Faculty News

Professor Luke Williams' remarks on disruptive thinking at XChange Solution Provider 2017 are featured

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Excerpt from CRN Magazine -- "Solution providers need to look at the clichés, also known as 'best practices,' that make up their business model – and 'invert them, or turn them on their head,' he said. For instance, the channel should look at their current processes in place around interacting with clients, selling services and products, and pricing models."
School News

Vice Dean of MBA Programs Raghu Sundaram is interviewed in an in-depth story highlighting Stern's unique academic offerings

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Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "This quantity of courses, coupled with its emphasis on experiential learning, sets Stern apart in Sundaram’s view. 'There is an enormous range depending on what students are interested in. That’s a key differentiator for us and it is something that we’re very conscious of deepening and widening as the world around us is changing.'"
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway is interviewed about a variety of subjects including retail, consumer branding, advertising and the millennial workforce

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Excerpt from Bloomberg View -- "If you look at all of digital marketing, Facebook and Google accounted for 103% of the growth. Now what does that mean? It means that if you aren't Facebook or Google, and you're in digital marketing, officially, the industry is in structural decline."
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White explains the impact of Dodd-Frank on community banks

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "'To comply with regulation usually involves some fixed costs, like you may need to hire a lawyer,' said Lawrence J. White, an economics professor at New York University Stern School of Business. The smaller the bank, the harder it is to pay that person’s salary."
Faculty News

Professor Andrea Bonezzi highlights a common misconception about marketing

Excerpt from American Banker -- "'I try to get students to think of themselves not only as marketers, but as entrepreneurs. As people who are managing a business,' [Bonezzi] said. 'For sure there is going to be an aspect of communication, the aspect of understanding the psychology of consumers, the aspect of advertising, and all of those things. But besides that there are much more businessey aspects of your job.'"
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan's remarks at the Journée de l'Economie conference in Luxembourg are highlighted

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Excerpt from Paperjam -- "'Many platforms will fail over the next 10 years, but some will succeed and define these new models,' adds Arun Sundararajan."
Faculty News

Professor Kim Schoenholtz's joint research on predictors of inflation is highlighted

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "The health of the job market and the public’s expectation of future price increases may not have as strong an influence on price inflation as many now believe, according to a new paper written by a group of prominent economists."
Student Club Events

Think Social Drink Local 2017

On March 3, NYU Stern's Luxury & Retail Club and Social Enterprise Association will co-host the annual Think Social Drink Local event. Student and Faculty models will be wearing designs from a variety of designers across the city using sustainable business practices. 
Business and Policy Leader Events

NYU Stern’s Leadership Development Hosts Two-Part Mindful Leadership Workshop with Janice Marturano

NYU Stern Leadership Development hosted a two-part workshop titled “Intro to Mindful Leadership” in March and April, offered as part of the School’s Mindfulness in Business Initiative. The workshop was led by Janice Marturano, founder and executive director of the Institute for Mindful Leadership.
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter's forthcoming book, "Irresistible," is reviewed

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "By the end of his enjoyable yet alarming book, 'Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked,' you may be convinced that Alter is right and want to seriously rethink the behavioral addictions in your life."
Faculty News

Professor Kim Schoenholtz is interviewed about the CHOICE Act's impact on banking

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Excerpt from NPR -- "If we really wanted to ease the regulatory burden on small banks, we could do it, but it wouldn't contain the features that the CHOICE Act has for the large banks."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan explains why Snapchat's user demographic is an advantage over other platforms

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Excerpt from TIME -- "The main thing that's communicated on Snapchat is 'here I am.' 'It's a stream of consciousness,' says Sundararajan. 'It's what people thought Twitter would be when it first came out.'"
Faculty News

Research by Professor Thomas Philippon and PhD student Germán Gutiérrez on the link between valuation and corporate investment is cited

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "So why don’t the high profits attract competitors to build new companies—or expand existing companies into new lines of business—for less than the cost of buying stock in existing companies? The problem is longstanding, according to research by Germán Gutiérrez and Thomas Philippon at New York’s Stern School of Business. They show that the previous link between valuation and corporate investment weakened from the early 2000s, and as a result corporates have invested about 10% less than they otherwise would have done."
Faculty News

Professor Vasant Dhar is interviewed about how CIOs can use artificial intelligence effectively

