Coffee Chats
Get to know students on an individual basis by scheduling Coffee Chats for more informal, targeted conversations.
What are Coffee Chats?
Sample Coffee Chat Schedule
Suggested Coffee Chat Locations
What are Coffee Chats?
The Careers team will work with you to schedule a day of Coffee Chats to meet with our students here at Stern. Coffee Chats are an opportunity for students to network with employers in a casual setting. This is a great forum to share more about your company's culture, talk about your experiences as a member of your company and discuss the day to day duties of your open opportunities. Coffee Chats can vary in format, from one-on-one, to group round table discussions based on your preference.
- You may submit your Coffee Chat requests beginning July 8, 2024.
- We recommend 30 minute chats with a few breaks in between. Shorter chats tend to go over and result in a delayed schedule. For more information, contact your Relationship Manager.
- You are welcome to request our space for coffee chats or use your own office location. On-campus chats are the most convenient for students, and allow our office to assist you throughout the day. If you are interested in holding these chats at coffee shops around the NYU Stern neighborhood, please use the Google map below to find coffee shops near campus. When selecting a coffee shop, please keep the following guidelines in mind:
- Available table: some of the more popular coffee shops are very accessible, and therefore always packed. Select a coffee shop where you can get a table with minimal wait.
- Noise level: Depending on the size and number of other guests at the coffee shop, some can get very noisy which can make it difficult for you to engage in a conversation. Scope out your intended coffee shop by visiting or calling them.
- Visibility: Be sure to distinguish your table from the others by bringing a table tent with your company name and let the students know who to look out for.
- Finally, let us know where you decide to go and please give us feedback so that we can help others make informed coffee shop selections.
Sample Coffee Chat Schedules
The following Coffee Chat schedules use a 1:1 format. If you were looking to meet more students during your Coffee Chats, you may expand your ratio to 2:1 or 3:1. In order to have the most productive conversations, we recommend no more than a 3:1 ratio.
Duration of Coffee Chat | |
20-minute time slots: 13 students per schedule 30-minute time slots: 8 students per schedule | |
20 Minutes: 13 Students | |
10:00 Student #1 10:20 Student #2 10:40 Student #3 11:00 Break 11:10 Student #4 11:30 Student #5 11:50 Student #6 12:10 Lunch | 12:40 Student #7 1:00 Student #8 1:20 Student #9 1:40 Break 1:50 Student #10 2:10 Student #11 2:30 Student #12 2:50 Student #13 |
30 Minutes: 8 Students | |
10:00 Student #1 10:30 Student #2 11:00 Break 11:15 Student #3 11:45 Student #4 12:15 Lunch 1:00 Student #5 1:30 Student #6 2:00 Student #7 2:30 Student #8 |
Suggested Coffee Chat Locations
- La Colombe NoHo (400 Lafayette Street)
- Think Coffee (248 Mercer St.)
- Iriving Farm Coffee Roasters (78 W 3rd St.)
- The Uncommons (230 Thompson St.)
- Bluestone Lane Astor Place (51 Astor Pl.)
- Kopi Kopi (68 W 3rd St.)