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Stern Solutions

Become Part of the Solution

Luxury & Retail MBA students participate in project-based learning experiences, putting theory into practice in New York and internationally.

Luxury & Retail Experiential Learning

Between the European industry immersion and company visits, students get unparalleled, real-world experience through experiential learning at NYU Stern.

Stern Solutions, Built for the Luxury & Retail MBA

Stern Solutions experiences are built into every aspect of the Luxury & Retail MBA curriculum to help you build a portfolio of skill sets, relationships, and experiences and serve as the foundation for a successful career. Tapping into NYU Stern’s location in the heart of the global fashion & luxury ecosystem, Stern Solutions brings students and faculty together with industry leading companies to solve real business challenges in real time. Each semester, you will participate in experiential learning opportunities that allow you to apply your coursework in real time.

Summer Semester: NYC Immersion with Stern Solutions Project - You will get a front row seat to what makes Luxury & Retail a unique part of the city’s identity. As these industries are undergoing significant transformation, this course will give you a broad exposure to the depth and breadth of the business of fashion as a whole, as well as the disruptions challenging its future. From skill-based workshops, industry access via company visits and networking opportunities, to a live case with a real industry partner, you will emerge from the summer with tools to maximize your industry expertise. Learn more.

Fall Semester: Luxury & Retail Digital Solutions with Stern Solutions Project -  In the fall, we explore fashion's business transformation from a technological point of view. Through this exploration, we analyze how companies digitally interact and transact with the customer (retail), manufacture their goods, or structure their operations. By blending technology, business, and creativity, we analyze the digital tools that are reshaping the customer experience online. We will also embark on Stern Solution projects with fashion companies of all sizes and prompts, focusing on digital challenges.

Winter Semester: European Immersion - Over an intensive period in January, you will be given a total experience in the European Luxury sector. You will attend class sessions with experts from the industry and visit luxury retail stores and companies in a European market. You will also complete a project relating to a premiere European brand. While we make sure that each year offers a unique experience tailored to that cohort and overall market conditions, we invite you to still learn more about previous programs.

Spring Semester: Stern Solutions Project -  In addition to your last Stern Solutions project with an industry leader, you will have the chance to fine tune your educational experience through electives that serve your specific interests.

The Student Experience

Hear from recent graduates on our Community Blog.
Timothy has bleached hair and stares directly at the camera. He wears a black shirt against a white background.

DBi Morocco

Anna has blonde wavy hair. She stands in a black shirt smiling at the camera in front of a body of water.

Reflections on our Winter Immersion in Florence