Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Strategy for Executives: Creating and Capturing Value in a Competitive Environment

his program provides the foundation for managers to think strategically about creating and capturing value within their organization. Through a series of discussions and exercises, participants will understand what value capture and creation means. They will also critically examine their current company strategies to identify where value is already being created, captured and lost. Participants will then use this knowledge to analyze their organization’s potential and begin building successful strategies.
Research Center Events

Center For Sustainable Business Book Discussion With Jack Ewing

On May 23, the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business and Ethical Systems welcomed Jack Ewing, European Economics Correspondent for The New York Times, for a discussion of his new book Faster, Higher, Farther: The Volkswagen Scandal.
Research Center Events

The Changing Role of Stock Markets in Capital Formation Conference

On May 9, the NYU Stern Ross Institute and Salomon Center will co-host a conference entitled, “The Changing Role of Stock Markets in Capital Formation”. 
Research Center Events

Risk Insight Live: Risk Management For Commercial Real Estate Financial Markets

On May 9, the NYU Stern Center for Real Estate Finance Research, Salomon Center, and S&P Global will host a conference entitled “Risk Insight Live: Risky Management For Commercial Real Estate Financial Markets Agenda.”
Research Center Events

NYU Teams Win $300K in the Stern School’s 2016-2017 Entrepreneurs Challenge

Berkley Entrepreneurs Challenge trophies
Over 500 students, alumni and faculty members from 17 schools and divisions across NYU’s global campuses entered the Entrepreneurs Challenge, hosted by the W.R. Berkley Innovation Labs.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Disruptive Leadership: Fostering a Culture of Game-Changing Innovation

This program is intended for those who wish to rethink the habits that have made them successful in the past, and challenge the conventional wisdom and industry models that have defined their businesses. To achieve these objectives, this course combines presentations and discussions with practical exercises so that participants can apply disruptive leadership principles to business issues and scenarios.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Business Analytics for Executives: Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset

This program is designed to help executives leverage analytics to improve their decision-making skills across their organization. Through a combination of discussion, simulation and experiential exercises, participants will develop a clear understanding of what decisions analytics can help them make, and the best way to transform analytics insights into strategies.
Research Center Events

Brad Smith, President of Microsoft: The Challenge of Maintaining Integrity on the Internet

On Wednesday, April 26, NYU Stern's Center for Business and Human Rights welcomed Brad Smith, President of Microsoft, for an event entitled "The Challenge of Maintaining Integrity on the Internet." He was joined by Professor Michael Posner to discuss the misuse and manipulation of internet platforms by third parties and how extremist content, fake news and intolerant discourse have spread across the web with real-world consequences.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Leadership Training for High Potentials

This program will introduce you to a variety of analytical frameworks related to leadership and will focus on how to apply those frameworks to analyze and address important leadership challenges. It will also help you to better understand the context within which leaders typically operate, and help make you more conscious of the choices you make as a leader in an organization.
Research Center Events

Journalist & Author Jane Mayer Discusses Political Influence of Billionaires at 12th Annual Haitkin Lecture

Jane Mayer, investigative journalist and author of Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires, delivered the 12th annual Haitkin Lecture, hosted by NYU Stern’s Business & Society Program. 
Research Center Events

The Innocence Project: A Conversation with Seema Saifee & Darryl Howard

Seema Saifee and Darryl Howard
On Thursday, April 13, NYU Stern’s Business & Society Program will welcome Seema Saifee, staff attorney for the Innocence Project, and Darryl Howard, who was recently exonerated after serving 24 years for a wrongful murder conviction, to speak to an audience of students.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Digital Marketing and Social Media Strategy

This program examines best-practices related to the business use of social media and digital marketing. While there will be sufficient attention given to top level strategy used by companies adopting social media and digital marketing, the course will also focus on digital analytics oriented tools: how to make organizations more intelligent in how they conduct business in the digital age.
Research Center Events

NYU Stern W. R. Berkley Innovation Labs Celebrate Open House

The NYU Stern W. R. Berkley Innovation Labs serve as the School's creative hub for the design of 21st century business ventures and learning environments. At a recent open house, the Labs team showcased their offerings and unveiled new initiatives to a standing-room-only crowd made up of faculty, staff and alumni.
Research Center Events

Shifting the Investment Paradigm

On Wednesday, March 8, NYU Stern’s Center for Business and Human Rights welcomed Renee Beaumont, partner at Generation Investment Management, for an event entitled “Shifting the Investment Paradigm.” The discussion, which was moderated by Professor Michael Posner, centered around the topic of the changing investment landscape and focused on sustainable long-term investing to create profit for shareholders.
Research Center Events

Stern's Center for Global Economy and Business Hosts Nathan Sheets, Former Treasury Under Secretary for International Affairs

The NYU Stern Center for Global Economy and Business hosted a public talk with Nathan Sheets, former US Treasury Department’s Under Secretary for International Affairs, on the "Implications of President Trump's Policies for the Global Economy."
Research Center Events

The Path Forward: Chipotle's Vision for its Future Food Ecosystem

On Feb. 28, Chipotle Mexican Grill CEO and Founder Steve Ells shared his company's vision for making great food more affordable and accessible in a conversation moderated by Professor Tensie Whelan, director of NYU Stern’s Center for Sustainable Business
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Finance and Accounting for Non-Finance Executives

This program is for general and functional business managers who interact regularly with the firm’s finance area; managers who make business decisions that affect the firm’s financial results, or are impacted by financial models; and financial analysts and investors who would like to understand how to interpret the data in financial statements to assess a firm's future prospects and value.
Research Center Events

13th Annual NYU/Penn Conference on Law and Finance

The 13th Annual NYU/Penn Conference on Law and Finance, co-sponsored by New York University’s Pollack Center for Law & Business and the University of Pennsylvania’s Institute for Law and Economics, was held on February 24-25. 
Research Center Events

Center for Real Estate Finance Research Panel on Real Estate and Technology

NYU Stern's Center for Real Estate Finance Research hosted a panel on real estate and technology on February 23. 
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Communication Strategies: Developing Leadership Presence

This program is designed to upgrade existing communication skills and is therefore relevant for anyone at a managerial or executive level.
Research Center Events

Trust Factor: The Science of Creating High-Performing Companies

On February 23, The Aspen Institute, in partnership with the NYU Stern Business & Society Program, will host a conversation with two of America's leading experts in psychology -- Professor Paul Zak and Professor Jonathan Haidt. 
Research Center Events

15th Annual NYU Venture Showcase

NYU Stern's W. R. Berkley Innovation Lab will welcome NYU alumni, angel investors, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs and industry innovators to the 15th Annual New Venture Showcase.
Research Center Events

China: Risks in the Financial System

On February 16, Professor Kim Schoenholtz moderated a panel discussion entitled, “China: Risks in the Financial System.” Opening the conversation, Professor Jennifer Carpenter presented key points from her recent research, co-authored with Professor Robert Whitelaw, outlining the rapid growth of corporate debt in China and the central role banks play in China’s financial system, as well as mechanisms to improve the allocation of risks (such as the stock market). 
Research Center Events

Tensie Whelan Speaks at 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer Davos Preview Panel, Stockholm School of Economics

Over the last month, NYU Stern Professor Tensie Whelan made a pair of speaking stops to discuss sustainability in business. 
Research Center Events

NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Research Project Research Day 2017 Highlights New Finance Faculty Research

The NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Research Project, part of the Salomon Center for the Study of Financial Institutions, hosted its annual Research Day, an opportunity to showcase some of the most interesting research projects in progress among the School’s active finance research faculty.


NYU Stern In Conversation With