82nd Meeting Carnegie-Rochester-NYU Conference on Public Policy
"A Century of Money, Banking, and Financial Instability"
Conference Papers:
- "On the Social Usefulness of Fractional Reserve Banking"
V.V. Chari and Christopher Phelan
Discussant: Ed Nosal - "Regulatory Capture in Banking and Consequences for Financial Market Regulation: A First Look at the Evidence"
David Lucca, Amit Seru, and Francesco Trebbi
Discussant: Ed Kane - "Testing Macro-prudential Stress Tests: The Risk of Regulatory Risk Weights"
Viral Acharya, Robert Engle, and Diane Pierret
Discussant: Deborah Lucas - "Predatory Trading and Credit Freeze"
Jennifer La'O
Discussant: Richard Lowery - Liquidity Provision, Interest Rates, and Unemployment"
Guillaume Rocheteau and Antonio Rodreguez-Lopez
Discussant: Nicolas Petrosky-Nadeau - "Can Moral Hazard Be Avoided? The Banque de France and the Crisis of 1889"
Pierre Cyrille Hautcoeur, Angelo Riva, and Eugene N. White
Discussant: Stefano Ugolini