Research Center Events

NYU Students, Alumni and Faculty Learn More about Stern’s 2017-2018 $300K Entrepreneurs Challenge

300k Entrepreneurs Challenge 2018 Kickoff
On September 13, NYU Stern's W. R. Berkley Innovation Labs welcomed hundreds of aspiring entrepreneurs to learn more about the $300K Entrepreneurs Challenge, one of the largest venture competitions and accelerator programs in the world.
Research Center Events

Environmental, Social, and Governance Factors in Portfolio Management

Street view of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
The NYU Stern Center for Global Economy and Business will host a panel discussion entitled "Environmental, Social, and Governance Factors in Portfolio Management" on September 13, 2017.
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway comments on Apple's new iPhone X

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "...their ability to do what American Express did with the black card and cement its position as the premier product with the iPhone X, I think it's just going to be interesting to see how cool and sexy and aspirational it is as they move towards quadruple digits for a phone and trying to cement their position as the luxury brand in tech."
School News

The Economic Outlook Forum, hosted by Stern's Center for Global Economy and Business, is highlighted

Metro MBA logo
Excerpt from MetroMBA -- "The forum was titled, 'The Economic and Market Outlook.' NYU Stern Director of the Center for Global Economy and Business Kim Schoenholtz moderated the discussion, which featured three panelists, including: Citigroup’s Willem Buiter, Deutsche Bank’s Peter Hooper, and Berenberg’s Mickey Levy."
Faculty News

Professor Thomaï Serdari's comments on ecommerce and packaging at the TLMI printTHINK Summit are featured

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Excerpt from Label & Narrow -- "While many might think that the internet is having a negative impact on labels and packaging, Serdari took the opposite approach. 'Everything happening online and through digital channels is affecting–in a positive way–how the field of packaging is evolving,' said Serdari."
School News

Professor Kathleen DeRose is interviewed about Stern's Fintech offerings

find MBA logo
Excerpt from Find MBA -- "At NYU Stern, students doing an MBA in general management can select up to three specializations—or choose not to specialize at all. As of fall 2016, Stern’s full-time and part-time MBA students can also choose FinTech as a specialization, a first among top business schools, and take electives from eight new courses. 'We have twice the enrollment expected in our inaugural Foundations of FinTech course, being taught for the first time this fall to undergraduates and in the spring to MBAs,' says Kathleen DeRose, FinTech Executive-in-Residence at NYU Stern. 'We're even expanding beyond the MBA program in our course offerings as the popularity of the newly created foundational course has been way above expectations.'"
Faculty News

Vice Dean Raghu Sundaram is interviewed about Stern's new Executive MBA program in Washington, D.C.

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "Not only is the center centrally located — four blocks from the Capitol building and 15 minutes from the airport and Union Station — but it also allows the program’s structure and infrastructure to be entirely owned by NYU and Stern. That’s something Sundaram points to as an important factor in deciding to take the EMBA to a new region. He adds that the proximity from New York to Washington makes for relatively short commute for professors who teach in the program."
School News

Stern's new Executive MBA program in Washington, D.C., is featured; Dean Peter Henry is quoted

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Excerpt from the Washington Business Journal -- "Students can expect 'an intellectual espresso,' as Henry describes it — a high-impact, high-energy experience that includes social time, professional networking and a deep dive into coursework. Each student will complete about 20 classes, or 60 credits, and faculty will be hand-picked from the New York campus. Students also complete a global study tour, which consists of a week living in another market outside of the U.S."
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry emphasizes the importance of economic reform to address the skills gap

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "We need a serious approach to address the skills gap. What I'd like to see, for instance... So we have $2.5 trillion sitting off shore, and we were talking about tax reform. ... Even if you said to U.S. firms, we're going to allow you to bring all those $2.5 trillion assets back tax-free, just a 5% charge, to fund a national skills development pool, that would give you a $250 billion endowment to begin thinking about seriously addressing the skills gap, for instance. I've seen nothing that bold on the table to really say that we're going to address the downsides of globalization."
Press Releases

NYU Stern Expands its Executive MBA Program to Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C.
New York University Stern School of Business is extending its New York City-based Executive MBA program (EMBA) to downtown Washington, D.C. Now senior-level executives who work in the surrounding region, along with others who can travel periodically, can earn an MBA from the highest ranked EMBA program in this local market. 
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor Scott Galloway explains why he believes Amazon may acquire Nordstrom

Recode logo
Excerpt from Recode -- "'The logical next one would be Nordstrom,' Galloway said. 'It would be cheap, it’s in Seattle, they’re operationally very sound, it’s a great company and they’re [Amazon is] trying to establish relationships with high-end brands, which they have been unable to do.'"
Faculty News

Professor Robert Seamans comments on The New York Times' decision to stop charging New York City real estate brokers to post exclusive listings

The Real Deal logo
Excerpt from The Real Deal -- "'They’ve been losing eyeballs,' said Robert Seamans, a professor at New York University, who in 2015 found that Craigslist cost newspapers $5 billion in classified ad revenue between 2000 and 2007."
Faculty News

Professor Alixandra Barasch is interviewed about her joint research on the relationship between taking photos and memory

Vogue logo
Excerpt from Vogue -- "In a study published last year by the American Psychological Association, which examined how taking photos can affect experiences, results showed that, in many cases, photography can, in fact, boost the enjoyment of positive experiences by increasing one’s engagement. However, that may not necessarily be the case at the dinner table. 'There are limits. One is the distracting nature of the photo-taking that might come from the number of photos taken, or how bulky the photo-taking interface is,' explained Alixandra Barasch, an assistant professor of marketing at NYU Stern School of Business, who performed the study with two other professionals in her field."
Faculty News

