Research Center Events

2014-2015 NYU Stern Entrepreneurs Challenge Kick-Off

Join hundreds of aspiring entrepreneurs from NYU’s student, alumni and faculty communities in Paulson Auditorium to hear about this year’s Entrepreneurs Challenge.
Research Center Events

"Challenges for Monetary Policy": A Public Talk with Jeremy Stein

Street view of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
NYU Stern's Center for Global Economy and Business welcomes Jeremy Stein, former governor of the Federal Reserve Board, to speak at a public talk, entitled "Challenges for Monetary Policy."
Research Center Events

Economic Outlook Forum

The NYU Stern Center for Global Economy and Business hosted the Economic Outlook Forum on September 3, 2014.
Research Center Events

International Society for Justice Research Conference 2014

Street view of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
The 15th biennial conference of the International Society for Justice Research (ISJR) will convene academics and thought leaders in the field to discuss three major themes.
Research Center Events

7th Annual Conference of the Society for Financial Econometrics

The 7th Annual Conference of the Society for Financial Econometrics (SoFiE) will be held in Toronto at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management from June 11 to 13, 2014.
Research Center Events

Crowds 2.0: New Frontiers in Crowdfunding + Crowdsourcing

On May 9, 2014, the NYU Stern Center for Business Analytics, led by Professors Vasant Dhar and Anindya Ghose, hosted an all-day event to discuss trends and issues related to crowdfunding and crowdsourcing with industry experts and academics, including Stern Professors Ashwini Agarwal, Yannis Bakos, John Horton, Panos Ipeirotis, Natalia Levina and Arun Sundararajan, in the space.
Research Center Events

Ninth Annual New York Fed/NYU Stern Conference on Financial Intermediation

On Friday, May 2, 2014, the Salomon Center for the Study of Financial Institutions will host the Ninth Annual New York Fed/NYU Stern Conference on Financial Intermediation, co-sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Review of Financial Studies.
Research Center Events

NYU Teams Win $200K in Stern's 2013-2014 Entrepreneurs Challenge

At the conclusion of an eight-month competition, NYU’s most promising innovators received a combined $200,000 in start-up cash at the annual $200K Entrepreneurs Challenge, held by NYU Stern’s Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation.
Research Center Events

The Sixth Annual NYU Stern Volatility Institute Conference

The Sixth Annual NYU Stern Volatility Institute Conference convened academics, practitioners and regulators to discuss the latest research and ideas on this year’s theme, “Market Liquidity and Funding Liquidity: Implications for Economic Risk.” 
Research Center Events

Stern's Urbanization Project Hosts a Conversation with Harvard University's Edward Glaeser

As a part of the Conversations on Urbanization series held by NYU Stern’s Urbanization Project, Edward Glaeser, Fred and Eleanor Glimp Professor of Economics at Harvard University, spoke with Paul Romer, Director of the Urbanization Project, Interim Director of NYU's Marron Institute on Cities and the Urban Environment and Professor of Economics, in a public presentation on April 22.
Research Center Events

Ross Roundtable Discusses Securities Litigation in 2014

Academics, practitioners and policymakers gathered at NYU Stern on April 7 for a roundtable discussion on “Getting Personal With Securities Litigation in 2014,” co-hosted by the Vincent C. Ross Institute of Accounting Research and NERA Economic Consulting.
Research Center Events

University Prof. Paul Romer Delivers Lecture on “Approaching the City through Pasteur’s Quadrant”

Paul Romer, University Professor, professor of economics, director or the NYU Stern Urbanization Project and interim director of NYU's Marron Institute on Cities and the Urban Environment, delivered a University Professorship Lecture entitled “Approaching the City through Pasteur's Quadrant" this Spring. The event was hosted by Provost David McLaughlin and Dean Peter Henry in Stern’s Cantor Boardroom.
Research Center Events

"The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist: When Girl Meets Oil" Book Launch

The NYU Stern Center for Business & Human Rights and The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre welcome Christine Bader, author of The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist: When Girl Meets Oil, for a book talk and signing.
Research Center Events

Third Annual NYU Entrepreneurs Festival

New York University hosts its third annual NYU Entrepreneurs Festival to celebrate the vibrant and growing start-up culture at the University. The event, co-hosted by the NYU Stern Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, the NYU Entrepreneurs Network and the NYU Entrepreneurial Institute, provides an opportunity for new ventures to seek advice and learn from the experiences of start-up founders, investors and prospective entrepreneurs from the NYU entrepreneurial community.
Research Center Events

10th Annual NYU/Penn Conference on Law and Finance

KMC Flag Close-up
The 10th Annual NYU/Penn Conference on Law and Finance, jointly sponsored by New York University’s Pollack Center for Law & Business, the University of Pennsylvania’s Institute for Law and Economics and Wharton’s Financial Institutions Center, will be held at the University of Pennsylvania Law School on February 28 and March 1.
Research Center Events

Center for Real Estate Finance Research: Executives-in-Residence Day

On February 25, the Center for Real Estate Finance Research partnered with two student organizations, the Stern Real Estate Club and Stern Women in Business, to host an Executives-in-Residence Day.
Research Center Events

NYU Stern Salomon Center Research Day 2014

KMC Flag Close-up
On Friday, February 21, 2014, the Salomon Center for the Study of Financial Institutions will host Research Day 2014, featuring presentations on in-progress research at NYU Stern and a panel discussion on the current state of the world economy and financial system.
Research Center Events

Building a Billion Dollar Company Takes More than Just a Big Idea

Street view of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
The Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and welcome Michael Baum, founder of six startups, for an informational talk entitled "Building a Billion Dollar Company Takes More than Just a Big Idea." This event marks the kick-off of the $100K annual competition.
Research Center Events

Stern's Urbanization Project Hosts the Brown Bag Discussion Series

NYU Flag
The Urbanization Project’s Brown Bag Discussion Series brings together students, scholars, and practitioners from NYU and NYC to talk with featured guests about their ongoing urban-related work.
Research Center Events

Dstillery and NYU Stern Center for Business Analytics Host Second Annual ADS*CON Symposium

On February 6, Dstillery and NYU Stern's Center for Business Analytics (CBA) co-hosted Advertising and Data Science Congress (ADS*CON), a half-day symposium dedicated to exploring the impact of the data science revolution on the digital advertising ecosystem.
Research Center Events

Stern's Urbanization Project Hosts the Brown Bag Discussion Series

Street View of NYU Stern
The Urbanization Project’s Brown Bag Discussion Series brings together students, scholars, and practitioners from NYU and NYC to talk with featured guests about their ongoing urban-related work.
Research Center Events

Conversations on Urbanization: Shlomo Angel and Joan Clos

As a part of the Conversations on Urbanization series held by NYU Stern’s Urbanization Project, Senior Research Scholar Shlomo (Solly) Angel spoke with Dr. Joan Clos, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN-Habitat and former mayor of Barcelona, in a public presentation on December 9.
Research Center Events

Center for Business Analytics Hosts Revenue Management Roundtable

NYU flags outside of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
On December 5, Associate Professor of IOMS Rene Caldentey, CBA Executive in Residence Rick Zeni, Professor of IOMS and Marketing and Co-director of the Center for Business Analytics Anindya Ghose, and Associate Director of the Center for Business Analytics Mandy Osborne, hosted a revenue management roundtable discussion.


NYU Stern In Conversation With