Pre-Approved Courses at Other NYU Divisions

The tabs below contain a list of Pre-Approved courses.

Pre-Approved courses at the NYU School of Law

NYU School of Law

Italicized Courses are Preferential Courses. The Law School has reserved a limited number of seats in these courses for Stern students during the semester indicated. The courses are pre-approved for any semester, but seats are not reserved for Stern students in semesters other than the one indicated. 

Course NumberCourse Name
LAW-LW.10006Climate Change Policy Seminar
**LAW-LW.10042**Law and Business of Corporate Governance
LAW-LW.10322Survey of Security Regulation
LAW-LW.10327Mergers & Acquisitions
LAW-LW.10342Rule of Law
LAW-LW.10387Ethical and Legal Challenges of the Modern Corporation****
LAW-LW.10409Corporate Tax I & II
LAW-LW.10483Securities Regulations: Offerings, Registration, Exemptions & Disclosure
LAW-LW.10499Taxation of Financial Instruments
LAW-LW.10579Land Use Regulation
LAW-LW.10651Land Use, Housing, and Community Development in New York City Seminar
LAW-LW.10709Law and Policy of Foreign Investment Seminar
LAW-LW.10787Tax Policy and Public Finance Colloquium 
LAW-LW.10797Health Law
LAW-LW.10853Economic Analysis of Law
LAW-LW.10976Tax Treaties
LAW-LW.11019Information Privacy Law
LAW-LW.11144Business Crime
LAW-LW.11158Negotiating Corporate Transactions
LAW-LW.11216Corporate Bonds and Credit Agreements 
LAW-LW.11276Law of Nonprofit Organizations (Fall 2024)
LAW-LW.11352International Tax I & II
LAW-LW.11424Financial Instruments and the Capital Markets
LAW-LW.11426International Trade Law 
LAW-LW.11456Entertainment Law Seminar
LAW-LW.11460Bankruptcy (Fall 2024)
LAW-LW.11461Corporate Finance (Spring 2025)
LAW-LW.11521Internet Contracts
LAW-LW.11550Regulation of Banks and Financial Institutions
LAW-LW.11552Copyright Law
LAW-LW.11625Taxation of Business Conduits
LAW-LW.11652Venture Capital
LAW-LW.11728Taxation of Mergers & Acquisitions
LAW-LW.11776Partnership Taxation
LAW-LW.11865International Tax III
LAW-LW.11871Taxation of Property Transactions
LAW-LW.11918Torts II: Defamation, Privacy, and Business Torts 
LAW-LW.11980International Economic Law
LAW-LW.11989Law, Economics, and Journalism Seminar 
LAW-LW.12027Tax Policy Seminar
LAW-LW.12059Cross Border Mergers & Acquisitions
LAW-LW.12076Cross-Border Insolvency Law and Related Issues (Spring 2025)
LAW-LW.12131Fashion Law and Business
LAW-LW.12182International Investment Law and Arbitration 
LAW-LW.12185A Study of "Mega" Bankruptcy Cases: Impact on the Economy and Related Industries Seminar (Spring 2025)
LAW-LW.12242Comparative Contract Law
LAW-LW.12250Judicial Decision Making
LAW-LW.12266The Law of the Startup Seminar
LAW-LW.12272Compliance and Risk Management for Attorneys
LAW-LW.12326U.S. Energy Deals Seminar
LAW-LW.12382Law and Business of Municipal Governance
LAW-LW.12332Oil and Gas Tax
LAW-LW.12350International Business Transactions 
LAW-LW.12528International Trade and Investment Law and Policy Seminar: The Challenge of Changing Energy Markets
LAW-LW.12553Mergers & Acquisitions Simulation: Anatomy of a Merger***
LAW-LW.12643Sovereign Finance, Capital Markets and Global Regulatory Challenges Seminar (Fall 2024)
LAW-LW.12662Law and Policy of Big Data, AI and Machine Learning
LAW LW.12873.001USALI Seminar: Chinese Law and Its Transnational Impact on the Global Economy 

* These courses are offered at different credit values at the Law School.  The amount of credits that transfers to Stern depend on the number of contact hours of the given section.  Please contact the office of Academic Affairs and Advising with specific questions.

** Please note: This is the Corporate Governance Seminar.  The course titled "Corporate Governance: Law & Business" at Stern, MGMT-GB.3318, is also listed under the LAW-LW.10042, but that is not the same as the Seminar course.  Please pay careful attention to the Law School section numbers to distinguish between the two.

