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University Bulletin

Official BS in Business curriculum information is exclusively in the University Bulletin. All other content, including this webpage, is for informational purposes only.

BS in Business Degree Requirements

The Bachelor of Science in Business degree integrates an exceptional business education with a grounding in the liberal arts. By combining courses in business fundamentals with a broad-based liberal arts foundation, future business leaders are given the skills, expertise, and intellectual sophistication needed to advance in today's dynamic business environment.

Understand Your Core Requirements

Below is an overview of our core requirements. You can find detailed information such as course descriptions, prerequisites, and more via NYU Albert’s Public Course Search. You can also use a BS in Business curriculum worksheet based on your class year to navigate these requirements visually. 


Quickly access the requirements of each area of your degree:

Liberal Arts Core

Our Liberal Arts Core allows you to think and write critically in a variety of areas and contexts. This core consists of:

  • Calculus I (MATH-UA 121) or higher (approved advanced standing credit may be applied)
  • Commerce and Culture (MULT-UB 100) (advanced standing credit may not be applied)
  • Text & Ideas (CORE-UA 400-499) (advanced standing credit may not be applied)
  • Cultures & Contexts (CORE-UA 500-599) OR Global Cultures (Liberal Studies; XXGC-UF) (advanced standing credit may not be applied)
  • Natural Science (approved advanced standing credit may be applied):
    • CORE 200-399
    • Any Biology (BIOL-UA)
    • Any Chemistry (CHEM-UA)
    • Any Physics (PHYS-UA); please note that Introductory Experimental Physics I (PHYS-UA 71) & Introductory Experimental Physics II (PHYS-UA 72) must both be taken to receive full credit toward the natural science requirement
    • Select ENVST-UA courses:
      • ENVST-UA 100, 210, 226/9226, 254, 275/9275, 323, 346, 360 (Not approved: ENVST-UA 101 or ENVST-UA 4XX/5XX) all other ENVST can be reviewed on a case-by-case basis
    • Select ANTH-UA courses:
      • ANTH-UA 2, 50-59, 80, 90, 240, 326, 511, 512 
    • Select PSYCH-UA courses:
      • PSYCH-UA 25, 34, 35
    • SCIED-UE 2XX ("Science in Our Lives") courses (must be 3 credits or more). After Fall 2023, no other SCIED-UE courses are eligible

Social Impact Core

Our Social Impact Core is a four-course sequence focusing on issues of personal and professional ethics; corporate social responsibility; the role of law in business and commerce; and the interconnections between corporations, markets, culture and governments, and our global society. This core consists of:

  • Business and Society (SOIM-UB 125)
    • If you transferred into Stern following your first year, you take Business and Society Intensive (SOIM-UB 3)
  • Organizational Communication & Its Social Context (SOIM-UB 65)
  • Law, Business & Society (SOIM-UB 6)
  • Professional Responsibility and Leadership (SOIM-UB 12)|

Business Tools Core

Our Business Tools Core functions as a foundation for your subsequent courses here. This core consists of:

  • Cohort Leadership Program (MULT-UB 9)
  • Microeconomics (select one):
    • Microeconomics with Algebra (ECON-UB 1): this course includes multiple algebra and graphical problems and greater emphasis is placed on economic intuitions. Assessment is more qualitative and essay-based. 
    • Microeconomics with Calculus (ECON-UB 2): this course is more quantitatively based both on the topics covered and in the assessment. 
  • Statistics for Business Control & Regression/Forecasting Models (STAT-UB 103) or Passing the Statistics Proficiency Exam + Regression & Forecasting Models (STAT-UB 3)
  • Principles of Financial Accounting (ACCT-UB 1)

Functional Business Core

You must select four of the following six courses; however, you are encouraged to take all six to gain a more solid foundation in business fundamentals, which can help you make better-informed decisions about which Stern concentration(s) to pursue. This core consists of:
  • Managerial Accounting (ACCT-UB 4)
  • Foundations of Finance (FINC-UB 2)
  • Info-Tech in Business & Society (TECH-UB 1)
  • Management and Organizations (MGMT-UB 1)
  • Introduction to Marketing (MKTG-UB 1)
  • Operations Management (OPMG-UB 1) 

Global Business Core

Given the undeniably global scope of business in the 21st century, these courses are designed to broaden your view of the world from a business perspective. This core consists of:

*Recommended for Classes of 2024-2026

Senior Capstone

The NYC Consulting Capstone (MULT-UB 303) leverages Stern’s NYC network to provide students an opportunity to synthesize, integrate, and apply what they learned during their undergraduate career via a hands-on experiential learning class. They will collaborate with a client organization to develop an academically-guided but practically-focused analysis and proposed solution to a real-world client challenge. Students will revisit and integrate critical topics, including strategy and problem-solving, analysis and research methods, presentation skills, and issues specific to their chosen course section.
  • 3 credits
  • Prerequisite: Organizational Communication & Its Social Context (SOIM-UB 65) and senior standing
  • Corequisite: Economics of Global Business (ECON-UB 11)

Business Concentrations

The NYU Stern Undergraduate College offers 13 concentrations:


Important To Know...

  • You are required to declare at least one concentration (but no more than two) by the end of your junior year to graduate as a BS in Business degree student
  • A concentration requires at least 12 credits of designated advanced coursework
  • For course descriptions, prerequisites, and course scheduling options for each concentration area, please see the Albert. or the Stern Bulletin.  

* Entrepreneurship can only be taken as a co-concentration. Please select a primary concentration to supplement this concentration.


  • You are required to take at least 16 credits of Liberal Arts and Science Coursework. Stern does not accept credit from the School of Professional Studies (SPS).
  • You may also pursue a secondary major outside of Stern through the College of Arts and Sciences after consulting with a Stern academic adviser.
  • Any remaining elective credit can be taken at Stern (a secondary concentration, interesting electives, etc.) or can also be used to take coursework at other NYU schools.
  • Refer to our electives page for more information.