Faculty News

Stern's first annual FinTech Conference is featured

Crowdfund Insider logo
Excerpt from Crowdfund Insider -- "On Wednesday, New York University’s Stern School Business held its inaugural Fintech Conference. The event addressed critical issues in the fintech industry, which included regulations to public policy, equity crowdfunding, marketplace investing, and blockchain technology. Dan Schulman, president and CEO of PayPal, was the keynote speaker."
Faculty News

Professor Tensie Whelan is interviewed about the importance of sustainability for businesses

Ethisphere logo
Excerpt from Ethisphere -- "Sustainability for business is a journey, so we are all learning along the way. This is about redesign. It's hard to say that any business is fully sustainable right now. But the way that I would define it is a sustainable business at minimum is having no negative impact on material, environmental, social and governance factors in its business."
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White shares his views on Donald Trump's trade policy ideas

NBC News online logo
Excerpt from NBC News -- "'Mr. Trump claims he's going to bring jobs back to America. That would seem to favor companies like steel companies, coal, maybe there are a few sectors where companies might benefit from the restraints on trade. But as a general matter, big companies are unlikely to be benefiting from the Trump agenda,' White said, because of their international exposure and global supply chains. 'To go back to the 1950s would be a wrenching experience.'"
Faculty News

Professor Gian Luca Clementi explains why re-negotiating trade deals could hurt the consumer tech market

Yahoo Finance logo
Excerpt from Yahoo Finance -- "'The way you make money is by broadening the marketplace, so the interest of these companies is to broaden the marketplace as much as possible. But to renegotiate a trade deal could start a trade war that could reduce the size of the market,' Clementi explained."
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides recommends that Google should settle its antitrust lawsuit in Europe

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "'Realizing that, the rational thing to do is to settle,' said Nicholas Economides, an economics professor at New York University Stern School of Business."
Press Releases

NYU Stern Hosts Inaugural FinTech Conference Featuring President and CEO of PayPal

NYU's Stern School of Business, the first business school to establish a FinTech specialization for MBA students, held its inaugural FinTech Conference on November 9, 2016. Featuring keynote speaker Dan Schulman (MBA ‘86), president and CEO of PayPal, the conference addressed many critical issues in the industry, ranging from regulation to public policy, equity crowdfunding, marketplace investing and blockchain technologies.
Business and Policy Leader Events

The New Rules of Audio

Henry Kaufman Management Center
NYU Stern's Management Communication Program and the Center for Communication will co-host a conversation on "The New Rules of Audio."
Research Center Events

Professor Carmen M. Reinhart of Harvard Kennedy School Shares Research and Insights on Banking Crises in NYU Stern-TCH Gallatin Lecture

NYU Stern’s Salomon Center and The Clearing House welcomed Carmen M. Reinhart, Minos A. Zombanakis Professor of International Financial System of Harvard Kennedy School for the Gallatin Lecture Series on Banking. In her talk, Reinhart shared some of the key indicators that a financial crisis may be coming, including a surge in public and/or private debt.
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway discusses the Trump brand

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "'He’s built this enormously resonant brand with what I’ll affectionately call angry white males. It’s not only a big market, but it appears to be growing,' said Scott Galloway, a professor of marketing who teaches brand strategy at New York University, on Tuesday. 'But his current product offering caters to affluent, fortunate and relatively happy people. And as a general rule, the affluent are mildly horrified by the current trajectory of the Trump brand.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Research Professor Alejandro Ruelas-Gossi argues that Mexico's economic future depends on factors other than trade agreements with the US

Harvard Business Review logo
Excerpt from the Harvard Business Review -- "...for Mexico’s long-term economy, the question of who will be the next U.S. president was never pivotal. To judge Mexico’s economic future, you might want to pay closer attention to the Mexican Hass avocado and less attention to the price of the peso."
Faculty News

Professor Vasant Dhar discusses big data’s role in predicting the presidential election

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Businesses face similar challenges in asking the right questions and collecting accurate data. The human tendency to rely on data that reinforces what is already known can inhibit organizations from making sound strategic decisions, said Vasant Dhar, a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business and the NYU Center for Data Science."
Faculty News

Professor Dolly Chugh's joint research on bias in academia is referenced

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "For example, one recent study (by Katherine Milkman, Modupe Akinola and Dolly Chugh) sent 6,500 emails to professors from a fictional student, requesting a 10-minute meeting to discuss applying to a doctoral programme. The emails were all identical except for the race or gender of the imaginary applicant. Generally, emails from white men were more likely to receive a response. But this was true for almost all subjects -- economics was not particularly blameworthy."
Research Center Events

First Annual NYU Stern FinTech Conference

Faculty, alumni and practitioners discussed how technology is reshaping the finance industry at NYU Stern’s First Annual FinTech Conference on November 9.  
School News

Stern's Fertitta Veterans Program, made possible by a​n endowment​ gift from Lorenzo Fertitta (MBA '93) and Frank J. Fertitta III, is spotlighted

Metro MBA logo
Excerpt from MetroMBA -- "The effort to naturally integrate returning military veterans is not just limited to the school, says Raghu Sundaram, vice dean of MBA programs. 'A part of it is professional: connecting them to alumni who are themselves veterans and who can act as mentors, assisting in this transition process and to corporations who hold special events for veterans,' Sundaram says. 'And a part of it is social, allowing them to bond with each other even as they get to know the school and the city.'"
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides shares his view on the possibilities that could result from a delayed debt deal in Greece

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'Postponement of debt restructuring and the possibility of a new -- fourth -- program would be huge political blows to the government, and they can lead to early elections,' Nicholas Economides, professor of economics at Stern School of Business, New York University, said."
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose discusses how Twitter might adopt an alternative ownership model

WIRED logo
Excerpt from WIRED -- "New York University management professor Anindya Ghose suggests that the best way forward might be for a large company to acquire Twitter and then sell shares to a new co-op, creating a sort of hybrid model."
Faculty News

Professor Baruch Lev's book, "The End of Accounting," is reviewed

Barron's logo
Excerpt from Barron's -- "In this provocative book that should cause investors to rethink their assumptions, Baruch Lev and Feng Gu indict the accounting rules that are supposed to give the financial data meaning."
Faculty News

Professor Paul Romer shares how policymakers can foster economic growth

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'If we could be running it much closer to full capacity, all of the shortages, bottlenecks and constraints' would surface, Romer said in an interview Thursday in Washington."
Faculty News

Professor Michael Spence argues that economic growth alone does not improve the standard of living in developing countries

The Atlantic logo
Excerpt from The Atlantic -- "Missing from growth are many things: health, distributional aspects of growth patterns, sense of security, freedoms of various kinds, leisure broadly defined, and more."
Student Club Events

21st Annual NYU Stern Graduate Finance Association Conference

On Friday, November 4, the Graduate Finance Association will host its 21st annual conference, themed "Navigating Uncertainty: The Future of Finance in a Changing Marketplace."
Business and Policy Leader Events

Fall 2016 PhD Open House

KMC Flag Close-up
Meet Stern faculty and current PhD students and learn more about the Stern PhD Program at the Fall 2016 Open House.
Faculty News

Professor Robert Engle weighs in on current market volatility

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "The volatility is pretty low right now. We see how it moves up every now and then. I see the vixes going up relative to air volatility measures, which means, I think it's got something that thinks it's worried about in the future, and I suppose that's the election next week."