*** Please note: This course requires FINC-GB.2302 Corporate Finance as a pre-requisite.

****Please note that this course is not offered in Spring 2024, Fall 2024 or Spring 2025.



Pre-Approved courses at Wagner School of Public Service

Wagner School of Public Service


Course NumberCourse Name
CORE-GP.1020Management and Leadership
HPAM-GP.1830Introduction to Health Policy & Management
HPAM-GP.1833Health Services Management*
HPAM-GP.2244Global Health Governance & Management
HPAM-GP.2825Continuous Quality Improvement
HPAM-GP.2836Topics in Health Policy: Policy, Politics, and Power
HPAM-GP.2839Leading Change in Healthcare Organizations: Practical Strategies
HPAM-GP.2845Advanced Health Care Payment Systems
HPAM-GB.2846The Realities of Managing Complex Health Systems
HPAM-GP.2852Comparative Health Systems
HPAM-GP.4830Health Economics: Principles
HPAM-GP.4831Health Economics: Topics in Domestic Health Policy
HPAM-GP.2839Leading Change in Healthcare Organizations: Practical Strategies
HPAM-GP.4840Financial Management of Health Care Orgs: Principles
HPAM-GP.4841Financial Management of Health Care Orgs: Advanced Issues
PADM-GP.2112Gender in the Workplace
PADM-GP.2140Public Economics
PADM-GP.2142Financial Management II
PADM-GP.2144Debt Financing and Management for Public Organizations
PADM.GP.2149Cost-Benefit Analysis
PADM-GP.2171Evaluating Programs and Policies
PADM-GP.2174The Intersection of Operations and Policy
PADM-GP.2186Leadership and Social Transformation: Sparking Social Change
PADM-GP.2201Institutions, Governance, and International Development
PADM-GP.2202Politics of International Development
PADM-GP.2203Economics of International Development
PADM-GP.2245Financing Local Government in Developing Countries
PADM-GP.2249Scaling Social Enterprise-Experiential Field Course
PADM-GP.2311Social Impact Investment
PADM-GP.2312Managing Financial and Social Returns of the Social Enterprise
PADM-GP.2411Policy Formation and Public Analysis
PADM-GP.2472Climate Economics
PADM-GP.4110Project Management
PADM-GP.4131Fundamentals of Fundraising
PADM-GP.4155Disability, Policy, and Leadership-Building an Acccessible World
PADM-GP.4313The Intersection of Finance and Social Justice
PADM-GP.4314 Environmental Finance and Social Impact
PADM-GP.4320Environmental, Social, Governance Investing
URPL-GP.1603Urban Planning: Methods and Practice
URPL-GP.1605Land Use Law
URPL-GP.2415Public Policy and Planning in New York
URPL-GP.2608Urban Economics
URPL-GP.2620Race, Ethnicity, Class, and Gender in American Cities
URPL-GP.2639Real Estate Finance
URPL-GP.2652Urban Infrastructure Project Planning
URPL-GP.2665Decentralized Development Planning and Policy Reform in Developing Countries

*Please note that this course has a pre-requisite of CORE-GP.1020 Management and Leadership and a co-requisite of HPAM-GP.1830 Introduction to Health Policy and Management. Alternatively, if you have completed the Stern Core Course COR1-GB.1302 Leadership in Organizations, you have satisfied the pre- and co-requisites for this course. Other courses at Wagner may require pre- or co-requisites. It is up to the student to confirm that they have satisfied the necessary pre-or co-requisites to register for any given course.

Pre-Approved courses at the Graduate School of Arts and Science

Department of Economics and Statistics


Course NumberCourse Name
ECON-GA.1001Math for Economists
ECON-GA.1101Applied Statistics and Econometrics I
ECON-GA.1102Applied Statistics and Econometrics II
ECON-GA.1603Economic Development I
ECON-GA.3101Seminar in Econometrics

Department of Political Science

Course NumberCourse Name
POL-GA.2774The Political Economy of the Pacific Basin
Pre-Approved courses at Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences


Course Number  Course Name
MATH-GA.2041Computing in Finance 
MATH-GA.2043Scientific Computing 
MATH-GA.2045Computational Methods in Finance
MATH-GA.2707Time Series Analysis & Statistical Arbitrage
MATH-GA.2751Risk and Portfolio Management with Econometrics
MATH-GA.2753Advanced Risk Management
MATH-GA.2791Financial Securities and Markets
MATH-GA.2792Continuous Time Finance
MATH-GA.2902Stochastic Calculus
Pre-Approved courses at Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development 


