Technology, Operations, and Statistics Faculty Research
A vigorous research program in the Department of Tech, Ops & Stats is essential to its teaching mission, and to attracting first-rate faculty and students.
The Technology Group is itself made up of three groups with rather different disciplinary backgrounds ("reference disciplines"). The Operations Management and Statistics Groups each derive its faculty from a single recognized reference discipline. The research interests of the current IS Group can be roughly divided into three subgroups:
- The Representation and Analysis of Large Data Sets.
- The Economic Analysis of Markets for Information Goods and Services.
- Behavioral Aspects of Information Systems.
The members of the Operations Management Group have backgrounds in the fields of operations research and, more generally, applied mathematics. The main research interests currently represented in the Group are:
- Theory.
- Applied and Empirical Research.
- Cross-Disciplinary Research.
Statistics is a large and diverse field with a long history. The Statistics Group's main research interests currently represented are:
- Time series.
- Stochastic processes.
- Applications of statistics to business.
- General statistical methodology.
Research Collaboration with other Departments. Quite a few members of our department are currently engaged in, or are planning, research projects with faculty and students in other departments in the School. Also, IOMS faculty are involved in collaborative research with other departments in the University. We invite you to browse the links on the above left to learn more about research conducted by faculty in the Tech, Ops & Stats department.