Faculty News
Prof. Jonathan Haidt's book, "The Righteous Mind," is referenced

Excerpt from LinkedIn -- "But last night, I was reading an enlightening book, The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion, by Jonathan Haidt. I thought the book was about the politics of the left and right, but it’s more about how we make any type of important life decisions. From a hiring perspective, the big 'aha' moment for me was that people are programmed to make instantaneous intuitive judgments for just about everything and then look for evidence to justify them. According to Haidt and his years of research, it’s at the core of our evolutionary human nature. Given the fact that intuition drives reasoning, I offer the following techniques for preventing bad hiring decisions due to the impact of first impressions."
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Additional coverage appeared on Business Insider.
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Additional coverage appeared on Business Insider.