Faculty News

Professor Melissa Schilling's research on the link between diabetes and Alzheimer's disease is featured

Excerpt from A Sweet Life -- "Her 2016 paper in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease estimated that 40% of all Alzheimer’s cases were connected to hyperinsulinemia, or excess levels of insulin relative to glucose in the blood. That would include not just people with diabetes but the 86 million Americans estimated by the CDC to have prediabetes. 'If we can raise awareness and get more people tested for hyperinsulinemia … it could significantly lessen the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia, as well as other diabetes-related health problems,' Schilling said in a press release."
School News

Undergraduate student Stephen Benvenuto is interviewed about the value of a computer science background in the finance industry

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Excerpt from Reuters -- "'A background in computer science or generally programming is incredibly helpful for the finance industry,' said Stephen Benvenuto Jr., a junior at the Stern School of Business at New York University, who is majoring in finance and considering pursuing a CFA credential. 'It's definitely moving in that direction.'"
School News

Stern's new one-year MBA programs in Tech and Fashion & Luxury are featured; Vice Dean of Programs and Online Learning Raghu Sundaram is quoted

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Excerpt from Accepted.com -- "New York University’s Stern School of Business’s new Tech MBA and Fashion & Luxury MBAs will enable students who are firmly committed to business careers in those areas to build applicable skills and knowledge, gain relevant real-world experience, and earn an MBA in one year by taking 51 credits over the 12-month period. The first class for the Tech MBA and Fashion & Luxury MBA will enroll at Stern in May 2018. Stern anticipates that the inaugural classes will have 30 students in each specialty."
School News

Research Scholar Patrick Lamson-Hall is interviewed about the Urbanization Project's work in the Philippines

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Excerpt from BusinessWorld Online -- "'Davao is a rapidly growing city and it has a lot of potential for open public spaces,' NYU Urban Expansion Program research team head Patrick Lamson-Hall said in an interview. Mr. Lamson and MBA students from NYU’s Stern School of Business are spearheading the research and have trained members of the Sustainable Davao Movement, city government officials and volunteers for the data gathering conducted on May 20-21."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan comments on Airbnb's partnerships with local governments

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Excerpt from Bloomberg BNA -- "'It would make sense for the company to put out as much information as it can to quell concerns about regulatory pushback,' Sundararajan told Bloomberg BNA. 'They’ve expanded globally, they’re far and away the market leader in their category, so the single biggest source of uncertainty about Airbnb’s revenue stream is regulator risk.'"
Faculty News

Professors Laura Veldkamp and Venky Venkateswaran's joint research on the impact of economic shocks is featured

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Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "Another explanation is that the 2008 crisis is lingering in our minds, in the form of heightened fear that rare but consequential 'black swan' events could be imminent, despite moderately strong consumer-confidence measures and relatively low financial-market volatility (with some exceptions). A recent paper by New York University’s Julian Kozlowski, Laura Veldkamp, and Venky Venkateswaran argues that it is rational to harbor such fears, because once a formerly unthinkable event actually occurs, one is justified in not forgetting it."
Research Center Events

Center For Sustainable Business Book Discussion With Jack Ewing

On May 23, the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business and Ethical Systems welcomed Jack Ewing, European Economics Correspondent for The New York Times, for a discussion of his new book Faster, Higher, Farther: The Volkswagen Scandal.
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose is interviewed about mobile advertising and his book, "Tap"

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Excerpt from Smart People Podcast -- "...What's happening over the last 4 or 5 years is that consumer usage of mobile phones and tablets has dramatically increased. It means we are spending more and more of our time there, whereas we're essentially reducing our time spent on television and newspapers and magazines, so on. Businesses find it valuable to be in those spaces, where consumers are, because then you can have a conversation with your consumer. You can have their attention."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan is featured in a story about Hello Alfred's business model

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Excerpt from Fast Company -- "Arun Sundararajan, a professor at New York University and author of the upcoming book The Sharing Economy, says that Hello Alfred has a business model that lends itself to hiring employees. 'It doesn’t make sense for them to use contractors on-demand because they’re trying to get individuals who keep going back to the same apartment,' he says. 'There’s trust that needs to build up between the customer and the Alfred.'"
Faculty News

Professors Holger Mueller and Constantine Yannelis' joint research on student loan repayment is referenced

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Excerpt from Fast Company -- "Research on student debt and its potential effects on the economy abounds, but it tends to focus on millennials. 'Students in Distress,' an excellent study on default-related labor market shocks from NYU Stern’s Holger Mueller and Constantine Yannelis, is one recent example."
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter discusses the addictive nature of social media, from his book, "Irresistible"

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Excerpt from Vice -- "'The like button, simple as it was, tapped into a bottomless font of social feedback,' explains Adam Alter, author of Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked. 'And I don't think social media companies are trying to make "addictive" platforms, per se. But since they're all competing for our (limited) time and attention, they've always been focused on making the most engaging experience possible.'"
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry is interviewed about his tenure as Dean

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Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "'For the last seven-and-a-half years, we’ve been really focused on articulating what is a 21st Century vision for a business school whose roots are in Wall Street, but whose future lies as much in emerging economies and Silicon Alley and the new economy as it does in its still relevant past history,' Henry says."
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh discusses Belgian real estate finance

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Excerpt from De Tijd -- "If you can borrow without your own contribution, house prices will rise. You ultimately borrow more with the same income, so homes are still unpredictable for this group. The same is true of the systematic extension of the duration of a Belgian mortgage loan: if the monthly repayment amount decreases, house prices rise. So people always have to borrow more."

