When More Information Leads to More Uncertainty

By Geeta Menon and Ellie J. Kyung
Will colleges and universities restart in-person classes this fall? Will there be a vaccine for the novel coronavirus soon? Will there be second wave of the virus? Do I wear a mask outside even if I plan to socially distance? How can I figure out which news sources and leaders to trust?
Every day we are faced with a torrent of information from news articles, cable networks, social media, the White House, the Center for Disease Control – and yet, there are no clear answers.
As humans, we innately find uncertainty to be an aversive state and are motivated to reduce it, even at a cost. Research has shown that people are calmer and less agitated when they know they are going to receive an electric shock than when they know there is a 50% chance they might receive an electric shock. Similarly, the threat of perceived job insecurity has more detrimental health effects than actually losing a job.
Read the full Harvard Business Review article.
Geeta Menon is Abraham Krasnoff Professor of Global Business, Professor of Marketing and Dean Emeritus, NYU Stern Undergraduate College
Every day we are faced with a torrent of information from news articles, cable networks, social media, the White House, the Center for Disease Control – and yet, there are no clear answers.
As humans, we innately find uncertainty to be an aversive state and are motivated to reduce it, even at a cost. Research has shown that people are calmer and less agitated when they know they are going to receive an electric shock than when they know there is a 50% chance they might receive an electric shock. Similarly, the threat of perceived job insecurity has more detrimental health effects than actually losing a job.
Read the full Harvard Business Review article.
Geeta Menon is Abraham Krasnoff Professor of Global Business, Professor of Marketing and Dean Emeritus, NYU Stern Undergraduate College