School News
NYU Stern's record-breaking class profile data for the Class of 2023 is highlighted; Assistant Dean of MBA Admissions Lisa Rios is quoted: "At Elite MBA Programs, GMAT Scores are Soaring to Record Highs."

Excerpt from Find MBA-- "It was also a record year for the GMAT at NYU Stern School of Business in New York. The average score hit 729. Even so, Stern added three new admissions test options — LSAT, MCAT and DAT — to its application process this year. Stern also accepts the GMAT, GRE and Executive Assessment."
"Lisa Rios, assistant dean of MBA admissions at Stern, believes that 'a more seamless process for applicants' resulted in an eight percent increase in MBA applications this year."
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"Lisa Rios, assistant dean of MBA admissions at Stern, believes that 'a more seamless process for applicants' resulted in an eight percent increase in MBA applications this year."
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