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Excerpt from Connected Futures Magazine -- "'The mistake is to hire a bunch of nerds and hope that good things happen,' said Vasant Dhar, a professor of information systems at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'It has to start top down with solid business thinking.' 'The important thing,' he said, 'is what is it going to do for the business? Is it going to make better products, help retention, reduce churn? What is it going to do, and why?'"
Faculty News

Professor Roy Smith identifies the biggest factors influencing the stock market

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "If it's a year or so away, it doesn't matter so much. The market always anticipates the future by six months or more."
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose shares takeaways from his research on mobile advertising as featured in his forthcoming book, "Tap"

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Excerpt from Wharton@Work -- "'On the outside,' says Professor Anindya Ghose, 'it is very easy for businesses to get discouraged by consumers’ seeming resistance or inhibition to advertising. What lies beneath the surface is different though.' In his new book Tap: Unlocking the Mobile Economy, Ghose says the leveraging of mobile data, combined with his ground-breaking studies in randomized field experiments in different parts of the world, economics, and behavioral psychology, have unearthed knowledge that can help us better understand our customers, and ourselves."
Faculty News

Professor Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh's joint research on the mutual fund industry in Sweden is featured

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "'We find a weak relationship between pay and performance, but a strong relationship between pay and size, measured as fee revenue,' Markus Ibert of the Stockholm School of Economics, Ron Kaniel of Rochester University, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh of New York University and Roine Vestman of Stockholm University write."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway discusses Snapchat's future

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Excerpt from Forbes -- "'The cool kid premium eventually goes away,' said Galloway, who is also cofounder of research firm L2. 'Instagram played that role two years ago. Facebook played that role four years ago. You can only be the new kid on the block for so long, and then it becomes ROI.'"
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White explains how increased spending on infrastructure will foster manufacturing growth

Fox Business logo
Excerpt from Fox Business -- "'The expansion of infrastructure spending, especially on road and rail projects, will help since transport costs are important with respect to goods manufacturers’ getting their input supplies at lower costs and being able to ship their outputs to markets, whether at home or abroad at lower costs,' [White] said."
Faculty News

Professor Jennifer Carpenter comments on Bloomberg's inclusion of Chinese market data in its global indices

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Excerpt from CGTN -- "Jennifer Carpenter, an associate professor of finance at Stern’s School of Business at New York University indicated having access to this new wealth of information could prove to be a big asset for traders. 'Just an easy way to start thinking about, "well what if I started investing in China and how is that going to improve my return risk profile", which should start to whet the appetite as well as start to build the familiarity you need for people to become comfortable investing real money there,' Carpenter said."
Faculty News

Professor Ari Ginsberg shares his views on Snap Inc's presence in England

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Excerpt from Inc. -- "Recent interest in London may have more to do with the relative ease of doing business there, and less with its status as an E.U. entry point. 'The U.K. will still remain an attractive market for companies such as [Snap] not just because of its relative size, but because it has an English speaking population that makes it relatively easy to commission market analysis studies, to find investors for their projects and roll out new products,' says Ari Ginsberg, a professor of entrepreneurship and management and New York University's Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Professor Thomaï Serdari shares insights on luxury marketing and Generation Z

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Excerpt from WGSN -- "Social media has been instrumental in informing young consumers, and most importantly in instructing them on what is desirable and how luxury should look or feel."
Research Center Events

The Path Forward: Chipotle's Vision for its Future Food Ecosystem

On Feb. 28, Chipotle Mexican Grill CEO and Founder Steve Ells shared his company's vision for making great food more affordable and accessible in a conversation moderated by Professor Tensie Whelan, director of NYU Stern’s Center for Sustainable Business
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides is interviewed about tax reform under the Trump Administration

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Excerpt from i24News -- "Tax reform is especially important for Trump. The whole stock market swing up was because of that. People expect that income taxes are going to fall, and most importantly, that corporate taxes are going to fall."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran shares his outlook on Snap Inc.'s IPO

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Excerpt from CNBC -- "Snap is entering the digital advertising market where the incumbents are two powerful behemoths: Facebook and Google. 'That scares the heck out of me as an investor,' Damodaran said. 'Already Facebook is trying to "out-Snap" Snap.'"
