Joined Stern 2013
Leonard N. Stern School of Business
Tisch Hall
40 West Fourth Street, 717
New York, NY 10012
Joined Stern 2013
Leonard N. Stern School of Business
Tisch Hall
40 West Fourth Street, 717
New York, NY 10012
Lisa M. Leslie joined New York University Stern School of Business as an Associate Professor of Management and Organizations in July 2013.
Professor Leslie's research focuses on strategies for facilitating social justice and strong performance in diverse organizations. She also conducts research in the related areas of cross-cultural organizational behavior and conflict management.
Before joining NYU Stern, Professor Leslie spent six years as an Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management.
Professor Leslie received her A.B. in Social Psychology from Princeton University and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology from the University of Maryland.
A.B., Social Psychology
Princeton University
M.A., Organizational Psychology
University of Maryland
Ph.D., Organizational Psychology
University of Maryland
Outstanding Reviewer Award | Academy of Management Review | 2021 |
Outstanding Publication Award Finalist | AOM-OB Division | 2021 |
Sage Award for Enduring Scholarly Contributions to the Field | AOM-GDO Division | 2021 |
Fellow | Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology | 2020 |
Best Paper Award Finalist | Academy of Management Review | 2020 |
Scholarly Achievement Award for Best Published Paper | AOM-HR Division | 2020 |
Cummings Scholarly Achievement Award Nominee | AOM-OB Division | 2019 |
Scholarly Achievement Award for Best Published Paper | AOM-HR Division | 2018 |
Admired Scholar | SPSP Diversity Travel Award Program | 2018 |
Top 40 Most Outstanding MBA Professors under 40 | Poets & Quants | 2017 |
Most Influential Paper Award | AOM-CM Division | 2017 |
Outstanding Reviewer Award | Academy of Management Journal | 2016 |
Best Paper proceedings | AOM Annual Meeting | 2016 |
Reviewer of the Year Award | Journal of Business and Psychology | 2016 |
Nominee | Parasuraman Outstanding Gender and Diversity Publication | 2015 |
Dale E. Zand Best Paper Award in Management | Stern School of Business | 2015 |
William A. Owens Scholarly Achievement Award for Best Published Paper | SIOP | 2014 |
Runner-up, Dale E. Zand Best Paper Award in Management | Stern School of Business | 2014 |
Outstanding Reviewer Award | AOM Annual Meeting | 2014 |
Finalist | Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research | 2013 |
Flynn, E., & Leslie, L. M. (2023)
Progressive or pressuring? The signaling effects of egg freezing coverage and other work-life policies.
Leslie, L.M., Bono, J.E., Kim, Y., & Beaver, G.R. (2020)
On melting pots and salad bowls: A meta-analysis of the effects of identity-blind and identity-conscious diversity ideologies
Leslie, L. M. (2019)
Diversity Initiative Effectiveness: A Typological Theory of Unintended Consequences. Academy of Management Review, 44(3), 538-563.
Leslie, L. M., Manchester, C. F., & Dahm, P. C. (2017)
Why and when does the gender gap reverse? Diversity goals and the pay premium for high potential women.
Academy of Management Journal, 60, 402-422
Leslie, L. M. (2017)
A status-based multilevel model of ethnic diversity and work unit performance. Journal of Management.
Leslie, L. M., Mayer, D. M., & Kravitz, D. A. (2014)
The stigma of affirmative action: A stereotyping-based theory and meta-analytic test of the consequences for performance. Academy of Management Journal.
Manchester, C. F., Leslie, L. M., & Kramer, A. (2013)
Is the clock still ticking? An evaluation of the consequences of stopping the tenure clock. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 66, 3-31.
Leslie, L. M., Snyder, M., and Glomb, T. M. (2013)
Who gives? Multilevel effects of gender and ethnicity on workplace charitable giving. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98, 49-62.
Leslie, L. M., Manchester, C. F., Park, T. Y., & Mehng, S. A. (2012)
Flexible work practices: A source of career premiums or penalties? Academy of Management Journal, 55, 1407-1428.
Leslie, L. M., Flynn, E., Foster-Gimbel, O. A., & Manchester, C. F.
Happy talk: Is common diversity rhetoric effective diversity rhetoric?