Faculty News
Prof. Scott Galloway's remarks at the DLD Conference are highlighted

Excerpt from The Globe and Mail -- "In the retail sector, Mr. Galloway argued that Amazon.com Inc. is a big winner at the expense of brands that have weak digital strategies, such as Target. He offered what might be the best metaphor I’ve ever heard to explain what Amazon is doing by building gigantic fulfilment centres outside of urban areas. He suggests that while the cable company is your conduit for digital bits (think cable modem service), Amazon’s fulfilment business is set to become your conduit for atoms (physical stuff). Because Amazon spends so much money on technology and fulfilment, Mr. Galloway says it’s like they’ve gone underwater with a huge oxygen tank and forced their competitors, who have much smaller oxygen tanks, to dive down too. He calmly predicts that the weaker players will run out of air and drown."
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