School News
Recent Fashion & Luxury MBA program alumnus Umar Belal (MBA ‘20) is recognized for the success of his startup ONE432; Stern’s Venture Fellows and the Entrepreneurs Challenge are mentioned: “2020 Most Disruptive MBA Startups: ONE432, New York University."

Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- “The entrepreneurial network and infrastructure at NYU Stern has also been a huge boost for the company. We were accepted into the flagship accelerator at NYU Stern, The $300K Entrepreneurs Challenge, which we deferred to participate in to 2021 because of COVID. We were also selected in the Stern Venture Fellowship (SVF) for the summer of 2020. The SVF gives us access to $15,000 in grants to attempt new initiatives and a tremendous amount of exposure. More importantly, the program pairs us with a dream team of coaches who are industry leaders and provides us a structure over 12 weeks that keeps us focused on achieving our milestones while giving us the flexibility to be creative.”
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