Professor Pankaj Ghemawat's joint research on global CEOs is featured

The Economic Times logo
Excerpt from the Economic Times -- "A 2014 article co-authored by Pankaj Ghemawat and Herman Vantrappen in Harvard Business Review pointed out that India’s share of expat CEO exports stood at 30% and imports at 3%. This is in sharp contrast to, say, the UK where CEO exports stood at 32% and imports at 42%. The study was based on Fortune 500 data for 2013."
Faculty News

Professor Alixandra Barasch is interviewed about her joint research on taking photographs and memory

BigThink logo
Excerpt from Big Think -- "'These findings have important implications for consumers, educators, and businesses,' Prof. Barasch said. Educators should think about how they present information and what they want students to walk away with. Businesses can concentrate on the impression they want customers to leave with. And, 'Individuals may think twice now before pulling out the camera.' Now that we understand how picture taking affects us, we can better decide whether or not to snap off a photo, by how it’ll impact our experience and memory of it."
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt's blog post on the reactions to University of Pennsylvania Law School Professor Amy Wax's column is highlighted

New York Magazine logo
Excerpt from New York Magazine -- "All this local controversy, in turn, became a temporary focus of the roiling national debate over campus activism, free speech, and so on. NYU professor Jonathan Haidt, a leading figure in that conversation, wrote a statement defending some of Wax’s claims and arguing that 'collective actions' like the letters published denouncing Wax 'are only appropriate when colleagues have clearly and flagrantly violated their professional duties.'"
Faculty News

Professor Yakov Amihud is interviewed about his research on mutual funds

Barron's logo
Excerpt from Barron's -- "Benchmark deviants can swing high—or low. Funds with high active share—the percentage of holdings that differ from the fund's benchmark index—tend to outperform, so long as managers pick the right securities. Yakov Amihud, a professor of finance at New York University's Leonard N. Stern School of Business, says his research shows that every 10% deviation from an index affects annual return by eight percentage points."
Faculty News

Professor Vasant Dhar is interviewed about Equifax's data breach

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Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "'The CEO of Equifax said that the breach is "disappointing" when he should have said it is a disaster of no less consequence than a car manufacturer telling you your tires are defective and are putting you at grave risk,' Dhar, who studies cybersecurity and financial technology, said. 'This is NO different and it reflects an old-world CEO mentality of treating this as a technical problem instead of a business one.'"
Faculty News

Professor Thomaï Serdari discusses the challenges Alessandro Bogliolo faces as the new CEO of Tiffany & Co.

Global Finance logo
Excerpt from Global Finance -- "With new designs representing less than 10% of jewelry sales last year, accelerating the pace of product innovation will be key. 'Conventional strategies will not work,' says Serdari. 'Bogliolo must be as daring as when he was Diesel’s CEO and as proud as the Bulgari family has been. Not a small challenge, even for someone as capable as Bogliolo.'"
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan's congressional testimony before the US House Committee on Education and the Workforce is featured

Inc. logo
Excerpt from Inc. -- "Government policy, Sundararajan said, should favor business models that treat workers less as footloose labor and more as microbusinesses. 'We should really encourage those platforms that are inducing the creation of tiny businesses, where people are making pricing decisions, they are making inventory decisions, they are merchandising, they are building a brand through the online reputation system,' Sundararajan said."
Research Center Events

Economic Outlook Forum

NYU flags outside of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
The NYU Stern Center for Global Economy and Business will host the Economic Outlook Forum on September 6, 2017.
Faculty News

Professor Baruch Lev's book, "The End of Accounting," is highlighted

Nikkei logo
Excerpt from Nikkei Asian Review -- "In their book 'The End of Accounting,' professors Baruch Lev of New York University and Feng Gu of the State University of New York at Buffalo argue that stock prices are now about 50% determined by financial information such as profit and assets, compared with 80-90% until the 1980s."
School News

Recent Executive MBA graduate Renee Vieira highlights Professor Bruce Buchanan's Professional Responsibility course as the most valuable class she took at Stern

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "While many executives enter business schools to master balance sheets and refine their leadership style, they quickly learn that the MBA is really a guide to decision-making. At New York University, for example, Renee Vieira, executive director of Time Warner’s global leadership development program, considers 'Professional Responsibility' to be the most valuable course that she took. ... 'Being a successful leader is not only about having financial, strategic, marketing, and operational acumen,' she adds, 'it is truly about who you are as a person and how you lead and inspire those around you.'"
Faculty News

Professor Richard Sylla explains how money and banking have evolved, from his book, "A History of Interest Rates"

Excerpt from Financial Sense -- "'We need to face these issues,' Sylla said. 'We do have to face up to some of these debt problems, and we've been lucky with these low interest rates... Maybe the outlook isn't so bad if we normalize interest rates and the economy keeps growing. I think that we would get back to more normal times instead of the interesting times we had for the last 40 years or so.'"
Faculty News

Professor Thomas Philippon and PhD student Germán Gutiérrez's joint research on competition and investment in US firms is featured

Bloomberg View logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg View -- "The authors look at historical episodes where competition increased -- an unusual wave of new companies in the 1990s, and increased Chinese competition in the 2000s. In each situation, industries where competition increased more also tended to invest more. Again, this is consistent with the story that market power is holding back the U.S. economy. Gutierrez and Philippon have another paper where they test eight different economic theories to explain falling business investment, and find that market power -- along with corporate short-termism -- is the most likely explanation."
