Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose assesses the competitive landscape for the home-sharing market in India

Quartz logo
Excerpt from Quartz India -- "'(It) has to go up against Jin Jiang, the world’s fifth largest hospitality company,' said Anindya Ghose, the Heinz Riehl professor of business at New York University’s Stern school of business. 'There is also Airbnb and their big rival, Tujia.'"
Faculty News

Speaking at a conference in Cabo Verde, Africa, Professor Luis Cabral underscores the importance of investing in education and technological infrastructure

SAPO Cabo Verde logo
Excerpt from SAPO Cabo Verde -- "For [Cabral], it is important that governments, businesses and the general population are prepared for the ongoing digital revolution, which, he said, will have a 'far greater' impact than computers and the Internet, but also in artificial intelligence. 'It is fundamental to invest in the infrastructure...' he added, adding the importance of investing in education so that people are prepared for the new phenomena and technologies."
Research Center Events

Tackling Global Imbalances: Focusing on Global Monetary Policies, Capital Markets, Trump’s Trade War and European Populism

NYU flags outside of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
The NYU Stern Department of Information, Operations and Management Sciences will host a seminar by Professor John (Iannis) Mourmouras, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Greece, on September 28, 2018
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor Dolly Chugh shares takeaways on how to fight unconscious bias, from her book, "The Person You Mean to Be"

Knowledge at Wharton logo
Excerpt from Knowledge@Wharton -- "I call it the smart, semi-bold person’s guide for diversity and inclusion. It’s an approach to thinking about diversity and inclusion that really begins with thinking about yourself and the ways in which you may inadvertently be holding some unconscious biases or benefiting from systemic bias."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran's contributed essay in "The Best Investment Writing – Vol. 2," edited by Meb Farber, is referenced

ThinkAdvisor logo
Excerpt from ThinkAdvisor -- "'The Bitcoin Boom: Asset, Currency, Commodity or Collectible?' by Aswath Damodaran, finance professor, NYU Stern School of Business: 'Bitcoin is not an asset class. You don’t invest in Bitcoin; you trade it. Bitcoin is a young currency.'"
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran's contributed essay in "The Best Investment Writing – Vol. 2," is referenced

ThinkAdvisor logo
Excerpt from ThinkAdvisor -- "'The Bitcoin Boom: Asset, Currency, Commodity or Collectible' by Aswath Damodaran, finance professor, NYU Stern School of Business: 'Bitcoin is not an asset class. You don’t invest in Bitcoin; you trade it. Bitcoin is a young currency.'"
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt's co-authored book, "The Coddling of the American Mind," is reviewed

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "Three basic misconceptions underpin this hypochondriacal outlook, Mr Haidt and Mr Lukianoff write. First, that a person’s feelings, such as over whether a remark is racist, are always right. Second, that humankind can be split into good and bad people, whereas, as Solzhenitsyn put it, 'the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being'. Finally, that risk is best avoided, or 'What doesn’t kill you makes you weaker'."
Faculty News

Professor Baruch Lev's comments on the value of intangible assets at the Oscar Pomilio Blumm forum are highlighted

Yahoo logo
Excerpt from Yahoo -- (Translated from Italian using Google Translate) "Professor Lev, before receiving the Ethics Award from the hands of Massimo Pomilio, managing director of Pomilio Blumm, said: 'Intangible assets are not just patents and licenses, but also innovations in the organizational model, like WalMart, which sends updates on the supply of a given asset directly to the supplier.'"
Research Center Events

Powering Partnerships for the SDGs: Uniting Students and Business

M. S. Peters, M. van Loggerenberg, Li. Manley, H. Medina, N. Africa, H. Baijal, S. Fallender, M. Statler
NYU Stern, UNA-USA and Business Council for the UN convened a solutions-focused lunch focusing on the implementation of SDG 17, “Partnerships for the Goals” on Thursday, September 27, 2018.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Strategy for Executives: Creating and Capturing Value in a Competitive Environment

This program provides the foundation for managers to think strategically about creating and capturing value within their organization.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Strategy for Executives: Creating and Capturing Value in a Competitive Environment

This program provides the foundation for managers to think strategically about creating and capturing value within their organization. 
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan discusses his research findings in an article about proposed legislation in Boston to restrict Airbnb; his book, "The Sharing Economy," is also referenced

Christian Science Monitor logo
Excerpt from The Christian Science Monitor -- "'In cities like New York and Boston, given the high cost of residential housing, there is little or no evidence that you can actually take a unit off the longer term market, run it as an Airbnb, and make money,' says Arun Sundararajan, a professor of business at New York University and author of 'The Sharing Economy,' a book that explores how on-demand platforms will change society."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway comments on Google and the future of tech regulation

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "It was the 'worst business decision of 2018,' said Scott Galloway, a founder of the business research firm Gartner L2 and a professor of marketing at New York University Stern School of Business. 'It feels like the tide has turned substantially,' Mr. Galloway said. 'They’ve sort of poked the bear.'"
Faculty News

