Business and Policy Leader Events

Dina Powell, President of the Goldman Sachs Foundation, Joins MBAs for a Block Lunch

As part of NYU Stern’s Block Lunch event series, hosted by Dean Peter Henry, Dina Habib Powell, president of the Goldman Sachs Foundation and global head of Corporate Engagement at Goldman Sachs, spoke to more than 100 MBA students.
Business and Policy Leader Events

NYU Stern Hosts the 2013 Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Awards

For the second year in a row, NYU Stern hosted the annual Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Awards, honoring the leading disruptive innovators who have impacted business, technology, arts and entertainment.
Research Center Events

NYU Stern's Volatility Institute Hosts 5th Annual Conference on "Volatility of Credit Risk"

NYU Stern's Fifth Annual Volatility Conference convened academics, practitioners and regulators to discuss the latest research and ideas on this year's theme, "Volatility of Credit Risk." Hosted by Nobel Laureate Professor Robert Engle, this year's conference was sponsored by Stern's Volatility Institute, The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, BlackRock, Deutsche Bank and SoFiE.
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry shares economic lessons learned growing up in Jamaica, from his book, "Turnaround"

BigThink logo
Excerpt from Big Think -- "But as I encountered economics for the first time many years later and brought together Miss Mama and, as it were, economic science, it struck me that there was really an opportunity to think about how do you actually help people like Miss Mama help themselves. So my grandmother was able to provide a certain kind of assistance which was feeding her for that day. But, of course, the issue is how do you help people like Miss Mama become more productive so they can feed themselves?"
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry shares lessons from emerging markets, from his book, "Turnaround"

WNYC logo
Excerpt from WNYC -- "I intentially used the term 'third world' because I wanted to point out that one of the things that we need to do in order to get back on track and start living up to our potential is to have the humility to learn lessons from what are now emerging markets. And it's important to understand that during the 1970s, places like China, Brazil, Chile, South Korea, they were all third world countries. But they used discipline... to turn around their economies and become today's emerging markets."
School News

Psy was honored at the Disruptive Innovation Awards at Stern

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "South Korean rapper and Internet sensation Psy was honored as a transcultural phenomenon by the Tribeca Film Festival on Friday along with a host of other luminaries ranging from choreographer Twyla Tharp to controversial media host Glenn Beck."
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan on Bitcoin as digital currency

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "'I think that's part of why people are finding Bitcoin attractive, that it's really the first widespread, completely anonymous, form of digital currency,' says Arun Sundararajan, a professor at New York University."
Faculty News

Prof. Vicki Morwitz tests Routehappy, a new travel booking website

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from the Washington Post -- “'I think Routehappy can help change the airline industry,' says Morwitz, an expert on consumer behavior and marketing and a happy Aeroflot customer. 'Ultimately, this can be better for the airlines themselves, as they can differentiate themselves instead of being viewed as interchangeable commodities.'”
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on the Federal Reserve's interest rates

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "New York University economist Nouriel Roubini, known as Dr. Doom, said April 24 that the Federal Reserve will end its zero-rates policy in two years."
Faculty News

Prof. Adam Alter's book, "Drunk Tank Pink," is highlighted

Excerpt from The Sun -- "Author Adam Alter looked at recent studies for his book Drunk Tank Pink and found that men are more likely to find a woman attractive – and ask her on a date – if she is decked out in red."
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt is named to the World Thinkers of 2013 list

Excerpt from Prospect Magazine -- "After more than 10,000 votes from over 100 countries, the results of Prospect’s world thinkers 2013 poll are in."
Research Center Events

Himelberg Speaker Series: "Tech and the City: The Making of New York's Startup Community"

Alessandro Piol and Maria Teresa Cometto, co-authors of Tech and the City: The Making of New York's Startup Community, spoke with NYU students and alumni about their new book, which examines the conditions that are contributing to the rise of NYC as a hub of technology and entrepreneurial activity.
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway on Apple Inc's value

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "Being in a market is like being in a relationship with someone who's bipolar. You could be doing nothing wrong or nothing right and we are definitely on the latter half of that. Anything is seen as an indicator of Apple's demise, but look at the company. You basically have the best brand in the world now trading at multiples that are cheaper than Dell. So as negative as you might be about Apple's prospects, are they worse than Dell's right now? You can buy this company at about four and a half times EBITDA, best brand in the world..."
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry explains how first world countries can learn from emerging markets

