School News
Current students Rebecca Dewey (MBA '20) and Allie Kornstein (MBA '20) are featured as part of the Poets & Quants 2020 "Best & Brightest MBAs" list; in a pair of in-depth Q&As, both students reflect on their time at Stern and the strength of the community

Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- “I knew I wanted to be in New York City long term. I felt it was important to choose a school that was located in or near the city, which would give me access to networking and recruiting opportunities for New York-based roles. After visiting Stern’s campus, I was truly blown away by the kindness and camaraderie demonstrated by the students I spoke with and knew I wanted to be part of a community like Stern’s.” - Rebecca Dewey
“I chose Stern for two main reasons. First, the community. Stern prides itself on “IQ + EQ” and I was drawn to a school that emphasized the human side of business as well as its technical aspects. Secondly, I wanted to stay in the Northeast. Living in NYC before business school, I knew how much the city had to offer in terms of access to companies and events. Stern does a fantastic job of connecting students with the city, and I’ve really enjoyed being able to visit companies in person and get involved in experiential learning projects in the city.” - Allie Kornstein
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“I chose Stern for two main reasons. First, the community. Stern prides itself on “IQ + EQ” and I was drawn to a school that emphasized the human side of business as well as its technical aspects. Secondly, I wanted to stay in the Northeast. Living in NYC before business school, I knew how much the city had to offer in terms of access to companies and events. Stern does a fantastic job of connecting students with the city, and I’ve really enjoyed being able to visit companies in person and get involved in experiential learning projects in the city.” - Allie Kornstein
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