School News
NYU Stern Offers New First Year London Option for BS in Business Students

In partnership with NYU Global Programs, NYU Stern’s Undergraduate College is offering students a First Year London option in its flagship four-year BS in Business Program for those applying to enter in Fall 2021 (the Class of 2025). Under this option, students will spend their first year at NYU London before returning to Stern’s NYC campus to complete the remainder of their degree program.
The BS in Business Program
Students in NYU Stern’s BS in Business Program receive a well-rounded education in the liberal arts, business fundamentals, global business, and social impact over the course of four years. While every BS in Business student majors in business, they can concentrate in up to two of 13 areas, from traditional subjects such as accounting, finance, and marketing, to newer ones such as computing and data science, sustainable business, and entrepreneurship, while also exploring classes, majors, and minors across NYU. Hallmarks of the program include the International Studies Program, a required global business strategy course that includes a business trip abroad for the entire junior class, and the Social Impact Core, a required four-course sequence that provides an in-depth look at the impact of business on society. NYU Stern works with faculty, alumni, and leading industry partners to develop programs that help students explore careers, prepare for recruitment, and connect with employers.
First Year London Option
Students who take the First Year London option will have access to similar opportunities as those students who start their academic program in New York, including the same choice of concentrations, and the opportunity to minor or double-major across NYU. However, the key distinction is that these students will spend the first year of the program at NYU’s academic center in London. Internships and other professional development opportunities in the United Kingdom will also be possible for many students in the summer following completion of the first year. The First Year London option therefore offers students the unique prospect of beginning their undergraduate studies and gaining a career foothold while living in one of the most exciting cities in the world—a world capital of banking, insurance, commerce, design, theatre, and the arts.
While in London, students will follow the same rigorous curriculum as their counterparts in the BS in Business Program at New York City’s Washington Square campus:
First Year London students will get a jumpstart on achieving a global perspective, one of the five pillars that underlie the Stern undergraduate experience and an essential skill in today’s increasingly complex and globalized world. In addition, students will have the opportunity to explore the professional landscape in the UK and continental Europe, with an option to complete a summer internship immediately following their first year of studies. Therefore, the First Year London option is particularly well-suited to those students who may have an interest in pursuing a career in Europe, or for whom a deeper knowledge of Europe might be useful.
Students who intend to settle in Europe after graduation will have the further opportunity to spend additional semesters there, either at one of NYU’s other European sites (Paris, Madrid, Florence, Berlin, Prague) or at one of our many European partner schools, through the International Business Exchange Program (IBEX). Of course, students can also study at other non-European NYU global locations or IBEX partner schools to gain greater international exposure. Regardless, the first-year experience is sure to broaden students’ horizons and open them up to the diversity of career options, across both industries and locations, that an NYU Stern degree provides.
The NYU Stern First Year London option provides an incredible opportunity for students with a growth mindset to enrich their experience by embracing the challenge associated with immersing themselves in a non-US environment at the very beginning of their academic journey.
The BS in Business Program
Students in NYU Stern’s BS in Business Program receive a well-rounded education in the liberal arts, business fundamentals, global business, and social impact over the course of four years. While every BS in Business student majors in business, they can concentrate in up to two of 13 areas, from traditional subjects such as accounting, finance, and marketing, to newer ones such as computing and data science, sustainable business, and entrepreneurship, while also exploring classes, majors, and minors across NYU. Hallmarks of the program include the International Studies Program, a required global business strategy course that includes a business trip abroad for the entire junior class, and the Social Impact Core, a required four-course sequence that provides an in-depth look at the impact of business on society. NYU Stern works with faculty, alumni, and leading industry partners to develop programs that help students explore careers, prepare for recruitment, and connect with employers.
First Year London Option
Students who take the First Year London option will have access to similar opportunities as those students who start their academic program in New York, including the same choice of concentrations, and the opportunity to minor or double-major across NYU. However, the key distinction is that these students will spend the first year of the program at NYU’s academic center in London. Internships and other professional development opportunities in the United Kingdom will also be possible for many students in the summer following completion of the first year. The First Year London option therefore offers students the unique prospect of beginning their undergraduate studies and gaining a career foothold while living in one of the most exciting cities in the world—a world capital of banking, insurance, commerce, design, theatre, and the arts.
While in London, students will follow the same rigorous curriculum as their counterparts in the BS in Business Program at New York City’s Washington Square campus:
- Participating in orientation and the first-semester Cohort Leadership Program.
- Taking the NYU Stern two-semester writing sequence (Commerce & Culture and Business & Society), with an added focus on doing business in Europe.
- Choosing from a selection of other Stern courses taught in London, which might include statistics, microeconomics, or financial accounting, and liberal arts courses offered by other NYU schools, which might include calculus, natural science, or courses that focus on European society and culture.
First Year London students will get a jumpstart on achieving a global perspective, one of the five pillars that underlie the Stern undergraduate experience and an essential skill in today’s increasingly complex and globalized world. In addition, students will have the opportunity to explore the professional landscape in the UK and continental Europe, with an option to complete a summer internship immediately following their first year of studies. Therefore, the First Year London option is particularly well-suited to those students who may have an interest in pursuing a career in Europe, or for whom a deeper knowledge of Europe might be useful.
Students who intend to settle in Europe after graduation will have the further opportunity to spend additional semesters there, either at one of NYU’s other European sites (Paris, Madrid, Florence, Berlin, Prague) or at one of our many European partner schools, through the International Business Exchange Program (IBEX). Of course, students can also study at other non-European NYU global locations or IBEX partner schools to gain greater international exposure. Regardless, the first-year experience is sure to broaden students’ horizons and open them up to the diversity of career options, across both industries and locations, that an NYU Stern degree provides.
The NYU Stern First Year London option provides an incredible opportunity for students with a growth mindset to enrich their experience by embracing the challenge associated with immersing themselves in a non-US environment at the very beginning of their academic journey.