School News
NYU Stern Students Win First Place in UCLA Anderson Fink Center Stock Pitch Competition

A team of NYU Stern MBA students won the eighth annual UCLA Anderson Fink Center Stock Pitch Competition. The team, including William Li (MBA ‘18), Charles Perron-Piché (MBA ‘19), Diven Sharma (MBA ‘18) and Tim Zhao (MBA ‘19), was awarded $6,000 for their presentation, and earned Stern’s first win in the competition.
Teams from 10 MBA programs around the country were invited to compete in Los Angeles, California. The two-round competition required teams to present a panel of judges with recommendations to long or short a stock given a one-year investment horizon.
“I felt that our second pitch was strong, so the challenge was just making it to the final round,” said William. “Luckily, we nailed the Q&A in the first round and that allowed us to advance.”
In the final round, the top teams from three pools were challenged with making a recommendation on General Electric.
“The Q&A session after our final presentation was tough, but I think we brought enough persuasive facts to support our thesis and convince the judges,” said Charles. “We believe this victory is a testament of the quality of training and education we received at Stern to have a successful career in the investment management industry. I couldn’t have felt more prepared for this competition and we were thrilled to see that our weeks of preparation payed off.”
“Overall, it was a great experience and I’m glad to bring the first UCLA Anderson Fink Center Stock Pitch Competition win to Stern,” said William.