Global Study

MBA Students Take “Doing Business in… Spain” Course

In January, a group of MBA students traveled to Barcelona for the “Doing Business in (DBi) Spain” course. Students attended lectures at IESE Business School in subject areas such as marketing, human resources and finance as they are practiced in Spain and the European Union. They attended corporate visits at the HP Printing Design Center and Institute for Photonic Sciences as well as participated in guided tours of the Gothic Quarter and Museu Picasso.

“The DBi program provides international business perspective unlike any other class at NYU Stern,” said MBA student Jonathan Figueroa. “The DBi program makes us all step out of our comfort zones and understand business opportunities and challenges abroad. The valuable component of DBi Spain, in particular, is the ability to learn about the detrimental effects that the global economic crisis has had outside the US. The challenge now for Spain is figuring out how to create new markets and industries that will lead to economic growth.”