2017 Graduate Convocation

Graduate Convocation
The Leonard N. Stern School of Business Graduate Convocation Ceremony took place on Friday, May 19, 2017 at the Theater at Madison Square Garden.
Faculty News

Professor Jeffrey Wurgler's joint research on dividends is featured

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Excerpt from ValueWalk -- "A paper in 2004 by Malcolm Baker and Jeffrey Wurgler examines this question. They ask the following — do companies 'cater' to investor demands for dividends? To test this idea, they examine 4 stock price-based measures of investor demand for dividend payers."
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides comments on the connection between the Trump Administration's policies and fluctuations in the stock market

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Excerpt from i24 News -- "What's interesting is that the prediction was that Trump would be disastrous for the market before the elections. And it turned out that Trump was excellent for the market, and when things got a bit shaky for him, the market retreated significantly, and when things looked a bit better, today, the market went up again."
School News

Stern's new one-year Tech MBA is featured

U.S. News and World Report logo
Excerpt from US News & World Report -- "Peter Henry, dean of NYU Stern, says conversations between the school's leaders and tech executives about a shortage of MBAs in tech spurred the creation of the program. 'These conversations basically led us to a very simple conclusion,' says Henry, who, in addition to his role as dean, also serves as an economics and finance professor. 'There’s a shortage of human capital in the tech industry.' As the largest business school in the city, he says, Stern feels obligated to help train people for the growing industry."
Faculty News

Professor Claudine Gartenberg's joint research on the value of corporate purpose is featured

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Excerpt from BusinessZone -- "Entitled Corporate Purpose and Financial Performance, the study monitors the responses of around 500,000 employees from 429 companies in the US over six years, revealing that purpose alone was insufficient to drive higher financial performance, and that it was the perceptions of middle managers that drove the relationship between financial performance and purpose."
Faculty News

Professor Michelle Greenwald shares takeaways from the Manual Thinking workshop in Barcelona

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Excerpt from Forbes -- "Luki and Gerrit direct creative teams (clients, students, individuals) in developing Manual Thinking maps during 'non-spoken' work sessions that are democratic, unbiased, and uniquely collaborative. Participants use removable labels to first write ideas, words and images, and later arrange them on large surfaces to create Mind Maps, which can be further adjusted at any time."
Faculty News

Professor Bruce Tuckman shares his views on banking regulation

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Excerpt from the Heartland Institute -- "'Many banks and nonbanking financial institutions took too much risk in the years leading up to the financial crisis, and the government felt obliged to save them to protect the broader economy,' Tuckman said. 'The solution, however, is not to reduce the scope and usefulness of bank activities in ways that will not necessarily reduce risks to the financial system.'"
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway shares his views on Amazon's expansion into the pharmaceuticals market

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Excerpt from CNBC -- "'Amazon has algorithms that go out and look for the lowest price per ounce ... then demand that their brands offer that same price or better per ounce in any package or within a nano second, or they will kick you off,' said Galloway."
Faculty News

Professor Thomas Cooley is quoted about the Dodd-Frank act

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Excerpt from Council on Foreign Relations -- "The Dodd-Frank Act grew out of a need to 'address this increasing propensity of the financial sector to put the entire system at risk and eventually to be bailed out at taxpayer expense,' said a 2011 report by New York University’s Stern School of Business. ... 'The Fed has a great deal more responsibility,' says Thomas Cooley, a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business and one of the editors of the 2011 report. 'It is the primary watchdog for identifying systemically risky institutions of all types,' he explains."
Faculty News

Professor Richard Sylla is interviewed about the stock market during Richard Nixon's presidency

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Excerpt from TheStreet.com -- "'The Dow ended up losing something like more than 40% of its value from the peak [from early 1973 to October 1974], which occurred right after Nixon's reelection,' Sylla said. 'This would qualify as a major market down-move.'"
Faculty News

Professor Michael Spence's work on emerging economies is referenced

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Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "After years of rising wages eroded its position as the world’s bargain manufacturer, China is striving to build its own brands and improve product quality and design. Those advances are crucial to maintaining the high growth needed to make the leap from middle- to high-income status -- a jump only five economies have managed, including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore, according to Nobel laureate Michael Spence."
Faculty News

Professor Menachem Brenner is interviewed about the role of the VIX (volatility index) as a measurement tool for financial markets

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Excerpt from Nikkei Asian Review -- "In an interview with the Nikkei Asian Review in Hong Kong on May 5, Brenner said the perception that the VIX has "predictive power" is something promoted by '[news]letter writers and analysts, people who write to the clients." But for him, "I just use the word nonsense. It doesn't have predictive power.' Brenner was in Hong Kong to commemorate the 10th anniversary of a joint master's program on global finance involving NYU and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology which he teaches."