Course NumberCourse Name
MPAMB-GE.2101Principles and Practice of the Music Industry
MPAMB-GE.2103Environment of the Music Industry
MPAMB-GE.2201Artists and Repertoire Seminar in Music Business
MPAMB-GE.2202Promotion/Publicity in the Music Industry
MPAMB-GE.2206Strategic Marketing in the Music Industry
ARVA-GE.2076Visual Arts Markets
Pre-Approved Courses at Tisch School of the Arts

Tisch School of the Arts 

Graduate Film and Television


Course NumberCourse Name
GFMTV-GT.2283Feature Film Packaging Workshop


Pre-Approved courses at the Vilcek Institute, NYU School of Medicine

Vilcek Institute, NYU School of Medicine


Course NumberCourse Name
BMSC-GA.4419Drug Development in a New Era
BMSC-GA.4525Introduction to Biomedical Entrepreneurship: Foundations of Biomedical Startups
Pre-Approved courses at the School of Professional Studies (SPS)

School of Professional Studies

Schack Institute for Real Estate


Course Number  Course Name
REAL1-GC.1005Real Estate Accounting and Taxation
REAL1-GC.1035Real Estate Finance
REAL1-GC.1045Real Estate Economics & Market Analysis
REAL1-GC.1050 / DEVE1-GC.1050Legal Principles and Practices
REAL1-GC.1055 / DEVE1-GC.1055Real Estate Valuation and Feasibility Analysis
REAL1-GC.1060The Development Process
REAL1-GC 1065Hotel Development and Investment
REAL1-GC.1095Real Estate Capital Markets
REAL1-GC.2300Real Estate Finance & Investment Analysis
REAL1-GC.2315Risk & Portfolio Management
REAL1-GC.2400Planning & Design Issues in Development
REAL1-GC.2410 / DEVE1-GC.1010Land Use & Environmental Regulation
REAL1-GC.2610Strategic Real Estate Asset Management
REAL1-GC.2635Commercial Lease Analysis
REAL1-GC 2720PropTech and the Digital Evolution of Real Estate
REAL1-GC 3025Real Estate Private Equity
REAL1-GC.3055Analyzing REIT Securities
REAL1-GC 3120Developing Multifamily Real Estate
REAL1-GC.3145Acquisition Procedures and Analysis using Argus Software*
REAL1-GC.3175Real Estate Investing in a Distressed Environment
REAL1-GC.3180Global Real Estate Markets and Investments
REAL1-GC.3405Advanced Real Estate Development and Investment Practices
REAL1-GC 3410Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Real Estate & Development
DEVE1-GC.1020Planning and Design Issues in Development
DEVE1-GC.1025Construction Methods and Technology
DEVE1-GC.2005Public-Private Development
DEVE1-GC.2100Construction Cost Estimating
DEVE1-GC.2105Green Building and Sustainable Development
DEVE1-GC.2200Comparative International Real Estate Development
DEVE1-GC.3015 / REAL1-GC.3015Affordable Housing Finance and Development

Preston Robert Tisch Center for Hospitality, Tourism, and Sports Management


Course NumberCourse Name
TCHS1-GC.1320Legal Issues in Hospitality
TCHS1-GC.3400Hotel Investment Analysis**
TCSB1-GC.2025College Sports Operations
TCSB1-GC.2045Sports Broadcasting
TCSB1-GC.2060Digital Media

*Please note that students are required to have completed Real Estate Finance & Investment Analysis at SPS prior to registering for Acquisition Procedures and Analysis using Argus Software. Other courses at the Schack Institute may require pre-requisites or proficiency exams. It is up to the student to confirm that they have satisfied the necessary pre-requisites to register for any given course.

**Please note that beginning in Spring 2015, Students are required to have completed the Hotel Finance course or pass a proficiency exam at SPS prior to registering for Hotel Investment Analysis. Other courses at the Tisch Center for Hospitality and Tourism may require pre-requisites or proficiency exams. It is up to the student to confirm that they have satisfied the necessary pre-requisites to register for any given course.

Pre-Approved courses at the School of Global Public Health

School of Global Public Health


Course Number  Course Name
GPH-GU.2112 / GPH-GU.5112Public Health Management and Leadership
GPH-GU.5110Health Care Policy
Pre-Approved courses at Tandon School of Engineering

Tandon School of Engineering


Course Number  Course Name
DM-GY.9103Special Topics in Digital Media