Lord Mervyn King's predictions on the future of central banks, from his book, "The End of Alchemy," are referenced

Quartz logo
Excerpt from Quartz -- "We assume that the way money works now—fiat currency controlled by central banks—is a law of nature. It isn’t. It is a particular set of man-made, transient institutional arrangements. The former governor of the Bank of England Mervyn King says in his recent book The End of Alchemy that central banks’ 'extinction cannot be ruled out altogether.'"
Faculty News

Professor Michael Spence shares his views on how China is handling its trade conflict with the US

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- (:10) "China is struggling with the American tariffs, they're trying to find a way through this. The United States, I think by general agreement, has the capacity to hurt them in the short run..."
Research Center Events

NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business Panel Discussion: Innovating Investments for Climate Resilience

Ann van Riel, Courtney Asher Thompson, Professor Tensie Whelan, Nobel Laureate Professor Robert Engle, and Christina Wong
On September 25, the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business and SustainAbility co-hosted a panel discussion entitled, "Innovating Investments for Climate Resilience."
Business and Policy Leader Events

NYU Stern's "In Conversation with Lord Mervyn King" Series Presents Paul Krugman

Lord Mervyn King & Paul Krugman
On September 25, NYU Stern's "In Conversation with Lord Mervyn King" series hosted Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman, op-ed columnist at The New York Times and distinguished professor of economics at The Graduate Center, CUNY.
Faculty News

Professor Alixandra Barasch's joint research on the factors that influence a donor's decision to give to a charity is spotlighted

Philanthropy Journal logo
Excerpt from the Philanthropy Journal -- "The studies show that people will still choose more personally gratifying charities to donate to over more effective ones. The researchers found that this pattern was only disrupted in two situations: if the donor occupied some role of responsibility, such as being responsible for allocating official funds, or if the donor was choosing between charities that supported the same cause."
Faculty News

Professor John Horton's joint research on Uber drivers is referenced in an article about the sharing economy workforce

ABC News logo
Excerpt from ABC News -- "Research by Uber's chief economist, Jonathan Hall, and John Horton of New York University found that when Uber raised its fares, drivers initially earned more money. But there were offsetting effects: The higher rates attracted more drivers while reducing the number of trips consumers made. Overall earnings for drivers soon fell back to their previous levels."
Faculty News

Professors Tülin Erdem and Luke Williams offer insights on Papa John’s new logo

CNNMoney logo
Excerpt from CNNMoney -- "Erdem said that when companies change their names, they lose valuable brand recognition. 'There's so much awareness around the name,' said Erdem. 'I think a company would do that only if really, really the brand is so tarnished, you want to be forgotten.'"
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter offers perspective on the intrusive power of technology in today's society

HuffPost logo
Excerpt from HuffPost -- "We give our phones immense power when we allow them to nudge us with updates throughout the day,' Professor Adam Alter from New York University, who has done research in this area, tells me. 'We’d never give the same power to another person - imagine telling someone that you’re happy for them to tap you on the shoulder every few minutes. Our phones are just as intrusive, and we give them that power.'"
Faculty News

Insights on the causes of today's polarized political climate from Professor Jonathan Haidt's new book, "The Coddling of the American Mind," are spotlighted

New York Magazine logo
Excerpt from New York Magazine -- "Haidt and Lukianoff note how humans are constructed genetically for this kind of tribal warfare, to divide the world instinctively into in-groups and out-groups almost from infancy. For homo sapiens, it is natural to see the world, as Rabbi Jonathan Sacks put it, as radically 'divided into the unimpeachably good and the irredeemably bad.'”
Faculty News

Professor Stephen Brown's joint research on the link between a hedge fund manager's choice of vehicle and market performance is highlighted

Institutional Investor logo
Excerpt from Institutional Investor -- "Although higher risk can sometimes lead to higher returns, the additional risks taken by sports car drivers “ultimately hurt their investors,” authors Stephen Brown, Yan Lu, Sugata Ray, and Melvyn Teo, who are all finance professors, wrote in the paper. They found that sports car owners delivered lower Sharpe ratios and alphas, and traded 'more frequently, actively, and unconventionally.'"
Faculty News

Professor Maher Said explains blind auction strategies in an article about the fate of Sky

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Maher Said, a New York University Stern School of Business professor who focuses on auctions, said the first step in an auction like this is figuring out how much the asset is really worth to you, and then what you think it’s worth to your rival. Next is gaming out a range of possible bids from your rival. 'The concern is you don’t want to raise the price so high and end up holding the bag,' he said."
Faculty News

Professor Roy Smith weighs in on some of the recent leadership changes at Bank of America

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'That is not what the investment bankers signed on to be; they wanted to be "masters of the universe" and make big bucks,' said Roy Smith, emeritus professor of management practice at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'They didn’t sign on to be low-risk public utilities.'"