Faculty News

Professor Melissa Schilling highlights key traits of serial innovators, from her new book, "Quirky"

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Excerpt from BNN -- "One of the things that was also interesting about this group of people is that, first of all, most of them had far less formal education than you would expect for the fields they contributed to. And all of them resisted, in some way, the structure of formal education, but that doesn't mean that education wasn't important to them. What happened was that they consumed education on their own terms. So a lot of them were autodidacts, or self taught, and they read like crazy, and that enabled them to go as deep into a topic or as far abroad topics as they wanted, which turns out to be incredibly important because the curriculum that we might have in school or the pedagogical tools that we are using might be great for some students and might be a shackle for other students."

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