School News
Professor Anat Lechner is spotlighted by alumnus Eaton J. Kuh (MBA ‘20): “Favorite Professors Of The Executive MBA Class of 2020.”

Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- “Anat Lechner was a professor of mine for both years of the program – and the second one was at my choosing! She brings great passion and focus in her teachings especially as it relates to the future economy. She unequivocally challenges us to think about artificial intelligence and its implications for our industries and career paths. Her comprehensive and visually appealing lessons on the evolution of management ideas, thoughts, frameworks, and tools have come in very handy in my work. She’s demonstrated her willingness to help with continuous improvement by sharing weekly ideas and thoughts with us. Her directness and high standards push me to make sure that my own pursuits are not ‘lame,’ and that I’d not be better off just ‘staying at home.’ Eaton J. Kuh, New York University (Stern)”
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