School News

Associate Dean for Careers Brian Ruggiero interview: "10 Employment Trends To Expect In 2024, From Business School Careers Experts."

BusinessBecause logo

Excerpt from BusinessBecause — "For full-time roles outside of the typical summer internship conversions, companies will continue to recruit more of their MBA hiring volume in 'real time' closer to graduation (as opposed to the more traditional timelines of hiring and making offers in the fall, well in advance of spring graduation).

"The 'real-time' hiring affords companies more flexibility to hire for specific skills into roles that are immediately available and gives MBA graduates, especially in more non-traditional areas, added options."

Research Center Events

Value Creation Through Responsible Investing

Tisch building

On Tuesday, December 12, NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business will host Value Creation Through Responsible Investing, a Private Equity Sustainability Practicum.

School News

Clinical Professor Tensie Whelan is featured: "Leading Professors Imagine The Business School Of The Future."

Poets and Quants logo

Excerpt from Poets & Quants — “The business school of the future would be able to move nimbly, adding more contemporary content to the core and elective classes on a regular basis. Sustainability is part of the core as students learn how to deal with topics such as climate change, water scarcity, and inequality – which already have outsize impacts on business. And finally, the business school of the future recognizes that shareholder primacy and a sole focus on profits does a disservice to society and to business and its professors no longer teach it as the roadmap for healthy capitalism.”

School News

NYU Stern's two-year Full-time MBA Program is highlighted: "Poets&Quants 2023-2024 MBA Ranking: Stanford’s Triumphant Return To The Top."

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Excerpt from Poets & Quants — "The higher-than-expected ranks for these schools is a testament to their outstanding quality, often diminished in many traditional rankings."

School News

Associate Dean for MBA Admissions Isser Gallogly podcast interview: "ROI and NYU’s Part-time MBA [Episode 552]."

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Excerpt from -- "There are a couple other things I think that are pretty unique to our part-time program or our MBA programs in general. One is that we provide career services for life and as we know, people change jobs multiple times. So the fact that there’s always a resource available for free for our alumni, either have their resume reviewed, practice interviews, job posts, connections of that sort, even recruiting things going on, that’s a huge benefit for people that I think really has a lot of value.

"The other thing that we’ve offered more recently too is the ability to take courses for free after you graduate."

School News

NYU Stern Executive Education and Center for Sustainable Business are highlighted: "Deloitte Launches Sustainability Upskilling Programs for its Professionals with MIT, NYU, ASU."

The logo of ESG today

Excerpt from ESG Today — "Learning offerings provided through the expanded upskilling program will include 'Sustainability Simplified,' a live virtual speaker series by NYU Stern Executive Education and Center for Sustainable Business examining the science behind the climate crisis and the equity topics, the live virtual 'Sustainability Accelerator' program by MIT Sloan School of Management aimed at equipping business leaders with a common language and knowledge of important sustainability related concepts, and ASU’s 'Sustainability Certified: Foundations for Business,' which will offer an ESG certificate to participants who complete self-paced, modular courses."

School News

Clinical Professor Tensie Whelan is recognized: "2023 Best Undergraduate Professors: Tensie Whelan, New York University Stern School of Business."

Poets and Quants logo

Excerpt from Poets & Quants — “As the driving force behind the Center for Sustainable Business at NYU Stern, Professor Whelan has exemplified academic excellence and dedication to fostering sustainable business practices. I had the privilege of attending her sustainability impact consulting class, a holistic course that intricately blends rigorous case studies, hands-on work with real-world clients, and insightful field trips. Under her hands-on guidance, we weren’t just learning in the classroom; we were active participants on the ground, working shoulder to shoulder with local businesses, understanding and addressing sustainability challenges first-hand.”

School News

Clinical Professor Sonia Marciano is recognized: “2023 Best Undergraduate Professors: Sonia D. Marciano, New York University Stern School of Business."

Poets and Quants logo

Excerpt from Poets & Quants — “Professor Marciano has left an indelible mark on her students, and I am a testament to this fact. Her expertise in the field of strategic analysis extends far beyond the classroom. In class, her emphasis on real-world current events and the use of case studies to connect abstract concepts to practical applications demonstrates her profound influence on shaping how we view and engage with business practices and trends. Her teaching style is truly unique. She has an innate ability to cut through the extraneous and dive straight into the heart of complex issues.”

