Business and Policy Leader Events
NYU Stern's "In Conversation with Lord Mervyn King" Series Presents Paul Krugman

On September 25, NYU Stern's "In Conversation with Lord Mervyn King" series hosted Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman, op-ed columnist at The New York Times and distinguished professor of economics at The Graduate Center, CUNY.
Krugman and Lord King engaged in a wide-ranging discussion, touching on everything from the current state of the US economy, the 2016 presidential election, international trade and the day Krugman won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.
Watch the full discussion and see a selection of social media posts below:
The video can also be accessed here.
“The European project was in deep trouble years before Brexit.” -@PaulKrugman #KrugmanAtStern
— NYU Stern (@NYUStern) September 25, 2018
“The system is only as good as the willingness of the branches of government to enforce it.” - @PaulKrugman on the current US economy #KrugmanAtStern
— NYU Stern (@NYUStern) September 25, 2018
#NYUStern's "In Conversation with Mervyn King" Series presents @PaulKrugman has started! #KrugmanAtStern
— NYU Stern (@NYUStern) September 25, 2018
This should be really interesting #KrugmanAtStern #NYUStern @NYUStern
— Roland Wyn Jones (@JonesRoly) September 25, 2018