Business and Political Economy Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to the most common BPE questions.
Q: Can I apply early decision?
A: Yes!
Q: If I apply to the BPE program, am I still considered for the BS in Business?
A: It is important you determine which undergraduate program at NYU is right for you before you apply. However, due to the limited size of the BPE program, students who apply to the BS in BPE degree are also considered for the BS in Business degree. Visit the NYU Stern Undergraduate College and the NYU Office of Undergraduate Admissions website for more information.
Q: If I enroll in the BPE degree, what degree will I graduate with and what is my major?
A: Students enrolling in BPE graduate with a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Business and Political Economy.
Q: What is the program size? Will you increase the size if there is a lot of demand?
A: The BPE program is carefully designed to welcome a class of approximately 50 students. Because it uniquely integrates a rigorous curriculum with international study, maintaining a small class size is important to the student experience. If interest remains high, we may increase its size in the future.
Q: Can I double major within Stern or the College of Arts and Science in the BPE program?
A: A second concentration/major within NYU Stern/business is not possible. However, you can achieve more specialized expertise in any given field by taking several business electives in that disciplinary area.
Some BPE students pursue a second major in the College of Arts and Science. In recent years, students have double-majored in disciplines including Mathematics, Computer Science, English, and Philosophy. Double-majoring requires foresight and planning, as the BPE course schedule is quite demanding.
Q: Can I complete a minor in addition to the Business & Political Economy degree?
A: Yes, absolutely. BPE students can minor in many subjects, including NYU’s cross-schools minors. Examples of subjects that students have minored include Mathematics, Computer Science, History, Psychology, and more.
Q: Are BPE graduates eligible for a STEM OPT extension?
A: Yes. BPE Is a STEM-eligible degree.
Q: What jobs do BPE students usually go into after graduation?
A: Upon graduation, most BPE students take jobs in financial services, technology companies, or consulting firms. Later in their careers, some switch to positions in non-profit, education, and policy, or elect to enter law school or go back to business school for their MBAs.
Q: Where specifically are the campuses abroad located?
A: BPE students spend sophomore fall at NYU London and junior spring at NYU Shanghai. NYU's London campus is located on historic Bedford Square in Bloomsbury, near the University of London and the British Museum. NYU's Shanghai campus is in the fast-moving and cosmopolitan Lujiazui financial district.
For information on the locations of NYU’s other global sites, visit the NYU Study Away website.
Q: Who teaches the courses at NYU’s global sites? Are they NYU Faculty?
A: NYU's campuses around the globe hire seasoned faculty, as well as knowledgeable business executives with real-world experience to teach courses.
Q: What types of internship or experiential learning opportunities are available at NYU’s global sites?
A: An international internship or experiential learning opportunity can be exciting and provide you with training related to your course of study. You may seek an internship provided you gain the appropriate work permit to be legally employed in the visiting country. NYU’s global sites have programs to assist students in finding opportunities and obtaining the appropriate permissions.
Q: If I am enrolled in BPE, will I take courses and interact with the other Stern students?
A: Yes. You will take courses in our business, liberal arts and social impact cores, as well as Cohort Leadership Program with other Stern students. You can also take electives and pursue a minor or a second major, which will entail taking classes with students from across NYU. Additionally, all NYU Stern students share New York City arts and cultural experiences and have opportunities to become involved in co-curricular activities.
Q: As a BPE student, can I participate in Stern clubs?
A: Yes. All Stern clubs are open to all NYU students. The purpose of clubs is to learn about different business industries, areas of interest, and to meet fellow Stern and NYU students. Club introduction sessions take place at the beginning of the fall semester.
Q: Is tuition different for the BPE degree?
A: No, your tuition and any financial aid package you may receive are the same. Please visit the NYU Bursar website for more information on tuition costs and financial aid.
You are responsible for travel and living expenses throughout the program. While there are expenses associated with studying abroad, such as airfare, NYU works hard to keep costs low while maintaining a high quality of services and facilities. For a breakdown of estimated costs per semester at NYU’s global sites, visit the NYU study away website.