Climate Self-Defense Tips for the Oil and Gas Industry

By Paul Tice
Last week, the 28th annual Conference of the Parties (COP) on climate treaty action kicked off in Dubai, a major oil and gas-producing country and OPEC member. Continuing the recent trend, representatives from U.S. energy companies are also in attendance as the two-week U.N.-led convention takes stock of the global progress in fighting global warming.
For years now, the oil and gas industry has been arguing for a seat at the table in policy discussions about emissions reduction and energy transition plans. Now that they've gotten their wish, they would do well to remember Groucho Marx’s advice about never joining a club that would have you as a member.
Ever since the U.N.-led climate hysteria was first ratcheted up circa 2007 with the release of the Fourth Assessment Report, U.S. energy companies have opted for conformity over confrontation when it comes to the public debate.
Read the full Epoch Times article.
Paul Tice is an Adjunct Professor of Finance at NYU Stern.