Business and Policy Leader Events
Hugo Lindgren, Editor of The New York Times Magazine, Talks Candidly with MBA Students
As part of NYU Stern’s Block Lunch event series, hosted by the Dean’s Office, Hugo Lindgren, editor of The New York Times Magazine, engaged with more than 100 MBA students on September 10. Lindgren spoke candidly about his career, including a stint at Businessweek after the magazine was bought by Bloomberg. He also shared some of his strategic thinking for The New York Times Magazine, and offered some perspective on the challenges facing the print journalism industry in general today.

Over the course of the semester, students will have an opportunity to hear candid perspectives from thought leaders in various industries. Upcoming speakers include Ken Mehlman, head of Global Public Affairs at Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., and former chairman of the Republican National Committee.

Over the course of the semester, students will have an opportunity to hear candid perspectives from thought leaders in various industries. Upcoming speakers include Ken Mehlman, head of Global Public Affairs at Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., and former chairman of the Republican National Committee.