... but humans couldn’t know the context.”
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Nouriel Roubini on Italy's place in the euro zone

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "...Italy may, like other periphery countries, need to exit the monetary union and go back to a national currency, thus triggering an effective break-up of the euro zone."
Research Center Events

Single Neuron Studies of the Human Brain

Hosted by NYU Stern, a two-day meeting entitled, "Single Neuron Studies of the Human Brain," will explore the state of the field of human electrophysiology. The event will convene experts working in the field to talk about progress, challenges, technologies, ethical implications, applications, hardware, software, scientific questions and clinical considerations.
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White participated in a Keynes vs. Hayek debate on 11/9

The New Yorker logo
Excerpt from The New Yorker -- "Up steps Lawrence White, of N.Y.U. ... White gives a good account of himself, getting in jabs at Steve for bucking the market and me for failing to read all of 'Prices and Production,' Hayek’s 1931 tract." Additional coverage appeared in Reuters blog and The Daily Beast.
Faculty News

Prof. Jeffrey Wurgler's research on market financing decisions is featured

Barron's logo
Excerpt from Barron's -- "Given the results of Profs. Baker and Wurgler's research, this strongly suggests that corporate managers view their debt as being overvalued and their equity undervalued."
Faculty News

Prof. Edward Altman on the Greek economy

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace Radio -- "Fashion, technology, energy and a very wealthy private and corporate sector -- which Greece does not have, and there's no chance for a country to survive over the long run without some sort of competitive advantages."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran on micro-managing stock market data

The Gobe and Mail logo
Excerpt from The Globe and Mail -- “Once you start micro-managing the data looking for patterns, you will find them simply because there is so much data that there have to be patterns."
Faculty News

In an op-ed Profs David Backus & Thomas Cooley look at 2011 Nobel Laureate Prof. Thomas Sargent

VoxEU logo
Excerpt from VoxEU.org -- "Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims gave us a coherent framework with which to think about and discuss these critical policy issues. And they fully anticipated the difficult dilemmas we now face as a consequence of recent fiscal policy."  Additional coverage appeared on Wall Street Pit.
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Robert Frank on building bridges between liberals and conservatives

USA Today logo
Excerpt from USA Today -- "Visionary politics from both the left and right has caused deadlock in our legislative system. And, given eminent domain, public goods and free rider issues, plus the American love of a bureaucratic planning wrangle, we couldn't get politics out of infrastructure even if Ron Paul were king." Additional coverage appeared in The Daily Beast.
School News

The NYU Stern V-Lab is highlighted as a source for tracking the stability of companies

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "Hersh Shefrin, a finance professor at Santa Clara University in California, says individual investors should look at New York University's Volatility Lab website (See vlab.stern.nyu.edu/) to monitor factors such as leverage, along with a company's overall stability."
School News

The L2 Innovation Forum, co-hosted by NYU Stern on 11/10, is featured

Excerpt from Fora.tv -- "Along with academics at the NYU Stern School of Business, the L2 Innovation Forum will present a series of lectures from industry thought leaders, authors, marketing specialists and CEOs from a number of well-known retail brands, social media companies and marketing firms."
School News

NYU Stern is cited as a past winner of the ABI Corporate Restructuring Competition

Excerpt from Targeted News Service -- "Past winners of the Corporate Restructuring Competition include Columbia Business School, University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business, Northwestern University Kellogg Graduate School of Management (January 2007 and November 2008), New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business and the Stanford Graduate Business School."
School News

The Annual Association of Hispanic & Black Business Students Distinguished Alumni Award is featured

Excerpt from ITBriefing.com -- "'I am excited and honored to be recognized by AHBBS and the Stern School of Business,' stated Nana Baffour, CEO and Co-Founder of Midas Medici."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Eric Schoenberg on taxes

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "I think that the claim that anybody who favors higher taxes is morally obliged to pay more than they legally owe shows a fundamental misconception about the basis for the social compact we call government." Additional coverage appeared in AllVoices, Reuters, CNNMoney, ABC News, The Huffington Post, CommonDreams.org, enewspf.com, Accounting Today, Afro.com and ThirdAge.
Faculty News

Prof. Anthony Marciano on the AT&T-T-Mobile merger debate

International Business Times logo
Excerpt from International Business Times -- "Marciano pointed out that in this economy, it may be politically toxic to approve of a merger that would lead to significant job cuts."
Faculty News

Prof. Anat Lechner on the rapper Baba Brinkman

Excerpt from MacCleans -- “He’s a walking example of innovation, differentiation, value-adding and the bizarre. ... These are exactly the things we teach business students to do.”
Faculty News

Prof. Eric Greenleaf on downtown Manhattan's school overcrowding

Excerpt from Downtown Express -- "When Peck Slip opens in 2015, the neighborhood’s overall school capacity will be four years behind its demand, according to Eric Greenleaf, a professor of New York University’s Stern School of Business and an active member of NYS Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver’s School Overcrowding Task Force."
Faculty News

Prof. Daniel Altman on investing in public health

Foreign Affairs logo
Excerpt from Foreign Affairs -- "As development economist Daniel Altman recently explained, in a global economy, 'these people are your consumers, your workers, your investors.'"
Faculty News

A new paper by Prof. Nouriel Roubini on the European fiscal crisis is featured

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "The fundamental difficulty throughout has been the failure to understand the nature of the crisis. Nouriel Roubini of New York University’s Stern School of Business makes the relevant points in a recent paper."