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "'This is a turnaround, today it's the first world that is thinking short-term," Henry says. "The key question is, do we have the humility to look beyond at our shores and to look at emerging economies, take those lessons back home, and start living up to our potential?'"
School News

Stern's MS in Business Analytics program is highlighted, Paula Goldfarb is quoted

U.S. News and World Report logo
Excerpt from US News & World Report -- "Specialized degree candidates 'really want to focus and deepen their knowledge in a specific subject area,' says Paula Steisel Goldfarb, executive director of MBA and executive MBA admissions and financial aid at Stern. 'Whereas for an MBA program, students are looking at broad-based skills. They want to get all their functional knowledge within multiple areas within business.'"
Business and Policy Leader Events

Abenomics: Could This Time Be Different?

Kim Schoenholtz
Professor Kim Schoenholtz moderated a panel discussion at Japan Society on April 23, entitled, "Abenomics: Could This Time Be Different," featuring Paul Sheard, Chief Global Economist and Head of Global Economics and Research, Standard& Poor's, and Nathan Sheets, Global Head of International Economics, Citi.
School News

NYU Stern's Entrepreneurs Challenge finalists are announced

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "Cynthia Franklin, the senior associate director at the NYU Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation at Stern, announced the finalist for the Entrepreneur’s Challenge to a room full of anxious entrepreneurs in the Kaufman Management Center last Friday."
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry dicusses the impact of the Eurozone on the global economy

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "We live in an interconnected world and the Eurozone is the largest economic block in the world. So with a, frankly a misplaced focus on austerity, people have made the mistake of thinking that discipline means fiscal austerity. It doesn't. Discipline means doing what you need to do to advance the economy and the focus on growth, I think the renewed focus on growth and moving in that direction is welcome."
Faculty News

Prof. Luke Williams on disruptive innovation

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'I always say if you want to study disruptive thinking … it's best to study the work of professional comedians,' said Luke Williams, professor of innovation at New York University's Leonard N. Stern School of Business. 'They're master disruptors. Their whole job is to determine what an audience is thinking and break those expectations. And that break in expectation is where humor comes from. As soon as you hear the punch line, it's obvious in hindsight. … But a comedian doesn't stop with one joke. They have to do them again and again. [Businesses] can't just disrupt the market once and sit back and go, "Everyone's going to use our business model for the next decade."'"
Faculty News

Dean Henry outlines the economic lessons we can learn from the developing world

Newsweek Logo
Excerpt from Newsweek -- "In decades past, First World countries have lectured the rest of the world about how to stabilize and grow their economies. Today, in a startling turnaround, the developed world buckles under high debt and slow growth, while countries such as South Korea, India, Chile, Mexico, and even tiny Barbados provide vital lessons for recovery."
Faculty News

Prof. Adam Alter's book, "Drunk Tank Pink," is highlighted

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "This means that brand names that are short and easy to pronounce will have a built-in advantage over brands with long, difficult names. Indeed, in his new book Drunk Tank Pink, Princeton psychologist Adam Alter describes his research project that showed companies with fluent names generated higher returns in the stock market in short-term trading."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on the US economy

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "I'm quite concerned about the US economy. Certainly, people underestimated how much the increase in taxes, payroll and income and now the sequester would affect the economy. My view was the debt would imply a fiscal drag of at least 1.6-1.7% this year and therefore the economy this year is not going to grow much more than 1.6% given the significant fiscal drag."
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry discusses lessons from emerging markets, from his book, "Turnaround"

Council on Foreign Relations blog logo
Excerpt from the Council on Foreign Relations -- "The reason why I called the book 'Turnaround: Third World Lessons for First World Growth' is because if we take kind of a unifying message across...the last three decades, going back to roughly the late 1970s until now, how is it that countries that were formally called third world countries...became emerging markets? And I think the central point to take away is they did that through what I would call discipline."
Research Center Events

Experts Convene for Workshop on “Darwin’s Business: New Evolutionary Thinking”

NYU Stern’s Business & Society Program Area and the Evolution Institute co-hosted a workshop to assess the possible applications of evolutionary thinking – including gene-culture co-evolution, multi-level selection and the multiple paths by which humans became ultrasocial creatures – for business and business ethics.