Faculty News

Foundation Fund: Castellacci enters the organ of address

the Nation
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Professor Enrico Castellacci, director of the department of orthopedics and sports medicine and traumatology hospital and physician of Lucca's national team, is the new address of the member of the Foundation Cassa di Lucca. Castellacci was elected during the general meeting of the Foundation in place of Dr. Maido Castiglioni, recently named a member of the Board of the Foundation. The assembly also elected four new members: Professor Gino Cattani, an associate professor at the Stern School of Business at New York University, Mr. Paul Culicchia, chairman of the industrial district of Capannori and president of Assocarta, Hugh Giurlani, entrepreneur , CEO and Director general and Chairman of the Board of Polis Luigi Boccherini musical institute and engineer Pierluigi Pierallini, President and Chief Executive Officer of the holding company of Tagetik Software.

With the election of Castellacci, the Board of Trustees of the Foundation Fund is now composed as follows: Piero Leonardo Andreucci Enrico Castellacci, Umberto Conti, Lucia Clean Parcel, Mauro Di Grazia, Ugo Fava, Maurizio Fontanini, Paul Francis Luiso, Constant Martinucci , Henry Marzaduri, Giovan Battista Mennucci, Fabio Monaco, Marco Pasquali, Umberto Tenucci. Meanwhile, the Case Foundation and Banco Popular have extended the duration of the two purchase options granted to Banco Popular Foundation on 5 July and 21 September 2010 total of 7,136,711 shares of Credito Bergamasco, at 11, 562% of the share capital . The purchase options may be exercised by Banco Popular by June 30, 2013.