Tommaso Denti

Tommaso Denti

Joined Stern 2023

Leonard N. Stern School of Business




Tommaso Denti joined New York University Stern School of Business as an Assistant Professor of Economics in July 2023.

Denti’s research interests are in information economics and decision-making under uncertainty. Motivated by the challenges and opportunities of the digital economy, his work seeks to understand how economic agents acquire, process, and use information in complex environments. Two recent papers investigate models of "rational inattention" in strategic settings; applications include labor market discrimination, online advertising, and communication.

Prior to joining NYU Stern, Denti was an Assistant Professor at Cornell University and a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Princeton University.

Research Interests

  • Decision theory
  • Economic theory
  • Game theory

Academic Background

PhD, Economics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MSc, Economics and Social Sciences
Bocconi University

BA, Economics and Social Sciences
Bocconi University

Areas of Expertise


  • Game Theory
  • Microeconomics

Technology, Operations & Statistics

  • Information Economics