School News

Undergraduate Business, Technology, and Entrepreneurship student Vincent Campanaro (BS '27) column: "I'm a Student at NYU Stern. The School Can Be Perceived as Cutthroat and Competitive, but I've Found a Supportive Community."

Business Insider logo

Excerpt from Business Insider -- "I've had the privilege of meeting hundreds of students in my short time here, and they've shattered the negative stereotypes for me. Far from being cold-blooded competitors, they're some of the warmest, most supportive people I have ever met. Despite possessing achievements such as launching successful startups, winning international competitions, or publishing groundbreaking research, they stay grounded and never boast about their accomplishments."

Research Center Events

Catastrophic Cyber Risk and a Potential Federal Insurance Response Conference

NYU Stern campus

On Friday, November 17, NYU Stern's Volatility & Risk Institute co-hosted the Catastrophic Cyber Risk and a Potential Federal Insurance Response Conference, along with the US Department of the Treasury’s Federal Insurance Office. Clinical Professor Richard Berner, co-director of the Institute, and Steven Seitz, director, Federal Insurance Office, US Department of the Treasury, delivered opening remarks.

Research Center Events

Maya MacGuineas (President, Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget) - "America's Fiscal Challenges"

NYU Stern campus

The Volatility & Risk Institute and Center for Global Economy and Business will host Maya MacGuineas for a talk and Q&A on "America's Fiscal Challenges." The event will be held via zoom webinar on Wednesday, November 15th from 4:45pm to 5:45pm. 

School News

Dean of Stern at NYU Abu Dhabi Robert Salomon podcast interview: "Stern at NYU Abu Dhabi: A Full-Time MBA in the Middle East."

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Excerpt from -- "The program is for anybody in the world. What we would like, however, is people who are interested in the region, people who are interested in the potential of building a career in Abu Dhabi, in the UAE, places like Dubai or the broader region...What people get in the classroom here isn't going to be very different from what they get in the classroom in New York or in MBA programs elsewhere. They are going to be prepared to be business leaders and business managers. So they are going to get the same kinds of core courses that they get in New York. We are bringing the same robust MBA program that we offer in New York here to Abu Dhabi, and we hope that this program will be appealing to people the world over, not just in the region, but beyond."

School News

Professor of Management Practice Suzy Welch podcast interview: "Suzy Welch On Becoming You."

Poets and Quants logo

Excerpt from Poets & Quants — "Transcendence is self actualization plus giving back. This is what my students, and actually probably all people desire, which is to be self-actualized, to be your best self... but also in doing so in some way serve humanity, in some way be doing something that makes the world a better place or makes a group of people better off."

Research Center Events

Is AI a Threat to the Creative Professions? AI and the Music Industry

Howie Singer event flyer

NYU Stern's Fubon Center for Technology, Business, and Innovation, and its AI in Business & Data Analytics initiative, will host NYU Stern Fubon Center's Fireside Chat featuring Howie Singer on Tuesday, November 14, 2023.

School News

Associate Dean for Careers Brian Ruggiero interview: "How to Choose the Right Career Path after Your MBA."

find mba logo

Excerpt from Find MBA -- “'It is very important for a student to establish a clear sense of what matters beyond the specific responsibilities of the role at the outset,' says Brian Ruggiero, the associate dean for careers at NYU Stern School of Business in New York. 'For example, do the values and priorities of their potential employers align with their own?'”

School News

Adjunct Professor Amy Webb is highlighted for being named to Thinkers50: "The Most Influential Business Professors of 2023."

Poets and Quants logo

Excerpt from Poets & Quants — "Amy Lynn Webb, a futurist and NYU Stern adjunct, debuted at #4 in Thinkers50."

School News

Military Veterans Club Co-presidents Mike Goodman (MBA '24) and Tommy Jaeger (MBA '24) in-depth interview; NYU Stern's Fertitta Veterans MBA Program is featured: "Embracing Change from the Military to NYU Stern’s Fertitta Veterans MBA Program."

Clear Admit logo

Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "Through the support of Stern’s Fertitta Veterans MBA Program and the Military Veterans Club, I dove head first into the MBA experience, the community, and life on the other side of the military.  Now, 16 months later, I can confidently say that embracing this change and choosing Stern were the two best decisions I have made since joining the military."
