Christopher Conlon

Christopher Conlon

Joined Stern 2016

Leonard N. Stern School of Business


Personal website


Christopher Conlon joined New York University Stern School of Business as an Assistant Professor of Economics in July 2016.

Professor Conlon's research focuses on industrial organization and econometrics. More specifically, his work examines contractual relationships between manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers. Important aspects of these relationships include the assortment and availability of products and the dynamics of price competition over time. His recent studies have looked at interactions between taxes, regulations and competition among firms. He has also developed a number of tools for antitrust practitioners. His recent work has examined a variety of industries including LCD televisions, alcoholic beverages and snack foods.

Before joining NYU Stern, Professor Conlon was an Assistant Professor of Economics at Columbia University.

He received his A.B. in Applied Mathematics and his A.M. in Statistics from Harvard University, and he holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Yale University.

Research Interests

  • Industrial organization
  • Econometrics
  • Contractual relationships

Academic Background

Ph.D., Economics
Yale University

A.M., Statistics
Harvard University

A.B., Applied Mathematics
Harvard University