Research Highlights
Faculty Awards & Accolades – January/February 2015
The Social Science Research Network (SSRN) recognized two Stern professors' work among their Top 10 Papers of 2014: Professor Dolly Chugh's co-authored paper, "What Happens Before? A Field Experiment Exploring How Pay and Representation Differentially Shape Bias on the Pathway into Organizations," and Professor Aswath Damodaran's paper, "Equity Risk Premiums (ERP): Determinants, Estimation and Implications – the 2013 Edition."
Professors Dolly Chugh and Jonathan Haidt were recently named to Ethisphere Magazine's "100 Most Influential in Business Ethics" list.
Professor Anindya Ghose and PhD students Vilma Todri and Panos Adamopolous, along with Param Vir Singh of Carnegie Mellon University, received a grant from the Wharton Customer Analytics Institute. As part of the award, they will be given a dataset that contains comprehensive customer interaction information for several hundred thousand customers from six different countries. The data will help the researchers answer questions related to digital attribution.
Chinese monthly magazine Business Management Review featured the Chinese edition of Dean Peter Henry's book Turnaround as one of the Top 10 Future Trend Books of 2014.
Professor Durairaj Maheswaran, along with Jun Pang of Renmin University, has been awarded a four-year research grant from the State Council of China to study "Country of Origin Effects in Global Marketing" with a primary focus on examining the effects of country images and brand images in global consumer brand preferences.
Undergraduate College Dean Geeta Menon was named to the Economic Times's list of the Top 20 Global Indian Women in business and the arts.
Professor Robert Seaman's research paper, "Fighting City Hall: Entry Deterrence and Technology Deployment in the Cable TV Industry," was cited in a recent White House report on "Community-Based Broadband Solutions."
Professor Arun Sundararajan and PhD student Tingting Nian's paper, "The Goldilocks Principle: Why Mid-Tier Brands Invest More in Social Media," won the Best Conference Paper Award at the 2014 INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST). Professor Sundararajan also spoke on a Congressional panel convened by the Internet Caucus Advisory Committee (ICAC) to discuss regulating the sharing economy on December 8.
Professors Dolly Chugh and Jonathan Haidt were recently named to Ethisphere Magazine's "100 Most Influential in Business Ethics" list.
Professor Anindya Ghose and PhD students Vilma Todri and Panos Adamopolous, along with Param Vir Singh of Carnegie Mellon University, received a grant from the Wharton Customer Analytics Institute. As part of the award, they will be given a dataset that contains comprehensive customer interaction information for several hundred thousand customers from six different countries. The data will help the researchers answer questions related to digital attribution.
Chinese monthly magazine Business Management Review featured the Chinese edition of Dean Peter Henry's book Turnaround as one of the Top 10 Future Trend Books of 2014.
Professor Durairaj Maheswaran, along with Jun Pang of Renmin University, has been awarded a four-year research grant from the State Council of China to study "Country of Origin Effects in Global Marketing" with a primary focus on examining the effects of country images and brand images in global consumer brand preferences.
Undergraduate College Dean Geeta Menon was named to the Economic Times's list of the Top 20 Global Indian Women in business and the arts.
Professor Robert Seaman's research paper, "Fighting City Hall: Entry Deterrence and Technology Deployment in the Cable TV Industry," was cited in a recent White House report on "Community-Based Broadband Solutions."
Professor Arun Sundararajan and PhD student Tingting Nian's paper, "The Goldilocks Principle: Why Mid-Tier Brands Invest More in Social Media," won the Best Conference Paper Award at the 2014 INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST). Professor Sundararajan also spoke on a Congressional panel convened by the Internet Caucus Advisory Committee (ICAC) to discuss regulating the sharing economy on December 8.