Joined Stern 2020
Leonard N. Stern School of Business
Tisch Hall
40 West Fourth Street, 914
New York, NY 10012
Joined Stern 2020
Leonard N. Stern School of Business
Tisch Hall
40 West Fourth Street, 914
New York, NY 10012
Joshua Lewis joined New York University Stern School of Business as an Assistant Professor of Marketing in July 2020.
Professor Lewis researches consumer behavior, managerial decision-making, and global risk management. His research addresses wide-ranging themes such as when people will invest to improve outcomes they care about, how to optimally set targets, whether people neglect low probability risks, and much more. His work has been published in leading journals such as Journal of Consumer Research, Management Science, Psychological Science, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
In 2019, Professor Lewis received the Society for Judgment and Decision Making’s Hillel Einhorn Award for the best paper by a new investigator, and in 2020, he received ACR’s Best Paper award. He received his BS in Economics from the University of Warwick. He holds a PhD in Decision Processes from the University of Pennsylvania.
Ph.D., Operations, Information and Decisions
University of Pennsylvania
B.S., Economics
University of Warwick